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Everything posted by weyes

  1. sorry to hear that, vic . i'm lucky i love my roommate as much as i do !
  2. getting news from more than one source gives one a better chance of getting an objective report (or something close to the truth). tune in tomorrow.
  3. weyes

    do you prefer...

    of those choices, on a man, i definitely choose shoulders. sloping shoulders are a big turn-off, for me. maybe it's because i have such great shoulders, though, that it's something i value so much (and why i love wearing tanks and tube tops ). that also gives me a sexy back . but i'm with nekokaburi; face first, always. bad face - i don't even see anything further.
  4. it's true - usually it's near impossible to get an appointment with a gyno in a decent amount of time. and the one i had before my present one was a quack at BEST. she recommended a surgery i didn't need; second opinions are definitely important! but i have a doctor i like at cedars-sinai, and i didn't have to wait forever to see her. also, the summer's ending, and ob-gyns are very busy in june, not so much in other months (a statistic, it seems). pm me if you want her info; i've only seen her twice, but she has a great bedside manner and seems very down-to-earth. and, as an aside, i need a sonogram every time i go to the gyno (twice a year), and they haven't made me wait any longer for that.
  5. someone wrote a website (it's not new, but is always getting updated) all about genres and subgenres of electronic music, where they came from, how they merged... it's an amazing website, complete with descriptions and music samples for each sub-genre. you could play around on this thing for hours. check it out! go to: http://www.ishkur.com then click "Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music" on the left hand side of the page "Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music" will come up large in the center; click that and let the fun begin !
  6. that works, but only if you didn't know the shortest way going forwards .
  7. o, pardon me, lalate. trying to show off your club knowledge, huh ? i'm very impressed with your little list. there's also tail o' the pup, if that's the one you're thinking of (though you are most likely thinking of pink's, 'cause they're more known for their actual dogs, and you're the one to talk to about food!).here's tail o' the pup (most well-known for being shaped like a hot dog): and here's pink's: and here's pink's website, too: http://www.pinkshollywood.com/ o, and vic - when are you gonna publish those pop-tart results ?
  8. everyone knows that cart outside of circus and arena (on saturdays and fridays, at least) where someone cooks sausages and onions that smell divine... but has anyone here actually eaten them? i would, if i could possibly eat anything after a night of dancing. i'm never hungry - just tired. but i really do wonder if they taste as good as they smell... anyone ?
  9. when going on a walk, remember that the way back will be as long as the way forwards ! tune in tomorrow.
  10. weyes

    i heart gabo

    i don't understand how anyone could NOT get that .
  11. i'm with blond on this. i've never had a yeast infection, so i can't give any details, but that would explain why it's been only a short time and a drastic difference. also, she'll notice it if it is; odor isn't the only problem with yeast infections. she'll feel uncomfortable enough to do something about it soon enough.
  12. weyes

    making out in clubs?

    we've all seen those people on couches in clubs going to town. i don't mean people having sex, necessarily, but making out, hands everywhere , sometimes even horizontal on the couch... i've kissed at clubs, but just kept it to that and never gotten into a full make-out session in front of everyone else. they're there to have a good time, not be subjected to that (that's my opinion). (and i think most of us have seen more than just making out, at least once .) what do you think of this? should this be taken elsewhere? should it just be limited a bit? or is it all in good fun? EDIT: question should read: how far do you think people should go?
  13. about a third of these people still post regularly . where ya been, dg?embodiedhate's come back a bit; i love that bastard . i hope he sticks around. i miss my friend petrol (but i talk to him, anyway.). but i miss sassa, luigi_scarpini, and trentbeefpile, as much as the latter annoyed everyone .
  14. y'all had BETTER be in costumes, and i mean good ones!!!
  15. the best way to keep a house pest-free is to keep it as clean as possible; leaving things sitting around too long just creates homes for creepycrawlers . tune in tomorrow.
  16. my tastes have definitely changed.
  17. weyes

    Foot Fetish

    i don't know if "krucial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" is bad or good in this sentence, but below size 7 be some smallllllll feet.o, and i don't like it when guys wear sandals or flip-flops . it can actually stop my drooling over a passerby (as in, "hot face, hot body, sandals????? forget it!"). sounds silly, but it's a big turn-off for me. and whattup, spragga ?
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