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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. my favorite munchy would have to be pretzels!! they are the best!!
  2. Yes, definately be careful when coming up north. We have over 6 inches already and we should be getting over a foot. let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!! maybee no skewl tommorow too!!!
  3. any Jersians gonna be there???
  4. STFU, or get a life... why should u care so much about what other people do??
  5. hate to break it to ya, but not really... i always wind up in the city myself... metro was okay, but if ur under 21 you have to pay $25 and i would rather go to the city and do that.
  6. havent been there since the summer
  7. no school for me!!!! but i do have work at 3
  8. mine sucked.... did nothing... got to bed by one... and i have nothing to do today!!! saving my energy for PVD
  9. let your body go with the flow... you know u can do it!
  10. i know the feeling.... i slept more than 4 hours last nite, got to bed by 1, and have nothing to do today.... twilight zone??
  11. I will be there, and will be loosing my Twilo virginity at the same time. Will see you all on the dancefloor!!
  12. hahahaha.... that is too funny!!!
  13. hahaha... thats great... who is piggy anyways??? someone has too much spare time
  14. It's just one of those songs... I dont know if i love it or if i hate it.
  15. i must have missed something here... what happened??
  16. Obviously you have overlooked all the nice parts of jersey. I live about 40 min from the city and i am surrounded by woods, mountains, and open space. There is definately not any radioactive garbage around here.
  17. hahahahahahaha.... lol.... too funny and too true!!!!!
  18. mine are madonna, sublime, *nsync (dont ask), sugar ray what are yours???
  19. SPIDERS!!!! UGHHHH!!!! I CANT EVEN WATCH ARACHNAPHOBIA!!! it probably dates back to when i was a kid and a spider egg hatched in my room... thousands of baby wolf spiders all over the place!!!
  20. welcome to the board!! its addicting... i must warn u
  21. hrmmm.... that definately makes me a beer girl, even though i am partial to mixed drinks... is there an in between???
  22. i definately agree with u on that one!!!! i also agree with this post!!! also: friends will always be there... b/f or g/f are temporary... never ditch ur friends for a relationship, because if the relationship ends, you will have noone
  23. a couple times a week i guess.... whenever i am in need...
  24. will the weekend ever get here???? what is everyone doing? (other than world)
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