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Everything posted by nifer

  1. i'm in sarasota this week for business, but a bunch of us are going to drive down to miami on saturday night. what's going on then? we're mainly looking for house (*not* progressive ). i know spiclub is having something, but there must be other stuff goin on thank ya
  2. paying craploads of money for trendy boots like that is ridiculous. i'd rather pay top dollar for shoes i'd wear more than one season, than for a pair i'd only wear for a few months.
  3. i guess something is better than nothing... i was just on thier website though, and it says they're now 18+. call me a snob or whatever, but i can't see myself partying w/ 18 year olds have either of you been to HPC on a weekend? thanks
  4. thank ya i'll be away on business for the next week or so, so my next show won't be until 24 April. watch out for surprise special guests though
  5. from 90F weather in south beach to this... dreary coldness at least i'll be in tampa all next week for a conference!
  6. thanks for listening
  7. i've already graduated from drexel. it's pretty cool how they let alumni still have radio shows. drexel itself was... it was *ok*. not the best school for my major (biology/psychology) but having co-op was a great experience. drexel's a 5 yr school (for most majors) since youre either in school or working fulltime in a job in your field. having no summer vacations though because of it, sucked
  8. i'll be on this thursday, 9pm - 12midnite
  9. stayed home from work today, trying to recover from wmc anyone else lose their voice down there?
  10. jeans in vegas during july? you'll literally sweat your ass off
  11. trashy trashy trashy, i agree w/ you guys to be sexy, you gotta show some class, and wearing your jeans half-opened is far from classy
  12. while i was in south beach last week, i usually wore my shorts and tank top over my bikini to go to the pool. going to the beach though, i wore a short skirt or one of those sarongs (which is what most of the gals wore down there)
  13. out of the past 4/5 wmc's ive been to, i had the most fun at this year's by far.
  14. i have a thursday nite radio show on wkdu, 91.7fm philly where i play house. you should check our schedule out: www.wkdu.org
  15. i'll be in this area in two weeks on business. does anyone know of any decent clubs down there? i'm not really into the ybor city type thing. the only place ive found is hyde park cafe tuesdays w/ jask. help help!
  16. well i guess i'm getting a late start leaving PHL 2morrow at 10AM
  17. the crowd on saturday is very laid back. all types of people from all walks of life. as for a more mature crowd going, *shrug* i suposse, if you mean there arent a bunch of 21year olds runnning around
  18. you can find a link to the mp3 on here: http://www.phillyimc.org/article.pl?sid=03/03/12/2048250
  19. nifer

    about virginity...

    took the words right outta my mouth
  20. i've been and its a great time. a diverse group of people there totally getting into the music. good vibe, good atmosphere, good music
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