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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. Damn, I wish i was stuck in Florida, this weather sux!!!
  2. They were there last friday... I dont know what thier purpose is though.
  3. I am single on <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">new years </a> and i couldn't be happier! I am always with someone on <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">new years </a> and its so boring that way. I finally get to go out, party, and have fun w/o the boyfriend up my ass. And being single definately does not stop the kissing, or anything else for that matter.
  4. After reading all these drama-filled exit vs. twilo vs. sf vs. whatever I have always seen people describing thier venues as being "real " clubs. What I would like to know is what makes a club real or not?? I feel that every club has its own personal style, attracts its own crowd, and is a "real" club. To each thier own. Just my imput on the subject.
  5. haha, ballerinas on crack, that is definately the best description i have heard. They definately need to loose the white gloves.
  6. I should be in work right now but i came down with an aweful case of pink eye. After making the trip to the doctor and the pharmacy in all of this snow I am definately glad i didn't go to work. My little car wouldn't have made it. Anyone else stuck home??
  7. It is definately one of those days....
  8. This has definately happened to me! I was really good friends with this guy and it led to something more (which i never thought would happen in like a million years). But unfortunately it became too wierd and he was getting really attached. I viewed our relationship as being casual and I never really wanted it to be serious, so i ended it. I really shouldn't have started it in the first place, but I definately lost the good friendship we once had. I am still friends with him, but he gets on my nerves after a short period of time because i think he still wants me back. But sex is never platonic, it always means something more.
  9. What venues and on what nights are they 18+??? I know Exit fridays, sf fridays, and twilo fridays are, but are there others???
  10. found it!!!! The song is called Pizzis Revenge and its by DJ Boozy Woozy. I am almost positive that this is the song u are looking for. Its the only one i know where a guy says "hey" in the middle of it. Let me know if i am right
  11. omg.... i know what song u r talking about... i have it on a cd... i will get back to you on the name though
  12. Seriously.... I have off all week and I need something to do!!!
  13. I'm a Sagitarius also.... November 30th
  14. I got all new speakers put in my car. It sounds awesome now!!
  15. The best way to go would probably be ordering over the internet. They usually sell them in bulk for really cheap.
  16. That is the one reason that I talk other people into driving me to the city. I don't think that I could make it back w/o being pulled over. I have driven half alive and with no sleep before, and i dont know how i survived. Its not fun.
  17. I ended up at Exit also. So much for Metro.
  18. I must say my parents are awesome. I turn 18 and they get me a limo to take into the city all night long to go clubbing. Not to mention they support my clubbing habit by buying me cool clothes and glowsticks for xmas. They think I am the good gurl that stays sober, etc.... if only they knew.
  19. No fair!!! I am STILL in HS!!!! And I cannot wait to get the f**k out of there!!!! 6 more months!!!
  20. I think I go to experience alittle bit of both. I go to dance and have fun with friends but if a hook-up happens, well then all the better for me.
  21. The money drop was such a joke. The made it look like they would be dropping $100, $50, and $20 dollar bills when they dropped dollar bills instead. I didnt think that they would drop much. It wasn't too chaotic, it happened too fast to be chaotic at all. Most of the music did suck ass but I still had fun dancing with this hot guy from Wayne =) I'm thinking about going to soundfactory friday next time, the music might be better.
  22. I will be there. I am using my annoying ex boyfriend for a ride (dont feel like driving) but I will be there. Hopefully i will loose him in the crowd =)
  23. I might go to metro on friday, and if i do, i will be at the phones at one. It is either exit, metro, or vinal. Not sure yet. If i go to metro i will be lookin out for all of ya.
  24. I really like this pin idea!! I like the swirly design and i think we should keep the "cp" in the middle so that everyone knows it means something. The colors are good and it would be nice if it could glow in the dark, but thats my opinion. Ordering more than 200 would definatley be a good idea because people will buy several incase they loose them. Including me.
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