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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. wait... what???? hot water??? i dont get it.
  2. monday sux.... enough said... only 4 more days till friday!!! wooohooo!!!
  3. lol... too funny... is that ur new thing now??
  4. you are still hearing music??!! hahaha, sux 4 u!!! so when we going out again??
  5. welcome to the most addicting website on the net... you might never get off!!
  6. i thought that the commercial was a joke, like it was mocking the macintosh computers or something
  7. that was definately the best commmercial!!!
  8. That game sucked!! Not just because the Giants lost but there was no real game... I think the ball was kicked more than it was thrown and there was no real action till the 4th quarter, and by then i was asleep. The half time show was good though.
  9. HELLLZZZ YEAHHHH!!! Giants are gonna kill the ravens, especially if they played like they did the other sunday. I cant wait!!
  10. i've seen them at exit a couple times
  11. meee tooo!!! i also like to wear white gloves and rub up against people when i am sweating like a pig
  12. whenever i listen to house music in my car, i start to drive faster, and faster.. and i dont realize it... thank god for the radar detector (not that i can hear it due to the loudness of my music)
  13. There is this song that they have played at exit the last couple times i have been there and it is to the tune of "twinkle twinkle little star" I have been trying to find it on napster but i dont know who does it or the name of the song. Can anyone help me???
  14. what ever happened to not going out that much anymore?? haha jk. how is the new sound system?
  15. but I wasnt really home yesterday to post it. How was everybody's friday nite?? I had a good time at metro (thanx jav), even though i didn't like the way they treated people who were under 21, especially the price i had to pay to get in. Still had fun though... next time i will remember to take a nap and have that cup of coffee so that i will stay more awake.
  16. i was in london last year... this year... absolutely nothing!!! help!!!
  17. what are u up to for the weekend??
  18. u forgot saturday night fever!!
  19. Other than superbowl... what are everyones plans for the weekend?
  20. Dammit... its been since October... and not even the end of october either
  21. Intensity.. by Dean Koontz.. great suspense novel
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