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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by dbilas

  1. I've been to clubs that have shut off the taps. It's reprehensible. It's as if clubs would rather deal with a potential lawsuit over a dehydrated dead raver than lose a few bucks on water. --David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  2. Awake? That's when I went to bed. --David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  3. If you head to Twilo early enough on a Saturday, you won't be touched. My friends and I walked right in without any security check whatsoever. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  4. I got caught at the JFK security checkpoint with some coke and crystal. But the guard was cool, so she gave it back to me and let me go. But my friends and I were shitting bricks until our plane actually took off. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  5. I'll be there with HeadRush Music and PolarEyes Music. We've rented out the top two floors of the Mare Grande on 524 Ocean Drive, right across the street from the beach. We'll be throwing parties on the rooftop by the pool. Stop on by. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  6. Camby wasn't hanging out after the game to stalk Ferry. His car was blocked in and he couldn't leave the stadium, so he was waiting around for the other person to move his car. ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  7. I've never partied in Boston, but my roommate once went to a rave in the Children's Museum there. I'd like to see shit like that in New York. --David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  8. I think that, over time, the mystique and magic of going out clubbing fades. It's like when you get your first set of wheels. Driving around everywhere with your friends is such a rush, and you probably did some crazy shit with your car (you know--intentional spinouts, drag races, etc.). But you probably don't get any thrill at all when you drive now, unless you just bought yourself a fat ass sports car. But clearly, it takes a lot more to excite you now. It's the same with clubbing. I think the great thing about the New York club scene is that there is a scene for just about every type of clubber out there. The scene that you like hasn't disappeared...it may just take a bit more looking than it used to, since your expectations are far more refined than they used to be. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit www.headrushmusic.com for more details. Original beats: Visit www.mp3.com/headrushmusic to hear my tracks. Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: The fattest radio station on the web is at www.mp3.com/stations/pooter and we're open to your submissions!
  9. This may seem kind of cheesy, but I've been digging Paul Van Dyk's "We Are Alive" lately. Also, the Timo Maas mix of Muse's "Sunburn" is pretty fresh. For the big pump-up, there's still always Paul Oakenfold's "Tranceport". Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.headrushmusic.com Original" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.headrushmusic.com Original</A> beats: http://www.mp3.com/headrushmusic
  10. Big boobs look great, but they can be kind of much to deal with in bed. I like small- to medium-sized boobs. Like Wesley said in The Princess Bride, a perfect breast fits in a wine glass. Or something like that. --David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.headrushmusic.com." TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.headrushmusic.com.</A> Original beats: <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.mp3.com/headrushmusic</A> Pooter's Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.mp3.com/stations/pooter" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.mp3.com/stations/pooter</A>
  11. I think that a lot of people go through a phase where drugs really are important to going out. Eventually, though, I think that most people learn to stop counting on drugs for a good time--either because they've done too many, they don't work anymore, or they're too expensive. Ultimately, I think the most important thing is to be with good friends and to find a way to have fun whether or not you have drugs. I used to get pissed off when I would take E and it wouldn't work. I would feel like my whole night was ruined. Eventually, I developed the philosophy that I would have fun no matter what, and I would go into it assuming that the drugs wouldn't work rather than the other way around--that way, I wouldn't be disappointed. Now I'm at the point where I'm so bored with drugs. I've had my fun with them, but getting detached from reality doesn't hold the same thrill for me. God, I'm getting old. But I will tell you this: I'm definitely dropping acid for Matrix 2. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit http://www.headrushmusic.com. Original beats: <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.mp3.com/headrushmusic. Pooter's" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.mp3.com/headrushmusic. Pooter's</A> Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: http://www.mp3.com/stations/pooter
  12. Damn...I haven't roller-skated since I was a wee lad. --David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.headrushmusic.com." TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.headrushmusic.com.</A> Original beats: <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.mp3.com/headrushmusic Pooter's" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.mp3.com/headrushmusic Pooter's</A> Trance Shack and Moonshine Distillery: http://www.mp3.com/stations/pooter
  13. There's not a huge scene in the city per se, but there have been a few decent parties in the other boroughs lately, if you're willing to venture out into Queens or Brooklyn. Also, in the summertime, there are a lot of massives (for the East Coast, anyway) in New Jersey--like Whistle, for example. Also, Hartford has thrown down some fantastic parties with a low thug factor. But if you really want the true underground heads, you might need to venture up to Massachussetts or New Hampshire. Also, Syracuse and Binghamton has a great scene--some of the coolest kids I've ever seen. I'll be spinning a couple of raves up there in the spring--if you want me to keep you updated on them, send an e-mail to david@headrushmusic.com. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit http://www.headrushmusic.com.
  14. (plug coming...) Before you go to either, come check out my pre-party at Cheetah. It runs from 6 to 10 PM, only costs 5 bucks (if you RSVP), and has lots of extremely dope house and progressive DJs (including ClubPlanet's own Parish). Plus, Cheetah has their open bar from 10 to 11 PM. If yer interested, visit http://www.headrushmusic.com or mail me at david@headrushmusic.com. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit http://www.headrushmusic.com.
  15. Okay...you're all automatically on my Babe <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> for every one of my parties forever and ever. Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit http://www.headrushmusic.com.
  16. Alvin and the Chipmunks on Saturdays. Did anyone watch Robotech? That is the best cartoon of all time. You don't see cartoons that are that intelligent anymore. It was absolutely brilliant. Now all the cartoons are built around toy concepts--it used to be the other way around. --David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit http://www.headrushmusic.com.
  17. I'll have to go with Monopoly, especially because it's so easy to create your own set of rules. ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit http://www.headrushmusic.com.
  18. Interesting idea. I often remark on how thinly separated dreams and reality are. Of course, you would rarely mistake reality for dreaming, but it is easy to mistake dreams for reality. Which leads to the Matrix line of thinking--would it really be so bad to live in a dream world forever? Did Cypher really have the right idea? Here's another question for you to argue: Are human beings born evil by nature? Must we be taught to not be evil? Peace, David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit http://www.headrushmusic.com.
  19. Yes...it kinda sucks. --David Christopher ------------------ Get into Cheetah for only $5! Visit http://www.headrushmusic.com.
  20. I heard Josh Wink spin in Hartford a while back. True to his reputation, he fucked with the dance floor during his entire set. He plays some unusual, sometimes offensive, disturbing songs. But that's his steez, and he doesn't give a fuck, but my friend Thomas Penton says that Wink is the nicest cat around. Peace, David Christopher www.headrushmusic.com
  21. Just try to think back to when you were a kid and didn't need drugs to have fun. There's no real reason to need drugs now that you're older. Try to remember all of the other fun things that the world has to offer. Believe me, I have been heavily wrapped up in drugs and it became my world. After a while, I realized that all of my conversations with friends revolved around drugs. All of my social plans depended on obtaining drugs. Whenever I met a new person, I needed to know if they were into drugs. I became pretty disgusted with myself. Sometimes, you need to take a step back and figure out how you got tangled up in all this in the first place. I don't regret having done drugs. I think that they have provided me with a valuable perspective on life. And I will probably do drugs again. But I refuse to depend on them anymore. Peace, David Christopher www.headrushmusic.com
  22. This Friday, join me for the premiere of the coolest after-work party in NYC: =================================================================== >>WEEKEND WARMUP @ CHEETAH: Friday, January 19. 12 W. 21st St. bet. 5th and 6th Aves. Doors open at 6 PM. *OPEN BAR* from 10 to 11 PM. =================================================================== Get your weekend groove on early with this brand-new after-work party at the infamous Cheetah, with a discounted admission to help you get your ass in gear quicker. Bangin' house and progressive will be in effect. For your efforts, you will be rewarded with an OPEN BAR from 10 to 11 PM! Admission is $10 before 10 PM, $20 after. To get in for even cheaper ($5 before 10 PM), please visit: http://www.headrushmusic.com/club_pages/weekend_warmup.html. If you’d like to set up a group <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> for your company or a personal <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> for you and your friends, send an e-mail to grouplist@headrushmusic.com. Peace, David Christopher www.headrushmusic.com
  23. On <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">New Year's Eve</a> , Bar Code will feature the best trance/progressive house DJs in NYC, including Thomas Penton, trance god and head of Inductive Recordings (featured on Tranceport III--"FUBAR"), Clubplanet's own DJ PARISH, and the crew from TRASHEDNYC. Plus FREE VIDEO GAMES ALL NIGHT LONG (yes, these are the ones that normally cost $2 to play). Plus GALLONS OF FREE BOOZE. Tickets available on Clubplanet.com. They are going fast, so scoop 'em up! Peace, David Christopher http://www.headrushmusic.com
  24. Hey friends: I'm flying Thomas Penton, trance god and head of Inductive Recordings, up from Florida for my New Year's party at Bar Code in Time's Square. If you haven't heard him spin or checked out his production, believe me--he's amazing. For info on Thomas Penton, visit: http://www.bubblecrew.com/artists/thomaspenton.htm For more info on the party, check out: http://www.headrushmusic.com Tickets are available on ClubPlanet: http://www.clubplanet.com/ <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">newyearseve</a> /default3.asp?id=45 Peace, David Christopher HeadRush Music
  25. Twilo has a fantastic sound system. The fact that it is so clear and booming, yet doesn't leave your ears ringing when you get home, is a VERY VERY GOOD THING. Sound Factory is way too loud--my ears were ringing for a day. But it's worth experiencing just for the ass-kicking. Peace, David Christopher www.headrushmusic.com
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