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Everything posted by weyes

  1. it's a popularity contest thing. (weyes watches as people give her negative points for saying that.)
  2. it can be easy to overeat when food is free or when it's all-you-can-eat. one should just remember that there will be more meals in the future; there is no reason to eat like there won't be ! tune in tomorrow.
  3. where do you live, again, queenv? i recently moved to the city of orange.
  4. sorry to delete the posts to which you guys were responding, and thanks for defending me , but drama is drama, and out it goes . when that particular person actually has something rational, interesting, or valid to say, i won't delete it. i don't see that day ever coming.
  5. one must be sharp when getting advice from a salesperson and take everything s/he says with a grain of salt. many salespeople are motivated by higher commissions and bonuses to sell inferior items. tune in tomorrow.
  6. your birthday is exactly one day before mine . welcome to the board!
  7. sad as it sounds, sometimes settling is the same as facing reality. tune in tomorrow.
  8. so sorry ! and that's really lame coming from me; people think my screenname is male more often than not, and it bugs me that people don't check the profile on the side.
  9. i went to slsk.org and all i could find was instructions in german. i clicked the american flag on the page, but it yielded no english help. i clicked "download" anyway, but when it started spitting all kinds of german at me with scary punctuation, i stopped installing it. now i can't even try to install it again; i can't get the same prompts. can anyone tell me how to install the newest functioning edition of soulseek? thanks in advance!
  10. when one is planning to leave one's job, one shouldn't discuss it at the workplace at all until the new one is lined up; one can get fired before one's plans are final if management gets word of it first. tune in tomorrow.
  11. i just wanted to add that, in case you were considering san francisco, it's frikkin' cold up there! a lot of peeps don't know that (i was one of them for a long time, being from new york). the cost of living is also ridiculously high. but they do have excellent restaurants, i would say far superior to l.a.'s, so if that's a top priority for you, you may want to consider s.f. let it be known, though, that i don't care for s.f. for a bunch of other reasons; i just wanted to throw out the restaurant thing. i wholeheartedly recommend los angeles .
  12. it's true, she should've gone straight to a doctor and not asked cp for advice, but (and i don't know why i'm defending her) according to what you all have admitted in the past and present, most of you are none to preach about using protection.
  13. keeping lines of communication in a roommate situation is just as important as in a marriage; cohabitation has to run equally as smooth in both cases. tune in tomorrow. p.s. always, mick!
  14. i only had great oral from one guy, which was forever ago and very brief ... but it was all a; i'm with candy. p.s. why have i had such bad luck and had such shitty guys ? these guys even needed serious help kissing; there was no hope for the rest!
  15. they really should just change the name of that show to people eating bugs, 'cause that's mostly all it is, now .
  16. while i don't always care for some of his recorded stuff, tiesto has never disappointed me live .
  17. i like how their boobs fall like natural ones in the fourth picture; so rare...
  18. you'll get answers on both sides to this one, gabo. i personally don't enjoy giving them and don't, but if i were in a long-term relationship, i'd eventually want to do what makes my partner happy (within reason ).
  19. i was stuck between kevin nealon and chevy chase, but i had to go with chevy in the end. it's too bad he was only on the show for the first season - so fucking funny .
  20. when one starts measuring love, one is loving less. tune in tomorrow.
  21. yay, anotherway!!! finally something great (and mainstream) you can get into legally !
  22. thanks, deepfunk and lalate .
  23. i had a very productive day today . i registered at a local college and will sign up for a computer course as soon as course registration opens so that i can learn all i need to to get a boring desk job that'll get me out of poverty ! seriously, i'm psyched. i can't wait to know excel in and out so that i can get a job that pays twice what i make now and gets me off my feet and working weekdays only. retail, you can stick it !!! man, i can't wait to quit...
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