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Everything posted by petrol

  1. thats okay. You deserve your very own thread! e
  2. More??? okay. Cats... individuality Blood red if i had to Choose: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman Essentially Depending on my partner, better.
  3. Ummm...... Chicago Hard Trance/techno but i love breakbeat Twilo... who knew? now??? Where ever Saigray or Trippintrance is!!!! Umm.... welllll.... does lick count? long ago... as a lurker, back in March of 2000 Bonus??? Probably play 'Go' (ancient Chinese/Japanese strategy game) edit: lurk date
  4. Tasty... keep yo hands offa LMs ass... thats for sure. No, I go for the dancing, music, to see my friends. I don't go to hook up specifically because i really wouldn't *want* to hook up with the people i *could* hook up with. The way I figure it, the people i want to meet, i won't meet randonly in a club. Remember, it took a BB and alot of chatting before i got to meet you, and thats the way i like it. Now that I know ya though...? Wanna hook up? jk
  5. Are you running your own firewall? I use Tiny Personal Firewall ( http://www.tinysoftware.com/home/tiny?s=7676834922350876610A2&pg=download ) and have had no problems. It's free for home use and I like its flexibility and easae of use.
  6. Ok, i have to make this a little quick.. Never once have I suggested parity has been reached. Men have held power for (essentially) all of our history. But I think we are finally, in the US, beginning to see the dawn of some promise of equal treatment of the sexes. But what saddens me is that the promise of the future is not that we will begin to see each other as human, but that we will (apparently) expect the impossible from everyone. You can see my comment above for my opinion about the beauty myth in the media. As for my personal expectations of female beauty? I've offered to have a chat over coffee before. ::wink:: See y'all Friday e
  7. I know you didnt ask me... But. Why do we buy magazines which only make us feel like shit? Because we want to be beautiful and popular and these magazines hold out the hope that this will happen. We learn this behavior during adolesence and keep it up for most of our lives. And the sad fact is... pretty people are more popular. Thin people get preferential treatment. Tall men get promoted more.. women with long hair get held back more. Why do we consume this crap? Because of this crap... its a recursive loop.
  8. OK. I'll bite. /Devil's Advocate 1. We are in agreement and this is the experience we all share and currently find distasteful. Most people would agree that rail-thin is unattractive. Look at the heat Callista Flockhart caught for being thin. Beauty is cultural... and biological... If we look at such thin women from a biological perspective we may well find most men less atttracted. However, in our society, beauty has a cultural component... wealth and health. The Botticelli nude and beauty standard for that time included easy availablity of food as a symbol of status and wealth. In our modern culture, anyone can be fat, and it tends to be a symbol of less wealth and status today. To be rail-thin... now *that* screams status. 2. The words aren't modern English... But seriously, If I recall correctly, and thats a big 'if', either the samer study or a similar one also showed the same phenomona beginning ot take hold over men as well. The problem isn't with an unattainable beauty standard being held up by men. The problem is with an unattainable beauty standard being held up by society. The 'womens' magazines of which you speak have disastrous consequences on the self-image of our culture. But by the same token, our consumer society has been pushing that idea that if we dont care for something we can simply discard what we have and shop around for a better one. That attitude is easily just as much to blame for our concepts of beauty and worth. I'll try to stay on topic, but this phenomena goes well beyond a simple discussion... 3. Your 'good old double standards' are just that, old. Recent studies do indicate a dramatic increase of the decline of self-image among young men. And for the same reason. 'mens health' magazines and fashion magazines have seen a great increase in subscriber-ship. For each magazine comes the subsequent sizing up we see with the destructive womens magazines. So, the good news? Men are getting theirs. We are now a society of equal opportunity offenders. God help you if you are an imperfect man or woman. My guess is this has come about as a result of womens financial power finally beginning to assert itself. Guys finally have to look good... not just have money. The bad news? Now we can all feel crappy about ourselves. /Devil's Advocate off Edit: Spelling error
  9. So, to overanalyze. This link kind of begins to get at the essence of the relationship between language, perception, and the classical notion of the "Ideal Form". http://ksi.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/KAW/KAW96/steve/meaning.html But I'll try to express the idea in less technical terms. Language is metaphor... we speak in terms which tend to be based on concrete examples. For example, the previous sentence uses the idea of concrete (as a physical substance) to express an idea. The same is true when we speak of 'a foundation for an idea' or 'to raise a child'. If you start noticing, you'll find it throughout language. The second step: Terms in language tend to cluster around 'ideals' (there it is again- terms 'clustering'). For example... think of a pencil. Now look around and find a few pencils. Pick the pencil which is most 'pencil-like'. Pick the pencil which most embodies the traits a pencil has or should have. Language thrives on shared concepts and those shared concepts become ideals. Ideals may span a culture or the human experience. Ancient Greek philosophy discusses the 'ideal circle'. (Someone else will have to share who discussed this concept, i dont know). The 'Ideal circle' does not exist, nor can it exist. It is perfect in every way, and to draw a circle is to emulate the notion we hold in our minds of that perfect circle. When we speak of a circle, it is the 'perfect circle' we imagine. The third step: In the same spirit as our previously mention linguistic 'ideals', so I believe we construct ideals for every concept. Have you ever thought of someone as well-suited to their name? "You really *seem* like a Jenny." Or "Wow, you don't seem like a ___" The "preconceived notion" is a matter of language. Like it or not, if I tell you to picture a man... Picture a 'man'. We will tend to picture an idealized form until we put him in some context or begin to describe him. How many of us thought of a classical Greek form? It may be personal, but it will also be cultural. And the same is true for the way we perceive women in our culture. I agree that much of what we think in our culture is propegated by the media, but *we* consume the media and are thus involved in a feedback loop. I also think much of what we think is a matter of human experience. There a specific and measurable sexual traits which communicate physical health and maturity which our minds and bodies are keyed to. A strong jaw; full hips and breasts; silky hair; full lips; strong musculature... all physical cues that that individual would provide healthy offspring. So, when we look in a magazine to find a tall, tone, sleek individual with a healthy head of hair, we are looking at the ideal behind the term... a fantasy that exists in the mind, not in reality. And nothing more. Ultimately each of us is still looking for our personal ideal in another.
  10. I really seriously thought this kind of stuff stopped before highschool. I remember one night when LM commented on having her ass grabbed... I thought she was just commenting on all of us, not strangers. But then, I dont get my ass grabbed much anymore, so im outta touch. Seriously... people gotta knock off that shit. Although, I have swatted Meli... but i think she took it in the spirit in which it was intended. Once again, i find i am embarrassed for my sex. Sorry ladies... next time try a swift kick into the balls... targeting to stop somewhere around the sternum. This should propell your ankle between the nuts, forcing them into each thigh.
  11. Great movie. Check out 'Better Living Through Circuitry' as well for a more documentary approach.
  12. Try not to be such a cynic. If you read the post, you will see this is not a case of blame-shifting but rather an attmept to explain and apologize for unforseen circumstances. Don't think thr promoters are rolling in money, if you do you're sorely mistaken. I've come to know a few promoters over the past year and *none* of them are making great money, most have day jobs... The money comes from making us happy... They're not 'pulling crap', to do so is to sign their own death warrant. I understand you were frustrated, angry, and disappointed. I understand you seem to want to crucify someone, but realize mistakes happen. And that's all that happened, a mistake. And these guys were decent enough to recognize that and apologize. Not everyone would do that. Accept it for what it was and move on with your life. peace out. e
  13. Please check your HTML for the site. It seems to be making Netscape 4.7 lock up... please... not everyone uses IE. Thanks guys
  14. Oooooohhhh..!! Happy Birthday honey! So, if you're broke, does this mean you're gonna get 'fixed'?
  15. God DAMN!, I wish you would. If you're serious, I WANT one! Seriously.... gawd that would rock. e
  16. OK... coool. I'm more a fan of DR than i am SF, and i doubt SF would need to keep secrets to draw a crowd. So, 2 it is, im lookin' forward to meetin a few new peeps. e
  17. HOLEEEEEE F-ing SHIT! This sounds like an incredible night!!!! /remove nose from Pure's heinie Seriously, if you have not heard Schwinge spin, you're in for a treat and Twirl typically has a good population of like-minded clubbing board-lurkers like ourselves. See ya! e
  18. You just need to take the long view. Remember, the whole mess started on a lifeless ball of steaming rock. So, even if we (humans) leave it halfway there, the remaining life will adapt to whatever climate remains and over hundreds of millions of years eventually evolve to some form of familiar life. 'Cleverness' is a primary tool for survival, it will show up again.
  19. I'll second this. I was about to quit reading, but you pretty much sum it up. Peeps are taking this too personally for me to let it fly. C'mon, we're clubbing... know yourself better and dont pretend we're anything special. It is all about blowing off steam and feeling alive and seeing the people i like, building friendships, et al... but come dawn... I stink.
  20. Bah... it's all about who you're with. I was a hair away from going after Twirl on Saturday. I'm glad you don't let other people make your decisions for you.
  21. AKA P. Tickler? Great pics btw.
  22. But I did ogle this totally hot little chicklette who had an eyebrow ring, black bandana on her head, and was running around taking pictures. ::rrrrrooooowwwrrrrr:: She was a hottie!
  23. It was an 'homage', I hope you enjoyed it.
  24. Follow the link to see: http://www.ezdreamer.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6962
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