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Everything posted by weyes

  1. one is not required to answer questions that one deems too personal. if something makes you uncomfortable, simply decline to discuss it ! tune in tomorrow.
  2. so true, tequiza.another thing that people in l.a. do that confuses me and gets me lost is to say that something is between 2 streets that aren't next to each other, but are, say, 7 blocks apart. these people'll think that they're being helpful by naming streets that they think are notable, but that really doesn't help me much, as i don't know which way is which most of the time. if they'd tell me streets that are directly next to each other, i'd know i were in the right place !!! (picture me, last week, trying to find my new doctor's office, walking back and forth 'cause the numbers of the buildings around mount sinai make no sense and don't help, either.)
  3. no cover is also always very cool .
  4. weyes


    i know a lot of people who say, "awesome," (though i hate it) and that includes people who live both in california and in new york. i still say, "totally," and i've always been partial to "dipshit," even though i don't use it . i felt so fortunate to not hear anyone use the word "herb" since 1994 until i started seeing it used again on clubplanet, last year .
  5. innocentbadgrl - nice to see a face (so tired of body parts), and a pretty one, at that . you've got great hair .
  6. wow. you surprise me with this .
  7. listening to speeches by our pres. are worthwhile, even if only just to stay informed . tune in tomorrow.
  8. a woman came into my work the other day (camera store/photo lab) and was showing me pictures of an elaborate and gorgeous flower arrangement, explaining that her "love" had sent them to her. "aren't they beautiful?" she asked. then she went on to talk about the man who sent them. "he's the love of my life. he's the one. but i told him i can't see him anymore. see, he's indian and believes in reincarnation, and i believe in jesus christ, and i just can't marry someone who doesn't believe in the lord." she went on to say that, on their first date, he asked her if she would see him exclusively, and she had said, "yes." "we knew right away that we were meant for each other," she said. "i'm just praying he can change to the lord so we can be together." now, this seems crazy to me. she was going on for about twenty minutes, talking to me about how this is it - true love. how she knows this is the man with whom she is meant to spend the rest of her life. she's never felt like this, etc., etc. but she's willing to throw it all away over religious beliefs. what's more important: religion, or your soulmate? i'm sorry, but it seems like a no-brainer to me. this person comes around once in a lifetime - there's only one of him. and no one is ever going to share all of your beliefs. what would you guys do in this kind of situation?
  9. once again, i repeat:ella fitzgerald, sarah vaughan, and aretha franklin didn't write, either. the voice is an instrument; its owner need not write songs for it to sing to validate it. bear in mind as well that christina can't even touch the women listed above, let alone that christina's "compositions" are nothing to write home about.
  10. thirsty for some abba joos . off to the kitchen!!!
  11. shaving one's arms sounds a little obsessive/compulsive to me. but if naughtybabe says that shaving that hair is going too far, you know it's really beyond the limit !!! hey, naughty !!!
  12. weyes


    i never really cared for dollz as avatars, but i always liked yours; i think it's 'cause she seems cute and reserved, the way you come across to me (don't know if that's how you really are; it's just my impression). she always seemed like you, to me. i know a site with a whole lot of dollz, including some unusual ones: http://www.uselessgraphics.com/dollz.htm that's the first page (i don't like the first page). hit "more" for the following pages.
  13. well, it helps you get into over 18 events; that was all i needed (and something very necessary, at that) in my raving days in nyc . it's good to have in case of medical emergencies, too.
  14. very nice . i've gotta say that we on the l.a. board are the most introspective of all of cp .
  15. always carry id with you; you never know when you may be pulled over, may need to get into a club, or may need to buy liquor . tune in tomorrow.
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