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Everything posted by dbilas

  1. Why'd you leave Cheetah? Just curious because I just started promoting for them. I was going to do a party at Saci, but I didn't like the way the club was designed (outdoor coat check, balcony bars with no room for people), nor the crowd (pretentious models who demand to be let in for free). Why did you decide to go with Saci? Peace, David Christopher HeadRush Music ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  2. Parish forgot to mention that he will spinning in the nude for all the pretty ladies. Also, you gotta be 21. Bring your ID (fake one, if you got it). --David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  3. Okay, I'll turn the ads off. Gosh, this website is so easy to hack... Seriously, though, I wouldn't mind the ads so much, but they don't seem particularly well targeted toward a young clubbing audience. I mean, they're for developer software, right? Are there a lot of programmers on this board? --David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  4. I try to stay away from vocals when I spin, probably because I'm spinning progressive house and trance. Not that I don't like them--I just hear them misused in songs so often. So many good trance songs have been ruined by corny vocals. (And good house songs, as well.) Also, I find that vocals force a meaning upon a song. I like songs without vocals because they give listeners a little more freedom to interpret the meaning of the song, to develop a meaning for themselves. Sometimes, though, the vocals go so perfectly with the track. "Someone" by Ascension is a perfect example. But you're right--it's good to have a human voice break up the electronic symphony every so often. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  5. The entire "Dummy" album by Portishead. Depression has never sounded so beautiful. --David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  6. Deck 1 and Deck 2. Oh shit, now I need a mixer... --David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  7. Hi everyone-- When you have a few minutes, I would appreciate it if you would listen to my new track, "Cinematic," and tell me what you think about it. It has a fun sample that you might recognize from your movie theater experiences. You can find my song at: http://www.mp3.com/headrushmusic You can either post responses here or mail me at david@headrushmusic.com. Thanks for your time and your ears! Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  8. Sorry--that should have been www.tuneinn.com ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  9. Mixer magazine, www.groovetech.com, www.tuneinnrecords.com, www.mp3.com/stations/pooter, XLR8R magazine... Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  10. Yo, Pete, if you're so hardcore, I DARE you to come to my after-work party at Cheetah tomorrow before you go to Vinyl. In fact, I'll put you on the comp list +1! It starts at 6 PM and ends at 10 PM. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  11. I like the smell of it, but my friend blew on my eyes through a Vicks Inhaler while I was rolling, and it burned for half an hour. It was a real buzzkill. Not even E can make pain feel good. Speaking of annoying things that people do to me when I'm on E, I hate when people spray water on me. I'm not talking about a pleasant mist...I'm talking about splashes of water. I'm already sweating my ass off--I don't need to be even more wet. ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  12. By the way, I used to love Expose! ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  13. Yeah, I know someone in the Balance Record Pool and I'm friends with a guy who runs a top-notch dance label. Send me an e-mail at david@headrushmusic.com...I don't want to make these names public. I also manage a shitload of DJs. If you want to shoot me some vinyl, I can flip it to all of my cats. Drop me a line. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  14. I'm an insomniac, too. Well, I became one after I started my promotions company. The stress and anxiety keep my nerves frazzled constantly. However, I went to see a chiropractor a few days ago and I was able to fall asleep again. He said that my neck was really out of whack and it may have been screwing with my nervous system. Sleeping pills don't tend to work for me. When I had Valium, those were the bomb. I could fall asleep off acid trips with those pills. You might want to try having a glass of wine or a beer. Just one or two, so that you can stay in that "Nyquil" zone. Otherwise, you might get a bit too excited. Maybe a hot shower and some hot cocoa. Try lighting scented candles--they might make you drowsy. Whatever you do, don't think about how you can't sleep. That will ensure that you will not fall asleep. The trick is to forget that you're awake--then you're asleep! Good luck, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  15. It's a fantastic book. Recently, when I was home visiting Mom, I grabbed my copy of Little Prince to take back with me to NYC. I've had it since I was a baby. In fact, I think I need to read it again. David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  16. Hot Pink: #FF3399 Hotter Pink: #FF33CC Blazing Pink: #FF6699 ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  17. When I want my X to leave me alone, I flush it down the toilet. David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  18. Yeah, Voicestream sucks. I just dropped them a couple of days ago and switched to Sprint. Sprint has the best plans and the best phones. Get the 1500 minute plan. I think the phone to rock is the PCH3500, but I'm not sure if that's the model number. --David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  19. If you want to save some dough, wait for my Cheetah party on Friday (which will be doper, anyway). I run the after-work party from 6 PM to 10 PM--lots of groovy house and progressive, strictly underground DJs. It's only $5 before 10 PM if you RSVP on my site. If you wait til after 10 PM when GBH starts, you'll be paying $20. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  20. I usually work from 12 PM to 4 AM (that's right--16 hours). Such is the life of an insomniac promoter... --David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  21. I'll be there tonight for Air India. $5. I'll be decked out in my black leather bubble jacket and handing out flyers. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  22. Youth in Revolt by C.D. Payne is an extremely funny book that will appeal to most people on this board. It's written in the style of a journal of a 14-year-old who is going through all of the changes that come with that age--except it's a lot more bizarre and fucked-up than I remember my childhood to be. Atlas Shrugged is also a pretty good book. Not the best in terms of narrative--it's really Ayn Rand's philosophy forced into fictional book form. It can be a little bit heavy-handed, but it's definitely an interesting (very long!) read that nicely illustrates her school of philosophy. If you are an Economics major, this book is required reading, though it will appeal to nearly everyone. For a good graphic novel, there's still no beating Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. Peace, David Christopjer ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  23. If you have a web page editor, you can figure out the HTML code for the colors that you want. Just type in some letters, choose a color, then view the HTML source of the page. The color will be coded like #FF00FF. Enter that code into the appropriate field of your ClubPlanet preferences. Some examples: Fuschia: #FF00FF Aqua: #00FFFF Green: #008000 Blue: #0000FF White: #FFFFFF Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  24. Do you mean live vocals over spinning? If so, send your info to david@headrushmusic.com and I'll ask the DJs on my roster if they're interested. If your voice is good, maybe we can throw you on some tracks that we're producing at HeadRush Studios. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  25. That seems kinda bullshit to me. Sure, kids overdosing is a horrible thing, but I find it hard to believe that these promoters set up their raves with gleeful visions of kids getting fucked up. Promoters don't have time for shit like that--they're too busy trying to not go bankrupt. It's not the promoters who are encouraging drug use--it's one raver introducing drugs to another raver. And I hate the arguments against groups like DanceSafe that claim that such groups encourage drug use by educating kids about the "proper" way to do drugs. It's this pig-headed refusal of the government to release information on drugs that leads to ODs. People are going to do drugs no matter what. Shouldn't they be able to test their ecstasy to make sure it isn't poison? Shouln't they be able to know exactly what that ketamine will do to them if they take it with alcohol. We all shouldn't have to learn the hard way. It's like outlawing gun safety courses because they make people better at handling firearms properly. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
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