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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. You're talking about YELLOW CK's.. The pink ones are regular pills and they are soooo good
  2. I think drunk ppl are just incapable of hiding anything or making an effort to conceal something.. It's definitely that wall that we put around us to contain everythign we don't wanna share, but alcohol changes it all and it's gets all out in the open.
  3. From my past experiences, it seems like drunk ppl always tell the truth! I've seen that many times. When you're drunk, you can't think of pretending or hiding something.. Your brain can't do that so you end up revealing it all.. I found it to be one of the surest ways of getting the truth out of some ppl LOL
  4. Oh shit... I think DMV gives you a temporary card (no picture) for a while until they send you the real license.. That def takes longer than 3 days
  5. Weren't ppl gonna go to Rockefeller??? I saw a post about it but never followed up with it.. I have my own skates too so I'd go for sure!
  6. Why does everyone like olives? I really don't like them but maybe I'm doing something wrong..
  7. Daaamn Chris LOL... Someone's picky... I just get my LIT's
  8. 2 nights stand out: - PVD in September.. I dunno why but I had the most amazing time.. - SF last Saturday.. Maybe because it just happened but I don't think I ever had so much fun there! Hope 2001 will have even MORE amazing nights
  9. Oh shit... Don't let any of your gf's hear you use this analogy LOL.. Not exactly flattering
  10. Usually the long term since it takes a while to learn your partner's "soft spots" and what they like/dislike.. But it's not unheard of when ppl have incredible one-night stands
  11. Grrrr is my line btw Oh and Calc is easy.. Good luck with the finals!
  12. OMG.. LikmyLipz ... That one is even worse... Sowwwwwwy... [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 12-19-2000).]
  13. Noo.. He's not doing that because he wants to sleep with girls. He does that purely to look like he has a girl with him at the club! But all of you guys are right, it's stupid... And no he's not from Iowa LOL
  14. Nope, not me I like mine! Btw, where do you work??
  15. LOL.. I think I replied to it a while back, just forgot the dates You still didn't tell me what happened at Twilo!
  16. This day is dragging... I want Friday already!
  17. Oh god what's the deal with all these anal ppl? So it's Denny, ok.. Big deal..
  18. Hmm.. If that post was directed at me, let me clarify something. I have NEVER heard Danny Tsettos spin ANYWHERE. And I've never said that he sucks. That's why I'm asking for ppl's opinions. Thanks everyone for responding
  19. My personal faves are Zorros and Chinese Stars. Both are very strong and not speedy at all. They are sort of hard to find I tried PINK CK's once and they were very good also.
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