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Everything posted by stacychase

  1. A fucked up persons words and actions are a sober persons thoughts. We are all adults and even if we do not like it we are responsible for our actions. If we do something that we may or may not regret fucked up, we are still held accountable. Careful what you do and say, cause it could come back to haunt you in the end... and have we not all been there before!
  2. Love does exist. However many times, we think we are in love when we are in lust. I also think that you can have more than one love in a lifetime.
  3. Excersie or eat comfort food! Hope you feel better!
  4. Being raised by a country bumpkin turned hippie... I have come to appreciate most types of music. If you looked at my selections of CD's, you would understand.
  5. i have not had that problem and since i am refraining from casual sex, it has become my best friend. he is clean, safe, does not cheat, does not argue, is concerned with me, and is always there. PL was the best b-day present, EVER!
  6. stacychase


    WHEW! Poor women. She needs to be perfect!
  7. stacychase


    If you turn the equation around, LESS=MORE??? So by giving yourself less you will really receive more.
  8. nothing better than a big ole smooch!
  9. i plan to help the economy this weekend. i am going shopping for some new clothes, and i need to go to the grocery store and the dry cleaners.... i just want to do my part!
  10. I say... Actions speak louder than words... Show me what you are going to do.
  11. i have a cute littel innnnyyyy... now it has a healed belly button ring in it as well.
  12. it is o'kellys and it is on mclean ave. it is cool, however if you get to drunk the steps out of the place are a killer.... i have seen many peeps fall down them. my sister being one of them. great pizza place next door or kozy korner diner if you get the late nite munchies....
  13. ... How bout the oath you take when you enlist... I promise will support and defend the constitution of the United States of America... Everytime I think of that day, I get the chillies all over again! Good luck to you and please stay safe!!!
  14. I served during the Persian Gulf War and spent almost a year in the middle east. I learned so much about myself, others, and the customs of another country. At times, it was the scariest thing, ever! Good luck to you and stay safe. When someone screams.... GAS...GAS...GAS... Please throw on that mask! Oh and take some pre sweetened Kool aid for the water. Hugs- Steph
  15. GREAT IDEA!!! However I am in KC this Saturday thru the next Tuesday.... We have a conference there.... The good news is that I get to see my mom!
  16. On Friday I met a friend for Corona and chicken wings at our neighborhood bar. The first place I ever went for a drink when I move to the NY area. My mom was with me and we had a great time! On Saturday I had to work in our Parsippany office. All of the people who worked in the WFC that live in NJ were going to start using that office today. On Sunday, I cleaned house..... I woke up and realized that I had been living like a piggy! So, I scrubbed the place clean, did laundry, and ran errands. At around 4:00 p.m. two people that I had worked with before came by the house and we went out and chilled together. It was nice to see them both. We had not had contact in a while. I am in Long Island today and I am going to one of their homes tonight. They live sooo close to our LI office. In between everything else, I played the infamous glitter ball game with my two baby kitties.....
  17. sorry i do not agree with you. how bout if there was a fire in that building that blocked the stair well, hello.... a building that is that tall may look great, scream we are powerful, but is not safe!!! we should think twice before rebuilding anything that tall.
  18. is a building that tall safe???? if it takes an average person say 3 - 4 minutes to walk down 10 flights stairs.... how long does it take for someone to get down over a 100 flights of stairs??? i know a couple of people who walked down 99 flights of stairs in 93 and in the dark, with crowds, it took a little bit over 4 hours.... I ASK EACH OF YOU... IS A BUILDING THAT TALL EVEN SAFE??? What good does it do us, if we can build them that tall, however cannot save the lives that occupy them?????
  19. i am staying close to home tonight. i am not ready to venture into the city at this point. also i want to drive up state tomorrow to enjoy the beauty of fall in the tri-state area.... i heard there was an apple orchard somewhere and i want to go and pick apples...
  20. Steve, Thanks for sharing. Your words brought tears to my eyes. I hope that you and the urban team are ok. and to casey. i never had the pleasure of meeting you. both meetups i attended and you set up, you had already left by the time i arrived. God bless you. You are in my toughts and in my prayers.... -steph
  21. i think that i will be o.k. i had a long conversation with shuga tonight and than i called EAP to get some help. what a relief that i can turn to someone else and say i need help, i am lost and i am confused..... this week was not done because i am so strong, it was what had to be done. i could not sleep until i knew people were safe. especially those who worked for me. i felt helpless the other day, cause it happened and i was not there to help them get out of the building. i care for them all so deeply... after each conversation when i heard their voices, i cried. i hope that you are o.k. keep the faith!
  22. i just chowed on a green apple with some salt.... yummyyyyyy!!!!
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