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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. Thank you soooo much!!! Your help is greatly appreciated!!!
  2. I am going to be driving into the city for the first time this friday and I need to know where the best place to park is if i am going to Exit. Any kind of help would be appreciated!!
  3. Well, obviously I am not wrong considering I live 5 MINUTES from your "club". If it were any good I would go but, umm, its not. I would rather go to the city and go to a real club rather than an empty room in a gym that poses as a club. Besides, the crowd is definately too young.
  4. Well, obviously I am not wrong considering I live 5 MINUTES from your "club". If it were any good I would go but, umm, its not. I would rather go to the city and go to a real club rather than an empty room in a gym that poses as a club. Besides, the crowd is definately too young.
  5. I was at Mt Snow last Christmas. Its nice, but i think it might be more family oriented. I will be up in Vermont this weekend for xmas (visiting my family), I hope there will be snow!! I want a white xmas!!
  6. This weekend i am going to vermont for xmas. But on friday i am going to Exit for a friend's b-day. I will have to do the metro thing some other weekend. Metro is only open till 3???
  7. I agree!! I HATE agressive kissers. It is better if a guy is gentle, soft, and slow. And if you do smoke cigarettes please chew gum or something to get rid of that aweful taste before kissing someone.
  8. Club utopia sux!!! Its not even a club!! They stuck a bunch of lights and a dj inside a dirty gym called Olympus and call it a club. The only people that ever go are 12 years old and they all buy excedrin thinking they are e pills. It is gay!! Dont fall into the trap!!
  9. Sublime is my all time favorite.
  10. Both the sisters were still really horny, and without a man to satisfy them, they decided to just get it on with eachother.
  11. Search for it under the artist name "The Horrorist" Its there.
  12. I would just like to say that I went to sf one night over the summer. They looked at my id, and saw i was 17, and still let me in. So they obviously dont turn everyone away.
  13. then, the younger sister walked in to find her older sister and the guy in bed together. The guy felt bad and asked the younger sister to join in...
  14. I am a sagatarius, although i dont know what that means.
  15. I've been hearing from a couple of people that eminem died in a car accident or something like that. Does anyone know if this is bs or if it is true??
  16. What are some of the things that piss you off the most? My biggest pet peve has to be slow drivers, because usually they are the worst drivers too. What about the rest of you?? What are your pet peves?
  17. Where did you get it from?
  18. I am a youngin, and I am a Senior in high school. I work at a deli part time though.
  19. As most of you probably know Napster sux because it has a tendancy to either take too long or fuck up your computer. So i was just wondering if anyone knew of a good place to download or buy some phat house music.
  20. Napster has been fucking up my computer and they suck anyways so I was just wondering if anyone knew of a good place to download some really phat house music.
  21. I am always up for meeting new people. I just normally dont meet up with people i talk to on the internet, thats all. I totally didnt mean that in a sarcastic way.
  22. I cannot stay single!!! Every time one relationship ends I always find myself in another one a short time after. Although lately I've been doing good, I've been single 2 whole months!!
  23. That is the funniest thingi have heard all week!!
  24. WOW!! How old are we??? 2??? Everyone has thier own taste. If you dont like a club... fine... but dont go bashing it. Everyone has thier own taste, and if they didnt, then this world would be a boring place. Its a stupid thing to argue over anyways.
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