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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr we do, you just don't know it yet! get a clue!!
  2. I wouldn't go to Twilo.. The music is good but there is nowhere to sit down unless you wanna sit on the stairs or go to the VIP room..
  3. Hahahahaha.. Lazarus in a K-hole? LMAO PS: why does EVERY post turn into ppl fighting?????????????????????? would everyone just freakin relax and try not to offend other ppl??
  4. C HOBbIM rOgOM BAC TO}|{E !!!! Wish ya all the best *hugz & kissez* hun..
  5. LMAO! I love your sense of humor And I totally agree on your point too.. And yeah, WOMEN RULE!
  6. Awww! Now we can RULE clubplanet together!!! LOL Just kidding ppl, I know it's just a counter
  7. It's her own business if she wants to strip. No need for name calling... I hate it when ppl start posting shit like this..
  8. That's really strange.. It shouldn't be like that. I still have mine from months ago!
  9. At first, as any other teenager, I'd piss my parents off by staying out late and disappearing. They were worried, never let me go anywhere and we'd always fight over this. A little while later I realized that the only reason why they were getting mad is that they were worried that something would happen to me. So I had a little talk with them and we came up with a solution. As long as they knew WHO I was with, and what time to expect me back, there wouldn't be a problem. So I would always tell my parents "i'm going with this person, or these ppl", call them once in a while (especially if i was running late). Another solution is getting a cell phone so if they are worried, they can always get in touch with you. That seemed to work really well and completely changed my relationship with them. If you can communicate with them as an adult, be responsible, they'll trust you more. You just gotta realize that they are not doing this because they are control freaks, it's only because they love you and are afraid that something will happen to you. So instead of screaming and yelling, just tell them where you are going, that you are going with friends that you trust (and preferably your parents know and like ) and that you will be home at a certain time. Maybe call them during the night just to say that you are ok. A lot of my friends would ask me why I would call home in the middle of a party and my only explanation would be that it's really not that difficult to make a 2 minute phone call. It will save your parents a lot of grief and trust me, it'll improve your relationship too. Communication is key to every relationship, especially parents <-> kids.
  10. I don't think so. I still have all of mine from months ago.
  11. Sad but true.. A lot of guys don't give a shit WHO they sleep with. As long as they get some. There are girls like that too of course..
  12. Suggestions? Do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. There is NO other time in life where you'll be able to do NOTHING for days!!!!! Oh I miss college...
  13. January is a killer in my family. All the birthdays, plus New Years.. Usually means a lot of food and cakes Yummmm.. Fuck gyms, fuck diets.. Who gives a shit when there's cake on the table LOL?
  14. Uhmm HELLOOOOO!!! What's wrong with you ppl? 53/47 is NOT 1:3 ratio. Daaaaaaamn.. You don't need a phd in math to figure that out.
  15. Heeeey girlie!!! You in Italy yet??? I have no idea how much the tix were, a friend of mine bought one for me $65.. No clue what they were charging at the door.. HAPPY NEW YEAR
  16. I was gonna say the same thing. They announce the phone numbers on TV every 10 minutes or you can call 411 and ask them. It's way too cold to have no heat..
  17. Wake up? BUT WHY? I need more sleep... I slept on the train today, musta looked really gross but who cares.. I couldn't keep my eyes open... Need another cup of coffee..
  18. I REFUSE to settle for 0.9739484 of a man!!!
  19. I only got there at 9 or so, so I missed most of it. I asked ppl how it was earlier and I don't remember what they said at all LOL.. AND I WAS 100% sober (except for a little glass of champagne at midnight).. When we got there, the music was GREAT. I heard one of the BEST hard sets he has ever done and it was just amazing. It was extra dark, extra loud and extra awesome that night Loved it. Then he went into vocals and did an AMAZING vocal set. Played Silence, I Believe in Love, Secrets of the Sea, My Love is Your Love acapella.. WOW.. I had a great time but everyone was disappointed that he ended the night so early (2:30!!! earlier than most saturdays).. People were standing on the dancefloor for 1/2 hour after the music stopped and waiting and screaming and clapping.. Then he played one more track and that's it Actually saw a guy ask him on the street why he ended so early and JP said he was tired from doing 2 nights in a row (16+ hour sets each!!!) Can totally understand how exhausted he must have been. But it was a GREAT night.. Too bad I missed most of it LOL.. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone
  20. I have no idea how it's possible NOT to like vocals. There are a lot of cheezy ones, yes but there are SO many AWESOME ones too!!! I absolutely LOVE good vocals and love seeing everyone around me sing along and dance their asses off to them
  21. I'm bringing a present so I guess it's up to us when we wanna give presents..
  22. Hey Lucie.. Sorry I've been busy Haven't read the board, haven't been on IM, haven't read my e-mail in days.. Oh boy How are you feeling? Call me some time today, I have this week off so I'm just bumming today. Btw, your pic looks niiiiice Talk to you laterzzzzz *hugz*
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