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Everything posted by vampienyc10

  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOHH THAT'S PURRRRTY!!!! ------------------ ------------------------@ vampienyc10 vampie@aol.com "One is not born a woman, one becomes one." - Simone de Beauvoir
  2. I am glad you brought this up.....I was watching a segment a couple of months ago about some homeless man who opens doors for people for a living.. No, the building owner does not pay him, people tip him for opening the door.. The most disturbing part of this whole story was when they asked the guy how much money he made in a year, on average... My man was making $30,000 a year, now that may not be a lot, but I am talking about $30,000-tax-free $'s a year.. That is appalling... Speaking of which, yesterday a.m. I bought two packages of those Entenmann's Little Bites (Donut Holes-Glazed, as if you care), they were 2 for a dollar, one would have been 85 cents. I don't usually eat these but I was craving something sweet.. So anyway, As I am walking to work on 5th ave. from the subway to the office, I see the same homeless man I see every morning chilling by the church. So I said to myself, "Self, since I only intend on eating one of the packages why not give this man the other.. " Well when I walked over to give them to him, he was like offended, kep tsaying no even after I explained to him that I ..I see this guy eating from the trash every f**king morning, and here I am giving him packaged food and this jackass doesn't want it.. acting like I am going to poison his stupid ass or something.. Never again ...Also one time I gave a guy a dollar and he yells back , "this isn't enough for a cheeseburger!" I GIVE UP !!!!!!!!! ------------------ ------------------------@ vampienyc10 vampie@aol.com "One is not born a woman, one becomes one." - Simone de Beauvoir
  3. I still haven't met you guys but can say that I have a lot of love for you guys.. You guys give me something to look forward to.. ------------------ ------------------------@ vampienyc10 vampie@aol.com "One is not born a woman, one becomes one." - Simone de Beauvoir
  4. I 've had it also. It tastes like a liquid form of a SweetTart..It is fizzy as well.. I used to drink it to stay up.. ------------------ ------------------------@ vampienyc10 vampie@aol.com "One is not born a woman, one becomes one." - Simone de Beauvoir
  5. I am....can I e-mail you the info...It would be a lot easier... ------------------ vampienyc10
  6. mine were stamped..... ------------------ vampienyc10
  7. Mine were stamped... ------------------ vampienyc10
  8. That's my girl. Misskittie you are the shit!!!! ------------------ vampienyc10
  9. misskittie, blueangel, Take Hydroxycut...It is just as good as Xenadrine.. if not better, I have tried it all, I used to work out vigorously trust me, if you want to see results fast, this stuff is your answer. I know this is bad but I take 3 before going out at night.. WOW.....NRG RUSH..... I can give you more information on either.. ------------------ vampienyc10
  10. So did I!!! ------------------ vampienyc10
  11. Is there a list at TWIRL... Please PM me with info ... Thanks! ------------------ vampienyc10
  12. You guys are sooooo cute, Thanks!!! Couldn't have done it without you guys, for posting great topics.... ------------------ vampienyc10
  13. That is how I am........ ------------------ vampienyc10
  14. You are right...... Why didn't I think of that??? ------------------ vampienyc10
  15. The Hamptons was horrible.. The ASSHOLES of all ASSHOLES were out.. Neptune's was so packed that I left there at like 7:30 - 8 p.m. and right back to the city. .....SF was good, but I was rolling big time so that was probably it. How about you?? What school do you go to? i live in LI now...Whereabouts are you from>>>>? ------------------ ------------------------@ vampienyc10 vampie@aol.com "One is not born a woman, one becomes one." - Simone de Beauvoir
  16. Job well done!!!! Keep up the good work.... ------------------ ------------------------@ vampienyc10 vampie@aol.com "One is not born a woman, one becomes one." - Simone de Beauvoir
  17. LOL......It is like my AMEX card. Don't leave home without it..!!!! ------------------ ------------------------@ vampienyc10 vampie@aol.com "One is not born a woman, one becomes one." - Simone de Beauvoir
  18. Gosh, I love George Carlin, he really makes sense.. ------------------ vampienyc10
  19. in my bag.....I am not even kidding. ------------------ vampienyc10
  20. Lorraina is nuts.... this is an actual photo of the penis..after it was chopped off. ------------------ vampienyc10
  21. That was great! ------------------ vampienyc10
  22. I think you should make a move...., Don;t be too aggressive though, it scares guys away, it is better to do it now rather than wondering about what if.... ------------------ vampienyc10
  23. ! ! ! ! ! ! W E L C O M E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ------------------ vampienyc10
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