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Everything posted by jewel44317

  1. To tell ya the truth, i've never hung out in this area, b/c as "vomit" dude says, it is often filled with too much pretense and arrogance. Not for nothin though, but you can find that in any area of NYC. Anyway, that place "Flute" (on the homepage of CP) is pretty decent. It is really loungey and plush, and the tunes were cool to chill to. I didn't find it too ritzy or stiff when I was there, although I did already have a couple of Captain and Cokes in me. Hey its just a suggestion, and in an easy-to-get-to location, 20th St btwn. Madison and Park (I'm pretty sure.) Have any other suggestions? Julie ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"
  2. .......and I laugh at people who judge others by where they work. ANYWAY...I work on Wall too, so where's/when's the meet-up? ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" "Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"
  3. 99 Wall St....and the other day when I went to lunch, I heard these people talkin about PVD When's lunch...or drinks after work? ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" Me
  4. Steve- I got your message...check your mail on AOL. Let's talk b/f the 29th....gimme a call at work, it's just easier that way. Cya, Julie ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" Me
  5. Even if I wanted to miss him (which I don't), I couldn't. His music puts a spell on me that I just can't resist! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" Me
  6. ............................................. I must say that Electric Avenue is definitely a contender for #1, but the first one I thought of off the top of my head was, "I wear my sunglasses at night..." I know somebody remembers that sick remix somebody used to spin at the Tunnel a couple years back? Everybody with shades on would roll into a far, far away galaxy when it came on...Ah, what nostalgia. ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" Me
  7. Don't sweat it sweetie...Chris Fortier and Mauro Picotto will make up for it. Plus, if u don't go 2nite, then you'll be even more excited next week and have a better time! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" Me
  8. I've been tryin to find then obline, but I can't. I searched all over ticketmaster.com. If I have to i'll just go there, but i was hopin for an easier way. Is there any way you could ask your friend what website he got them from, or do u by chance know the Hammerstein's address? Thanks for any help!! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" Me
  9. Please...does anyone know if I can get tickets online? If I have to actually go to the Hammerstein, can someone give me the address? Thanks to anyone who can help! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" Me
  10. Highly enjoyable, I give it a 9, Al. ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" Me
  11. ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" Me
  12. Excellent- gracias!! ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" Me
  13. Hey CM- should I tell the kids back home that you might be President soon? luv, Jewel xoxo ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" Me
  14. I now have a big hole in my ceiling, and a big 'ol bump on my head from jumping up and down with excitement... ------------------ "Spontaneity is the key to spice in life" Me
  15. Booo Faaa- I say if they played that crap then they'd be sellouts! Who wants to see sellouts- i sure as hell don't. I respect that S&D will only play what they *feel*- if Twilo is Curbing the beautiful music they were born to make, then screw Twilo. Smooch to S&D! xoxo ------------------ "There's a DJ in my pants, and he makes me shake my ass...shake it out, shake it out, like a good girl scout!"
  16. Wow- that was so extremely nice. I wish I could go on Thursday, but unfortunately I can't. I don't know u Blueangel, but it's nice to know there are people as warm and welcoming as you out there. As for CrytalMeth- well Steve- just the way I bumped into after all these years says what kind of person you are. You guys are excellent- thanks! ------------------ "There's a DJ in my pants, and he makes me shake my ass...shake it out, shake it out, like a good girl scout!"
  17. It's all about the love- that was my only point too. I admit it was a bit wordy- but what can I say...I've seen and heard a lot of people that just don't "get it." Didn't mean to come across like I was standing on a soap box, if I did. Lata. ------------------ "There's a DJ in my pants, and he makes me shake my ass...shake it out, shake it out, like a good girl scout!"
  18. Hey- welcome to the board cutie. I'm a "newbie" here too, but not in the underground. And now to a more important matter.... In response to Peccatrice, who commented that at 25 she might be getting "too old" for the underground: When I go to Twilo, SF, or any other club, I go to shake my ass and reach that euphoric state that only the music of the underground can take you to. Please tell me that you've found this place. It's not about gettin fucked up- it's about dancin like it is your last night alive! It's about lettin out all of the frustration from the bullshit, injustice, and inequity that everyone of us must deal with in our everyday lives. And most of all, it's about havin fun and livin life to the absolute maximum with complete disregard as to what other people think is acceptable or normal. Girl- you are only too old when you think you are- there is no age in the underground- it's about the music, the people, and bein alive. If you are there for any other reason, then you shouldn't have come in the first place. I mean no disrespect by sayin any of this- it's just that when you love the people/music in the way that I do, you could never even ask a question like, "am I gettin too old?" Hopefully you hear what I'm sayin, and it's just that you were havin a bad day or somethin. I hope to see ya ragin really soon like you never have before!! Oh...and if ya need a scene to check out that will no doubt blow up, then Check out Pete Tong at Twilo on Oct. 6th: it will be pure ecstasy!
  19. OK- so here's the deal: we all know that Junior is floss and deserves his respect as a DJ, but the man does not release...its so good all night, build up, build up, build up...and the release never comes. Its like sex without an orsgasm. JP, this Sat. sucked mooseballs, as he has been known to do in the past. Where can a deep and hard house/trance junkie go on a Sat. night and be sure to get her fix? For the love of Pete!!
  20. Hunny- if you find out another way, pleeeeease let me know. Tall Paul is by far one of the best DJ's in the world- I've never seen him live in the UK, but i've heard his tracks spun live. Oh shit I am soo excited- I'll probably just end up gettin tix from ticketmaster anyway. How'd ya findout about it anyway?
  21. Oh hello everyone!! It's a pleasure to be here It was soooo nice of u guys to say hi. Hope I get to talk to ya'll soon!! Cya!
  22. STEVE!! Whats up? Its Julie...no not your sister. I just registered for clubplanet a few days ago and I see your name all over this thing- in fact you're a "ClubGod"- how did you get that status? I'm still tryin to figure this site out. Anyway- haven't seen ya in a long time- how r u? Write me back when ya can. Cya! Julie
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