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Everything posted by weyes

  1. this whole post is really mean .question, though: what do you mean by "She would get on top and juist sit there grinding, not going up and down."? what exactly defines "grinding" in this case [i don't get how one could be on top and not go up and down at all...]?
  2. thanks, tastey (sorry for my late response; my internet connection's been down for 3 days), but i was looking for people with personal experiences. i should've been clearer.
  3. live for who you are today; don't wonder whether some potential future "you" may regret your current choices. tune in tomorrow.
  4. i've been without internet service since late sunday night (3 nights ago) . i was in the middle of typing an e-mail when my apartment lost power. it turns out that some idiot drove into a power line nearby. when i returned to the comp the next night, though, i had no service, and the powers that be at sbc said it was due to the worm/virus problem that's been going around; there were problems in southern california on the whole, as well as other parts of the u.s. did anyone else have this problem ? my connection was restored this morning. i hereby apologize for the lack of the column ; you guys know i hate to miss posting it. i'm not flaking, everyone; the "wisdom of the day" is daily!!! now, back to the program .
  5. that's too bad, blue . i can honestly say that they are one of the few peeps that have never disappointed me.
  6. i find that really hard to believe! how is that possible, you being the old geezer that you are and all ?
  7. one ought not make lateness a habit . tune in tomorrow.
  8. weyes

    girls in boxers

    it was a girl thing, really, although they're also popular with candy ravers . they're on elastic, so one size fits all.
  9. actually, he had been obsessed with a girl for going on 4 years at that point, and, from what i hear these days, still hasn't gotten her out of his head. just a case of someone going psycho for a psycho, really; and after her leading him on for many years, she told him he never really had a chance anyway, 'cause she could "never be serious about a white guy."he always wished he were gay.
  10. there's been so much talk of it lately, and i've been getting so little of it . i now officially dedicate this thread to spooning! last year i was staying at a friend's house after a night of partying. he was sleeping w/ his significant other in the bedroom and i had to tiptoe through to use the bathroom. when i opened the door they were lying on the bed (it was hot, so they weren't under the covers), spooning. i thought it was the cutest thing ever and i would've taken a picture (i'm a photographer and had my camera), but i didn't wanna wake them up. i can still see it, though; i was so jealous of their relationship, but, at that moment, mostly of the spooning. *sniff sniff* where's my spoon ?
  11. weyes

    girls in boxers

    do you have a camera in my house ?
  12. weyes


    benadryl and unisom are the exact same drug, so might as well buy whichever's cheaper . read the boxes sometime.
  13. you just explained it a whole lot better this time, too ; i didn't need the pics anymore. doesn't look all that comfy for the girl, though .
  14. even if i didn't believe faking is wrong, there is no way i could ever do it believably; i think i'd just start snickering to myself , and that'd be much worse than not having an orgasm to begin with.
  15. good call! poor tiesto, he is a little challenged as far as fashion goes . note to men [and i guess it goes for women, too, now that it's past 1984]: just say, "no" to spandex !
  16. change is money; even pennies add up. it's surprising how much richer a careless person will end up after a night of cleaning up his/her room . tune in tomorrow.
  17. sorry i didn't see your post earlier; i don't know anything about ad anyway, though. let me know later how things went tonight .
  18. i've never gone to spundae without uying tix first, but if you get there early (around 10-ish?) they should be able to get in within a reasonable amount of time. it's definitely worth checking out. doc martin is there tonight .
  19. weyes

    soo bored.

    i'd give you one of mine, but then i'd only have 2 left !
  20. i once had a straight male cuddlebuddy relationship that never went sour, either. we just curled up together in front of the tv. hey, if we were both gonna watch anyway, why not cuddle up while we were at it ?
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