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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. LOL I didn't have any doubts about that HAHAHAHAAH
  2. Haha, it happened a few times with me But I'm pretty easy to wake up, if you know what I mean
  3. LOL.. I don't mind it on me, can't say that I LOVE it though. Funny thing - CUM always ends up in my belly button. No matter what position I'm in. It's a mystery...
  4. These are hillarious
  5. OMG you're crazy He didn't ask for advice on how to give this girl a heart attack
  6. Well.. You gotta take things slow. Obviously things are going too fast if you are so confused and keep changing your mind about it. And if you have ANY doubt whatsoever that you want to be WITH this guy, do NOT tell him that you DO wanna be with him. That's just a really HORRIBLE thing to do.. And it hurts. Nobody deserves that emotional rollercoaster when a person keeps changing their mind all the time! Just go with the flow and see what happens. No need to rush into a serious "relationship". Being in this state of uncertainty and just messing around while figuring out what your feelings are is totally ok IMO. As long as there are no promises or serious statements made. I just hope you don't hurt this guy - that doesn't mean that you HAVE to be with him, just explain how you feel and don't constantly change your mind on him (at least don't tell him if you do).. With some time you will be able to figure out whether you want him as a bf or a friend..
  7. Like everyone already said, there is NOTHING worse than cheating. You will feel like SHIT if you do, especially since you say that you love this girl.. You're probably afraid to tell her that you want something freakier in bed coz she'll think that you're sick or something. Is she really closed minded about these things or are you just scared to even approach the subject? If the ONLY problem in this relationship is sex, talk to her or slowly make it more and more "fun". Every other time do something new and see how she reacts. She might get freaked out, then ask her why she doesn't like it. Some ppl are just not very open to new things no matter what they are. But MAYBE, just MAYBE she thinks the same thing and WANTS you to get dirtier with her. You never know. It's always those quiet ones that are the true freaks Bring it out in her, she'll love it! Let her discover new things that she'd never even thought of. Part of why sex is so much fun is because you get to discover new things all the time about you, your body and your partner..
  8. mysteriousss


    A nice long wet kiss to start with.. Then a slow full body tongue-massage
  9. I hear what you're saying.. I guess it depends on the girl.. Obviously I can only judge by my own experiences or what my bfs/male friends tell me..
  10. Well, Sin said it above.. Add to that, usually some moaning (of course with exceptions), some trembling (of course with exceptions), heavy breathing.. Personally, I don't think it's possible for a guy NOT to know when I have an orgasm. I'm relatively loud, my whole body tenses up like crazy, my low back is arched too and after an orgasm I get EXTRA sensitive everywhere. If a guy touches my stomach after an orgasm I go nuts.. As well as every other spot. I need like a minute to regain my composure and then I can actually say or do something Is that a good enough description Lola?
  11. -oops, double post [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 11-01-2000).]
  12. Well, it's noon already.. I'd trade an hour of lunch for an hour of sex..
  13. Hmm.. You can definitely tell if a girl has an orgasm.. If she's not that experienced yet, that's even better for you. More things to show her and more things for her to discover Just keep on doing something new and ask her whether she likes it this way or that way. Or she can just tell you what she wants to try..
  14. I don't think any guy would be thrilled with that idea..
  15. Nah, chego im obmanivat???
  16. Ok you're freaking me out... First you quote the whole South Park song.. I watched SP AGAIN last week.. Now you're quoting American Pie which I saw last night... STOP IT You're scaring me LOL
  17. I just call them "hunny", "sweetie", or "baby"
  18. LOL, now I'll be paranoid as hell when my bf uses one of these.. Thanx Mikey for the peace of mind
  19. Whaaaa.. That's crazy.
  20. It totally blows when a guy gets done too fast!
  21. Oh shit! I didn't even notice the signature.. DUH!!!
  22. Hahahaha Did your neighbors come over with a bottle of vodka and ask you for a little sexual favor too?
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