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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i didn't go to the house of blues gig; i figured it'd be a pain at that venue. i read that a couple of you guys went and really liked his set. was the hob annoying to deal with (parking, traffic, etc.)? i went to that spundae session that was recorded live, though, and that night there was a sign-up sheet on which the signees' names would be printed in the liner notes of the cd. i think it was really just a ploy to get people to buy the cd, but still kind of a neat idea. my friend did end up buying it. wack thing, though, is that he says my name isn't in there . i wonder if they just cut out a lot of people to save space, and figure that those people will have already bought it by the time they find out their names are missing . not cool, man. i was there, i waited to sign the sheet, i supported ferry just like everyone else. poo, poo, poo .
  2. one shouldn't eat gas-producing foods before going to the gynecologist ; it's just common courtesy . tune in tomorrow.
  3. we don't have internet access at my work, i would've done that if we do .
  4. weyes

    Marco V

    i've never had one 'cause i'm never hungry after a night of dancing, but they do always smell divine ...
  5. NOTE: i wrote "dresses" in the question; please ignore .
  6. i know it's a silly question, but i just recently noticed that some women put skirts on over their heads and some step into them. i suppose it depends on whether you've got a bigger butt or bigger boobs... i was trying on a skirt by stepping into it recently and a woman told me to put it on over my head; color me weird, but i had never thought of that. which is it?
  7. call ninadd all the names you want, but her self-esteem is healthier than most people's. it's actually very impressive that it shines through so intensely on a messageboard. props to you, ninadd .
  8. you must know some busted ass chicks. hippocrates: (couldn't help it )
  9. weyes

    turning someone down.

    i was addressing that comment specifically to vicman .
  10. radio shack is wack . tune in tomorrow.
  11. these bills get passed with very little talk, unless we pass the word along and take action! just click the links below and all ya have to do is attach your name on the dp alliance's site; they'll send the letter for you. take a minute to help stop this ridiculous and dangerous legislation !!! STOP RAVE ACT II Your Right to Dance Is Under Attack - Again! Take Action at: www.actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u=21598&l=4021 Earlier this year, backdoor politics led to the passage of the RAVE Act, a law that makes it easier for law enforcement to arrest event holders for the drug offenses of their patrons. Now, Congress is at it again. Under the Ecstasy Awareness Act live entertainment will receive another threatening blow. Your rights are in danger, take action now!! Already the RAVE Act has been used to intimidate promoters of festivals and political fundraisers into calling off their events. Like the RAVE Act, the Ecstasy Awareness Act, could effectively ban live music and dancing while throwing innocent people like you in jail. In light of the fact that drug use is a probable occurrence at any musical event, HR 2962 opens the door for any concert promoter, event organizer, or nightclub owner to be fined and jailed. It doesn't matter if they tried to prevent people from using drugs. Nor does it matter if the vast majority of people attending the event are law-abiding citizens that want to listen to music and not do drugs. The Ecstasy Awareness Act of 2003 is another dangerous piece of legislation that could prevent you from seeing your favorite band or DJ live! It is vital that voters contact their Representatives and tell them not to co-sponsor this bill. Actions to Take: ** Fax your Representative today. To find our more go to www.actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u=21598&l=4021 . ** Forward this alert to your friends, family, and co-workers. For more information on this bill, go to www.actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/ctt.asp?u=21598&l=4022 and under "bill number" search for HR2962.
  12. even though i already have the last word, i'm gonna this up to make a wee little dent in all the threads that someone is rampantly reviving .
  13. one should have a good disguise at one's disposal in case of emergency ... tune in tomorrow.
  14. cable isn't available in my area yet - or, at least it wasn't when we hooked up the dsl in april of last year. maybe that's worth looking into .
  15. the one for my name isn't true, neither is the one for my sister, but the one for my brother is. my sis: Caroline - Lard arse, shaves her ears . my bro: Jeremy - loud and thinks that he's all that he says he is.
  16. weyes

    Hell Test

    these tests are always someone else's idea of "bad." i started writing a test of my own a couple of years ago that makes different people "devils" and the ones on this test "angels."
  17. weyes

    turning someone down.

    so many good points, you guys !!! thanks . i managed to escape work today without seeing him waiting for me afterwards, so i think i'm free and clear. i think the best idea may just be the ol' "i have a boyfriend" in the beginning. i do remember once telling a really cool and attractive guy that once, though, when it was true, and he thought i was just trying to get rid of him; it made me feel really bad that he didn't believe me . in the end, i think he probably would've been a better guy than the one i was going out with at the time . that's really mean . and girls don't turn you down for being ugly .
  18. bleh. not looking forward to tomorrow . send me some good vibes, people!
  19. i love having all these appropriate smileys at my fingertips .
  20. i work in retail, and one day last week a guy asked for my number. i didn't really want to give it to him, but i don't know how to say no, and he seemed harmless enough. besides, i figured, maybe he wouldn't call. but he did, and we went out for coffee for an hour or so last night. it was casual i guess, but he was giving me that look - that "i'm really taken with you" look, and i'm just not interested. but he asked me if i was doing anything tonight and i wasn't, so i really couldn't lie... and i said i'd call him after work... so today i was faced with what to say to him to get across that i don't want to see him again. saying "i'm not interested" flat out just seems harsh to me, so i was asking everyone i know how i could put it, and i settled on "i'm not interested in a relationship right now," which is true, to some extent. so i called him, he asked what i wanted to do tonight, and i said that i didn't wanna go out tonight 'cause i'm exhausted (which is true), and that i'm not looking for a relationship right now. he got all huffy and said, "what makes you think i am???" as though he had had no interest, hadn't been calling me, been telling me when to call him, and coming by my work multiple times. he was trying to save face --- or whatever. sooo lame. it just made me feel like he was trying to play me for an idiot. "ok..." i said, "i'm just telling you where i am." then he tells me he just found out today that he has to fly back home to indiana, needs to put his stuff in storage and needs help with that, and that he has no one to help him, and, could i help him with that tomorrow? i told him that i work tomorrow between 10:30 and 6:30, and he tells me that the place closes at 7:30, so, could i do it in the morning? WTF?????????? what do i owe this guy? he has NO friends in this town? what about his roommates? i said i couldn't do it in the morning, but i could try to get off work at 6. all this 'cause i'm a nice person and i've been in jams before. but some frikkin' nerve. how have you guys let people down easy?
  21. ou812 - thanks for the acknowledgement . jessie739 - thanks for the smiling face ; good to see some smiles here!
  22. i have a female friend who says she can pee straight out like a guy if she just pulls herself up a bit while she does it . she wrote about it in a 'zine she put out as though all girls should be able to do this.
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