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Everything posted by jewel44317

  1. My Lil Jalapeno!!! "Breakin the law, Breakin the Law...Breakin the Law, Breakin the Law" (is Anthrax b/f your time? lol) BEST be seein you 2nite!!!! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  2. "Get busy livin, or get busy dyin." Morgan Freeman in the Shawshank Redemption ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  3. A few ppl r goin by themselves...just come down. We can meet up early, and it's probably not gonna be too packed. Send me a PM and we'll work sumthin out! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  4. "Woopsie, I knew I shoulda Worn a Bra" [This message has been edited by jewel44317 (edited 04-03-2001).] [This message has been edited by jewel44317 (edited 04-03-2001).]
  5. "How Long Can you Hover" while peeing (after dancing for 6 hours and drinking 12 bottles of water) "Wait, What's your name again?" "Wait, What's MY name again?" (a fun game to play by yourself when you've lost all your friends) ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  6. That would be a super plan stan Oh goody...then I can lean on you while I stumble up to Cream! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  7. Well, like u said...these guys r gonna be spinnin their hearts out, so while it might be nice to leave around 1-2...don't delude urself cuz I guarantee at 3am you're gonna be on the dancfloor like "Aw shit!" (unless of course you're a pansy) ...but i'm expectin a "No Pansy Policy" Wed night anyway. ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  8. Giiiiirl- haven't you been payin attention? We ARE goin!!!! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  9. ::HIP-CHECK:: Oh no you won't- that's MY spot! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  10. Dissuade you....riiiight, sure man...you can count on me!!!! I'll take care of ya, just don't ask any questions and do what I tell ya! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  11. Soundas a-gud to me! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  12. Def wanna check it out...3am is gonna be tough to pull on a Wed though...starts at 9, right? Who's spinnin anyway? ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  13. Tino! Yo pimpin ass BEST not be cheatin on me boy!! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  14. Just to let ya know, I'm paying $350 for the hotel for 5 nights. There's 8 of us goin, and 4 girls to a room...I believe that works out to be $280 a night...don't know who they used to hook it up though. ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  15. NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE!!!!! I'm stayin at Mandalay Bay too from 5/24 - 5/29!! WTF!!! WOOOOO HOOOO!! Lets meet up! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  16. That's the best damn idea i've ever heard (been plannin on it 4 awhile though.) My patience for waiting for Spring is seriosuly waning... got sum serious ANTZ IN MY MUTHA-F*CKIN PANTS!!! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  17. EHL-O Chris! Welcome Aboard....rememba that Annie Sez commercial back like 5-8 years ago that went, "First it was once a day, then it was twice I day...now I just can't stop?" Well...this board can do that to ya, so don't become a junkie! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  18. Well, ain't THAT the most impressive ball sack I've EVER seen. ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  19. YOU just made my morning... I haven't thought of "This Joy" in years, but I just got flooded with crazay memories when you brought it up. Yep, those were back in my beginning days, and my clubbin-buddy and I used to lose our shit to that song...aaaaa, nostalgia! The song that DEF makes me think of my first roll is the remix of "I Wear my Sunglasses at Night" that they used to spin at Tunnel...damn when I heard that remix that night, it was like a whoooooooooole new meaning...LOL! Great shit right there!! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  20. BUMP...everybody hasta see this ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  21. Okay- make up your mind already, would ya? You wanna do this, or not? Actually, I was just thinking about the whole thing the other day, and planned to post a thread to see if anyone would be down next week. As far as this week goes... well i'm leavin for Phoenix in a few hours and won't be back till Tuesday...and a ton of other ppl r hittin the WMC either today or tomorrow...so maybe ya wanna postpone it a week...or u could just disappear again and post the idea AGAIN in a couple of weeks. ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  22. I guess it is a lot of things to me... It's definitely a release from all the bullshit of everyday life. The music (and the vibe if it's a good crowd) elevate me to a place where it's almost like time stands still. My frustrations and troubles disappear, and I just dance. The 'scene' is my way of living for the moment, and staying young. As I see it, as long as i'm still dancing, i'm not thinking "old." When I go out, it's like this whole other side of me gets to be free. Monday - Friday, 9-5 i'm "caged" within the walls of bureacracy and living by the rules. Being part of the scene is my way of saying F*CK YOU to being contained. I love the scene b/c it lets me feel free...and I love the music b/c it makes my body do things I didn't know it could. The way the music makes me feel is pure love. ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  23. YIKES! That's harsh- piss anyone off lately? I'm sure you can figure it out with a little deductive reasoning...obviously it's someone you know well enough to have made this strong of an impression. Sorry hun! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  24. This is an exerpt from an email I received. I decided to post it for all the ppl who have said they are starting to "feel old," or are getting "too old" to go clubbing. I wish I coulda posted the whole email, but it's way too long, so here's the most important part: "We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. > 1. You have to laugh and find humor every day. > > 2. You've got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We > have so many people walking around who are > dead and don't even know it! > > 3. There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If > you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for > one full year and don't do one productive thing, you will turn twenty > years old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in > bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight. Anybody > can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or > ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the > opportunity in change. > > 4. Have no regrets. The elderly usually don't have regrets > for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The > only people who fear death are those with regrets." > Remember, GROWING OLDER IS MANDATORY, GROWING > UP IS OPTIONAL ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
  25. Considering the fact that you were only using software, that was damn good. You most definitely have a lot of potential, and I like your timing as far as laying in the break-beats. As far as constructive criticism goes, I always love when a DJ takes two sounds that I would never concieve of putting together and creates some funk-ass beat to my delightful surprise- so, when you get the right equipment, try to work on your variety of beats and sounds (of course, i know this is probably common sense.) Julie P.S. I noticed the file was transferred from Columbia- do you go there?- cuz I graduated last May. ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!" AIM: Jewel44317
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