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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. is there anything for people who are 18?? It seems as if everything is strictly 21 and up on saturdays, and I was just wondering if there was anything for the younger people.
  2. SF Saturdays.... 18 to get in?? or 21??
  3. chinese takeout or pizza?? tough decision for tonite...
  4. meeee tooo!! but, unfortunately, not this week!! it sux being a gurl!!
  5. are duds!!! took one on friday and didnt feel a thing!! anyone experience this same phenomenon? i had heard that they were good pills, but i am guessing they are wrong.
  6. Combining ecstacy and prozac is a definate no, no. I have this friend who was on prozac due to her depression problems. On weekends we used to go to this kids house to roll, dance, and have a good time. After awhile she became distant and stopped hanging out with us. I had noticed she was out of school for about a week and when she came back she was trying to hide the slash marks on her arms. She had been in the hospital because she was slitting her wrists, probably the results of combining the two drugs.
  7. I feel that I have the voice to do vocals on songs (at least i have been told this), and i was just wondering if there are any DJs out there in need of someone with vocal talent. I wouldn't need to be payed, I would just do it for the love of music. pm me if interested.
  8. Dammit!! figures, you turn 18 and think you can club, and all the good stuff is 21 and older. Sux for meee!!
  9. since i am not 21 i am not applying for a job, but i would like to know more about this club... do tell..
  10. Everyone else on here seems to be out of college and working, or even in college. I was just wondering if there is anyone out there who is still a senior in hs??
  11. I will be there on friday, with a group of people also. I have been there before, and it is alotta fun. You are guaraneed a good time.
  12. I am going to exit this friday, and thats all the convincing you should need.
  13. I am living the single life and loving it!!! Then again, I am only 18 and have many years to settle down.
  14. I dont dance with the juiceheads, definately not!! I poke fun at the juiceheads, and danced with these really hot preppy guys from wayne. I am also partial to raver guys.
  15. ...when ur parents buy you glowsticks and club clothes for christmas ...whenever i get dressed up to go out i always get "which club tonight"? ...finding water bottles and glowsticks all over my car ...getting the nickname "dance girl" ...my parents saying "see you tomm morning, when u walk in the door"
  16. exit fridays are definately slammin. I will be there this friday!!
  17. well, it all started one day last winter. Lets just say me and my friend jess were "experimenting" with a few friends. Well, from that night on she was jessEEEka and i was jennEEEfer. Eventually other people started calling me jennEfer also, so, i figured it would just work.
  18. i was dating this kid from maryland who's whole life was sailing. he lived in annapolis and worked on j-boats all day. i think he might be racing in the carribean
  19. yeah seriously, i was just admiring that pic, where is it from????
  20. I just heard a rumor that exit was closed for the weekend for reenovations. Is this true??
  21. omg!!! there are sooo many!!! Little Mermaid Sound of Music Old Yeller Black Stallion National Velvet Never Ending Story Lion King Jurrasic Park Mary Poppins Robin Hood (The disney version) Secret of Nymph Battership Down (i think thats the name of it) the list goes on and on...
  22. horses? I know this might be an odd topic to post on the new york board. But i was just wondering if anyone did.
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