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Everything posted by sheendawg

  1. A hundred dollars? Tell me you're lying. Mike is right, it was AMAZING. I have never seen dancers dance the way they did right before it closed...the energy took my breath away! Staying late is the move JUST to watch them get down....Erick told Isaac to leave the lights up so he could see them himself.
  2. Yo. I don't even know WHAT to say about this one except for......I'M THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Oh my goodness thank God I didn't do that cause I hardly wear panties.
  4. Very well-written response, thanks! I see exactly what you're saying. I only started going to Factory (and can count on one hand how many times I went) last year so I was unaware of the complete history of the club. Put that way, I do agree that he should have at least said something to the folk he claims to care about so much, instead of making songs about "going through it", etc. LMAO Isn't that where you are RIGHT before you G out? A severly guilty individual who shall remain nameless is always saying that. I like JP and wish him the best of luck with his club, and I hope they him AND his fans can get their shit together cause this OBVIOUSLY ain't workin.
  5. I think that the shoes policy began as aimed more toward the thugs who wore Timberlands and stomped niggas out on the regular while in them. And very true about age, appearance, etc.....at a Morillo afterhours one Sunday afternoon (Discotheque) a couple in their SEVENTIES ambled by, then had the nerve to ask could they come in! LMAO!!!!!! I thought that was cute, though.
  6. Exactly how does one avoid an Asian invasion? Turn them away at the door? "I'm sorry, in order to come in you must be able to dance, not shake your fists in the air and VIOLENTLY toss your head from side to side?"
  7. Exactly. It's not cute OR sexy, fellas. I had a friend G out and where were his friends then? They bounced on his ass, and I ain't the one to be babysitting a grown motherfuckin man. But I HAD to. You should ALWAYS be in a state where if something goes down, you are at least conscious. WTF?! G is the most disgusting shit I have ever seen or been around in my life, and it amazes me that people use it the way they do. Week after week, doing the same DUMB SHIT, having the same DUMB SHIT happen to others as a result of YOUR retardation, and having the same DUMB SHIT happen to the nightlife because the cops have every right to shut a place down where kids are dying and whatnot. That is the most ignorant and selfish behavior! SF hasn't even been closed for two weeks. And as far as JP's crowd doing drugs, he doesn't make them do them! So he isn't responsible, though he may not condemn or condone it. And there ARE people who deserve to die, though saying that these G-tards do PROBABLY is a bit harsh. But it's frustrating to see this go on incessantly without anyone learning anything from it. You deserve to LIVE, but will you? Get it together, fuckas. Interesting point about Black being a funeral. I almost wanna go and check it out, but if I see someone puking near me I'm gonna kick the shit out of 'em. NOW! About the club itself. More details on the decor? The music? And did he play "Stand By Me"?
  8. I did! And yes, it fuckin rocked. I had the best time, I haven't been to Space in almost a year and it was just as I left it - AWESOME. I got there around 3 (thanks Colby!) and was about to go the FUCK OFF when I pulled up in the cab and heard hip hop on the terrace, until the guy told me that house music would start at 5. I took so many good and fun pictures, can't wait to post them for you guys. The DJ was soooooooo nice!!!!!!!! He exudes light and love, and that's not something you see too much off these days. How refreshing. He let me come in the booth and take pictures and he had the terrace bubblin' all morning long. Who was that? Roland? Forgive my ignorance, I haven't been since Ivano was on the decks. One song I hadn't heard in a while but wrecked it on the dance floor to was "So Gone". Is it me, or does everything sound better at Space, new system or not! I can always tell when I've been to Space because my feet are KILLING me!!!!!!!!! I met some of the coolest people, and found two new gay husbands too! I swear by them. All of the love, none of the disgust. I'm still wearing my Space wristband too. LMAO My girl asked me what the fuck THAT was about and I said I wasn't taking it off til the letters wore off. I also added, "I love this thing more than a Harry Winston tennis bracelet." Yes I know it's triflin but I don't care. I'm sorry I missed most of y'all this time around, but I think I'm coming back on the first to stay for another month just to get away. I get the hell out of Miami, yet she seduces me again and again. I'm terrace-whipped! Forget about dick!
  9. To meet and socialize with refined gentlemen such as yourself!
  10. Babbo will get knocked the FUCK OUT! Please.
  11. You too, nigga! Of course I remember you, Koky, that's why you got called the fuck out too....seems to be popular these days! See y'all later?
  12. I'm there! I just emailed you! Lola, I hope you're coming out tonight girl! Koky and The Hog too, and the rest of those who I haven't met that keep me THOROUGHLY entertained!
  13. I'm mad I missed it now! But not mad about wasting 40 damn dollars. I was at a really good morning party at BED....D:Fuse was spinning, had a blast and for only 10 bucks!
  14. What does crilled mean? Someone that went told me that the party was shut down after three hours because too many people were G'ing out. Is that true? Or because of the amount of people there? Or both?
  15. Nah, he ain't gay because he BLEW MY BACK OUT the whole time we were in Miami!!
  16. LMAO Y'all STAY puttin that nigga on blast about his alleged drug use! Does he read this board? I know he doesn't care what y'all say about him but still!
  17. Chile, if you don't check yo muthafuckin PMs..... Hit me up.
  18. LMAO I'm sorry, Boo! I just cleaned them out, and that also reminds me to hit up those I've communicated with before in addition to your crazy ass. Hit me!
  19. I stayed down there for a while after the conference last year, but I came back for school in September. If you ever answered your PMs you would know I was in the area! Sent you one bout a week ago, hit me back, I defintely wanna meet you in Mia. I get there Wednesday, so you just call me and let me know when you want me to take you out for drinks.
  20. Great review! I hope to see him (and you) there as well! Have you heard his Live at Space CD? It just came out not too long ago, DEFINITELY worth buying. I think I'll be listening to mine on the plane down there.
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