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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    attn: rfkfreak

    you're sweet .
  2. ah, yes. it's been a while since i saw ocean's eleven. well, they wouldn't've fit, anyway .
  3. actually, it's disgusting over here, where it's real . i'm voting for myself, in protest.
  4. when asking salespeople for advice, one ought to remember that, even if they give their personal opinions, they are still trying to sell you something. tune in tomorrow.
  5. weyes

    attn: rfkfreak

    w + = weyes yes, it is pronounced like "wise." [hence the owl as the avatar] observation is one of the ways through which we gain wisdom (and vision is only one way in which we observe things). i really came up with it on the spur of the moment, back in december of 2000. i had no idea at the time that i was setting myself up for a future of being called "WEY-ess" and having people assume and accept my screenname is nonsense . anyway, wisdom is something to be gained every day, that's my point. i never said i'm wiser than anyone else . my "wisdom of the day" column on the the l.a. forum is sometimes thought-provoking, sometimes silly, but it's there everyday, and that's what it's all about .
  6. weyes

    NaStY JiZZ?

    i've never heard fo this celery noise... if that's so, it's really unfair; why do guys get to eat yummy pineapple while we have to eat stringy, bland, watery celery ?
  7. i wouldn't use nair on any body part; i think any chemical that melts hair off can't be good for you .
  8. p.s. i forgot to mention that she didn't write anything on "stripped"; she only co-wrote.
  9. weyes

    attn: rfkfreak

    snarky = sassy
  10. weyes


    a blonde gets pulled over on the freeway for speeding by a cop, also a blonde. the cop approaches the car. "can i see your license, please?" the cop asks. the driver looks through her purse and can't seem to find it. finally, she comes across a mirror. looking in it, she says, "here you go, officer!" the cop grabs the mirror, takes a look at it, and says, "o! why didn't you tell me you were a police officer?!?!?!"
  11. while it does seem to be true that people don't want to read through long threads, the general info thread has almost every answer ever needed around these parts. i made that a sticky 'cause i got sick of typing the same answers roughly 3 times a week. perhaps we should start a new one in the same vein, as a compromise, but wait till a question is asked. how's that? as for the club review section, i think that's kinda like our little zagat's of the club world . reporting to protect and serve one another . maybe i should take a poll and see who does and doesn't want the stickies to stay .
  12. weyes

    Marco V

    yay, blue; i'm glad i'll get one next time . i do need all the luck i can get . you said they were lucky; you can't take it back ! and alex, that's a great list! thanks, and please let us know when you've got it again .
  13. that's a big leap and risk on the woman's part, though; the man could very easily have been close to the mother and not have known the sister. o, well; i guess she must've been pretty desperate for men.
  14. i wonder if anyone looks there, especially 'cause we've had the general info one and the club review one up there for so long. there are two new ones up there, and i can't tell if anyone even notices. check it out, people: we're setting up guestlists!!! all that people with lists have to do is pm me with all the info i listed in the sticky. DaVe and i finally connected and got this all set up. there have been so many people posting threads about their lists and so many people asking me why cp doesn't have any that i thought it was time to put it all together. i even did a really good cleanup job in my pm box (some people know what a feat that is )! but i can't do it without you guys; it's a group effort . here's to the future !
  15. i saw dj irene out here in l.a. two weeks ago. she is all about energy .
  16. i got to see wayne in vegas . my two-drink-minimum was fulfilled with bloody marys; i thought that was an appropriate drink - old skool, classic, not for kids.
  17. opticrush didn't say anything, so i still have the last word, but i thought that i'd the thread up again, just fer kicks .
  18. weyes

    attn: rfkfreak

    why didn't he answer for himself, anyway? what's his fascination for the man?
  19. weyes

    Post your pussy.....

    i know, i just said that that wasn't what i was expecting when i saw the title of the thread.
  20. dammit - i wanted to be around for 2000 ... i wasn't home . well, at least i got the last word.
  21. ella fitzgerald, sarah vaughan, and aretha franklin didn't write, either. the voice is an instrument; its owner need not write songs for it to sing to validate it. bear in mind as well that christina can't even touch the women listed above, let alone that christina's "compositions" are nothing to write home about.
  22. weyes

    Post your pussy.....

    this was what i was expecting, minus all the dog pictures .very cute dog, trancerxn112!!!
  23. weyes

    attn: rfkfreak

    ok, so i'm right. that just seems odd to me; i never knew a robert kennedy enthusiast .
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