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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i won't go to the palace till they fix the sound in that place . i hear that they're working on it, but i can't go there if it'll continue to be a guaranteed headache - even with good quality earplugs.and i'm talking headache, people. yes, i've complained about this before, but i've skipped seeing fave djs just because they've been at the palace. and the vibe at spundae still can't be beat .
  2. one should follow one's doctor's orders; doctors generally are very specific for good reason!!! tune in tomorrow.
  3. i looooooooooooooove the scumfrog !!!
  4. i haven't been there, so i haven't come to a conclusion just based on conjecture and written it off or anything (it's lame to totally dismiss a place without having given it a chance), but i don't think it'd be a place i'd like, from what i've heard. and they have a dress code, right? i won't go to places with dress codes.besides, i think our first real meetup should be at a place where we all can hear each other talk and have a leisurely snack or drink or something; we agreed on that in an earlier thread. i forgot to start an all meetup thread last night ; i'll do that tonight!
  5. happy belated - west coast disadvantage.
  6. it's a good idea to keep a well-stocked medicine cabinet. one never knows when an ailment will hit, and driving to the store for some kaopectate can be inconvenient when one is afflicted with what that calls for . tune in tomorrow.
  7. weyes


    i got the joke, tequiza (a little credit, please!); i was just making the point that putting animals in trunks isn't nice . and yes, bobby, that's a good one !
  8. female weyes is in the house ! not down for white lotus, though. i'll start an all-meetup thread in a minute .
  9. yeah, me neither. my omniscient friend likes to say, "remember the days when you'd walk into a party and the first thing you'd pass was a line of people whispering 'e, acid, rolls [enter whatever terms you choose]'? those were the days..." ...
  10. say what ? i thought what we had was special ...
  11. bowels in knots, uterine cramps, bloating, headache, and i have this in a big way for 4 days a month (my other 2-3 days of menstruation aren't so bad)!!! womanhood - when did i sign up for this ?
  12. dahnce, or fade owt. i've always been partial to "wheel of fortune" . *weyes gets her ace of base cd and puts in her cd drive*
  13. when ordering food at a restaurant, read the menu carefully to avoid missing details that may make or break your meal . tune in tomorrow.
  14. !!! blue, you're too much!!!numero uno happened to me at the palace (except that the guy wasn't asian), but i don't hold that against the palace; the palace sucks ass on its own . as for numero dos, i don't understand how both you and lostin310 have waited in line so long. when i say i've never waited in line longer than about 10 minutes (and that was on their new year's event), i'm not exaggerating. do you two just get there really late? and snooty people only come to spundae when big names show up ('cause the snobs think that knowing these "underground djs" of whom they've heard makes them cool ) or when it's late, 'cause they're club-hopping. hoppers tend not to be so nice. and for numero tres, it's such a kick to run into you !!! your hair always looks so cute and reminds me i need to get mine cut... next time i'll make sure my other friends don't spill your drink .
  15. you would be good, blue , but we girls have to watch out for the wrong kinds of guys, and i'd be too scared of how quickly a pumped-up juicehead could get a hold of you and do all sorts of terrible things .
  16. a new city ordinance, just passed by city council and awaiting approval by the mayor, makes lap dances and even any contact at all between strippers/dancers and patrons illegal. this bill even prohibits direct tipping of dancers, as touching is involved. a distance of 6 feet must be maintained between dancers and patrons at all times. check out the article - i'm tired of writing!: http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/news/091603_nw_lap_dances.html
  17. seb fontaine and this bass groove that just kicked in say, "hello!!!!!!!!" :spin2: :spin2:
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