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Everything posted by cmb1975

  1. I just wanted to start by apologizing for turning the board into my soapbox today. I know we all come here for fun and diversion from work. However, last night I read something that hit close to home. I felt it was insensitive and hurtful. I made me question my own confidence in myself. I know this person did not mean to hurt me or anyone on the boards personally. I believe it was more of a fire starter subject. Something to arouse debate, controversy, intellectual thinking. Unfortunately, it backfired. I just want to let you all know that I am not a 5'8" 110 pound model type. But I am a woman. I am sexy and caring, sensual and passionate, loving and beautiful. I know this because this is how I feel inside. I don't need affirmation from a man or a woman to feel this way. I feel this way because I choose to. Because I know I am a good person. I will end this here. Thanks for listening!! All my love, Claire ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  2. You should really write a book of quirky little on-line comebacks. You are so good at it. I will write that one down, since I have never heard if before. Thanks for playing, try again! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  3. how did you find out??? you are so insightful...dick! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  4. oh definately!!! very sensative area!!! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  5. Thanks guys!!! D-you are so sweet!!! I appreciate it I do!!! MWAH!!!!!!!!!! And you all can touch my hair anytime you want!!! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  6. I've seen it...nothing too impressive. she is covering herself most of the time...but she is definately very fuckable...but of course she is...she has the IDEAL body type! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  7. Yo mama's so stupid that under "Education" on her job application, she put "Hooked on Phonics. Yo mama's so stupid, I taught her how to do the running man and I haven't seen the bitch since. Yo mama's so fat, all the restaurants in town have signs that says: "Maximum Occupancy: 240 Patrons OR Yo Mama Yo mama's so nasty, she has more crabs then Red Lobster ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  8. Do it again!!!! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  9. yeah ya lil fucker!!! YOU DAMN WELL KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!!! prepare to be knocked the fuck out when i see you!!!! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  10. Well I guess I started something Wasnt that your intention. But can we not keep this an intellectual exchange of ideas please I guess we are not as intellectual as you. I am not sure that anyone actually read what I said. Or if they did they skipped the nuances - which to me are everything in this kind of conversation. We all read it dick, and we all came to basically the same conclusion. Notice the similarity of the posts. The kate moss comment was uncalled for. To begin with, it is perfectly possible, even likely, for a society to have an ideal of beauty and fitness that most people cannot genetically live up to. That comment was in response to your idea that all we need to do is eat right and we can be thin. That somehow we all have this marvelous metabolisms, where we dont need exercise. Beauty and fitness should be related and should involve trying to achieve a body size where you have the minimum healthy level of body fat AND healthy muscle development. Thats terrific. Do you still believe in the easter bunny as well? We dont live in a fantassy world here. People struggle daily with attaining the ideal, but its harder for some people than obviously for you. An ideal (there is no one ideal yet generally there is a lot of common ground when it comesto ideas of beauty) should not be such that it involves portraying women who are not fit and healthy. No it shouldnt but why do you think they are on all the magazine covers? Because society, namely people like you, will only accept that. Larger people are unacceptable somehow, less important, less human. When in fact, we are the norm, the majority. However, that in no way means that FAT of any kind above the healthy level needed, should be an ideal. Its not healthy and it isn't as attractive as not having it. So some of the swimsuit or fitness models make excellent ideals - they are thin, fit, well toned, healthy women. Thats wonderful. If my job was a runner or a swimmer or a gymnast, I too would be able to spend my life creating that perfect ideal for myself. But since I have to work 9-5 behind a computer and then care for my child, I dont have that kind of time. Some women, because of their structure, will always have wider hips or bigger bones than the ideal - even when perfectly fit and toned they may have too much muscle in some areas, be too squat, short, whatever. Same for men where it is a bit more complicated in that society has two ideals - the swimmer/gymnast lean look and the huge, very developped look. And yes, some of those ideals get taken too far becaus these guys areon roids and have too little body fat but there are many who are very healthy. and what is the point here? Backpeddling again? The point is that beauty and aesthetics are not fair and what we use as ideals, what we will naturally aspire too or want to look at on TV and magazines - most of the time people cannot be like that EVEN if they ate perfectly and went to the gym all the time. But that's just how it is. These are the ideals. Some people have better genes than others. Couldnt have said that better myself. So why are you reaffirming these unfair ideals with your "rant"? The point is that the people on our magazines and TV should be HEALTHY - I totally agree. But we shouldn'texpect them to in general be overweight. Says who? I know you think that plus size models are a joke, but there is a reason they exist. Because women and men are sick and tired of seeing these "healthy ideal people" trying to sell us clothes and food and cars. I think Emme is one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on. But I guess since she is not the "ideal" size 4, then she is a joke too, right? Perhaps it is unhealthy or someone who can never be like that to be bombarded by these images. Perhaps these images are making our young women kill themselves slowly. But in thatcase the problem is with having to many of these images or of a culture thattakes personal beauty to be too important. But what you cannot do and remain intellectually honest is say some of those images, the healthy ones, were notideals of beauty just because they were unattainable by some. You cannot change your ideal to people with more body fat. Thatis dishonest and fooling ourselves. You can accept imperfection, you can say that thetre are otherthings that matter more, but you cannot idealize it. That is the road to a weak and decadent society. Society has made us think we have to look a certain way or we are not right, we are less of a woman/man. People struggle daily with imperfections because they are being honest with themselves. "They will like me more if I look like her/him." Comparing yourself to another is disasterous, yet this is what you are telling us to do. Look at these fit people and see what you SHOULD look like. Because they way you look now, its not good enough. Well I for one am sick of it. I am sick and tired of not feeling as beautiful as someone else, because I dont wear a size 4. I am fed up with feeling like less of a woman because I dont fit into this ideal catagory. Who are you to tell me what I should look like, how much I should weight, what clothes I should fit in. And I think that some of you missed the other half of whatI was saying which is: SO WHAT. Actually, I must have missed that. I dont see that anywhere in your original thread. We live in a grossly over-weight society. Its otally out ofhand. And it is one thing to accept thatnot everyone has time or inclination to keep their weight in check. And its not always that big a deal. But on the other hand to idealize fat in anyway, to say that a woman or a man is at the pinnacle of health when he is in fact 10 pounds over-weightis fooling ourselves. I dont think thats what any of us where saying. I agree that society on teh whole is an overweight society. However, I dont think its up to you to tell me how much weight I should have to lose to fit in to societies standards. I apologize to the rest of the board for going on and on about this topic, but it really hurts me to have to read this crap. ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  11. I know you all think its funny...HAHA...but its not! Its annoying as hell...I can take anything else you dish out, but this is fuckin ridiculous already!!! I am computer retarded so I dont know how to change my settings...nor do I WANT TO! CUT THE SHIT!!! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  12. Yeah, I agree that everyone is pretty sick of Colby winning all the reward and immunity challanges. I would like to see Keith go...its his time...but ya just dont know whats gonna happen anymore! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  13. so...whats the problem...leave friday morning!!! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  14. DONT YOU DARE DO IT!!!! I WILL PERSONALLY BEAT YOU SENSELESS!!! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  15. Good lookin out on getting the board back to normal!!!!!!!! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  16. I love you orchid, but i gotta get your post off the main page!!!! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  17. I have no idea!!! Please, if you know who the people are int eh pic...lemme know!!! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  18. cmb1975

    Meet up Pics...

    from the Ghetto Camera!!! sorry ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. [This message has been edited by cmb1975 (edited 04-26-2001).] [This message has been edited by cmb1975 (edited 04-26-2001).] [This message has been edited by cmb1975 (edited 04-26-2001).]
  19. ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. [This message has been edited by cmb1975 (edited 04-26-2001).] [This message has been edited by cmb1975 (edited 04-26-2001).]
  20. Who gave the camera to the drunk girl???? oops ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. [This message has been edited by cmb1975 (edited 04-26-2001).] [This message has been edited by cmb1975 (edited 04-26-2001).]
  21. SENDING YOU VIRTUAL KISSES, HUGS, AND LICKS!!!! Hope you are feelin better!!!! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  22. Cocaine? ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  23. Hi darlin...Im here!!!! But you knew that already didnt ya!!! MUAH!!!!!!!! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  24. What about men? Are men exempt from the rules that you have stated. Is it ok for men to have a few extra pounds. Are men dismissed from worrying about being overweight? This rant is the most one-sided, load of bullshit i have ever read. I see it as a way for you to skirt the issue at hand. You have a problem with overweight WOMEN and the people who choose them over the skinny waif like creature in the magazine. Do you know that the average woman is a size 12? I suppose that is wrong as well. Unfortunately, we do not all have the genetic make up of Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell. Most of us struggle from day to day with what we can and cannot eat, comparing ourselves to the genetically blessed, forcing ourselves to workout just to see the slighest change in our fat little bodies. And why do we do this? Because society, namely people like you, have made it so. You put your 80 pound models on our magazine covers, on our billboards, on our television shows. They model the clothing we wear, the food we eat, the cars we drive, even the sanitary products we use. So its no wonder women all over this country and the world have been forced to think that if you are not thin you are somehow less of a women, unattractive to the rest of society. Its disgusting. I am sick and tired of having to measure up to the unrealistic standards that are forced upon us. And to say that "Reubenesque women were just a silly fad for a sillier time" makes my blood boil. Who are you to say what should have been the norm 50 years ago? So, I suppose the pin up girls of yesterday were just ridiculous as well. Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable. Compared to todays standards these beauties would be seen as fat!!! And these women were seen as goddesses and still are to this day! "So even if you are strapped for time you can stay thin at least though you won't be in top notch shape"...Maybe your body was designed so that all you had to do was eat right. But that does not work for everyone my dear. Peoples metabolisms are different. What works for you will not work for the next person. How can you possibly say that all we really need to do is eat right, exercise isnt that important to stay thin. I know people who have struggled all their lives to maintain and desired weight. Even if they look at a donut, they gain 5 pounds. Also, dont pretend to know what a "super-mom" can put into her day. When you are raising a child and cant even go to the bathroom alone, then talk to me about what I should do once I have put my child to bed. Don't you dare pretend to know. I am disappointed, appalled and saddened to read this thread. I really truly hope that you dont actually feel this way and that you had some kind of brain fart and had to post a load of horse shit. Anyway, Thats MY rant for now. I'll be back if I think of more. ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  25. Well my darlin...where will you be..cause at the very least i gotta big wet sloppy kiss for ya!!! ------------------ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
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