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Everything posted by weyes

  1. no disrespect to your friend or his memory (and my sympathy to you), but this thread is just for blueangel. there's another one for other people: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=181788
  2. casey orchestrated the first clubplanet meeting i ever went to. she introduced me to people with whom i became very close friends in new york, and to my best friend, who lives in california, as i now do. my best friend was visiting new york with a friend (who is now also mine ) and wanted to find out what was going on that week, and the 2 of them came across clubplanet and the meetup thread. i wouldn't've met my best friend if he, like i, weren't so shy at bar-type gatherings. he and i had both found places to sit while almost everyone else stood up and chatted, as they mostly knew each other. but if it hadn't been for casey's welcoming attitude, even for a newbie like me (she made everyone nametags !), i probably would've left after a few minutes and not even given the meetup enough of a chance to take a seat and take the party in from a different angle. getting those 80 of us or so together was no small feat . my last pm to her is still in my sent box and marked unread: to: blueangel date: 9/11/2001 subject: are you ok? i can't bring myself to open it, or delete it. sending you my very best, casey .
  3. i saw a couple of notes to her on the anniversary thread, but i wanted to start a thread just to her and people's remembrances of her. i'll post mine, too.
  4. weyes


    wow, sugar; majinbuu's really workin' for you...
  5. weyes

    san fran

    i once went in june and it was so cold that i could see my breath. man, do i hate san francisco . but for the most accurate info, i'd do a search on the 'net for past records.
  6. this one's not a weyes original. credit goes out to one of my brother's friends from back in the day . farting in elevators is wrong . tune in tomorrow.
  7. when i was a kid, i thought that boys who wore watches were smart .
  8. yeah, we've gotten to be a busy bunch !!!i've got a question for you: why do all my friends have to live in oc? or, maybe the question should be: why isn't there more going on in oc so that i could live with my best friend and not here with my wack roommate ?
  9. we once had a date picked and everything, but didn't set a place till it was too late.as i always say, sunday evenings are the best for me, 'cause there's no chance that i'll be working in the nighttime. pick a place, any given sunday , and i'm there. y'all probably know a cool place (especially alex90028 and lalate) where we could hang out a while and have a drink and a nibble but still hear each other talk; i can't think of any that fit that description.
  10. and check out the "info about l.a." sticky - it's got almost everything you could possibly want to know or the way to find it: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136874 chewbacca - i'd say that l.a. isn't dominated by house. i'm really not up on my genres, but l.a. seems to have a lot of trance these days and there are very few regular house nights.
  11. i haven't seen you in forever !!! did you move or just stop posting in l.a.?
  12. *yawn* i still have to write a cover letter to apply for a job and i suck at those. i don't know what to say that doesn't sound cheesy or boring . anyone have any tips?
  13. weyes


    aww , that's so sweet!!! i'll be in nyc around christmas, and if the new york/bump.../sex peeps don't have a meetup while i'm around, i'll try to get one going! there are a lot of people on my list, you included ; you've always been a member of who i call the "down-to-earth crew." nice to have voices of reason on the board.and that's ok, george; i'll recover (*dramatic exhale*)... i know how hectic things can be on vacation. i hope to see you again in december!
  14. i can't swim, so i really don't care about the pools . i sleep naked sometimes, and, back when i had the house to myself on weekends in high school, i used to hang around the house naked, sometimes. since then, though, my boobs have gotten bigger and they hurt most of the time (being on the pill adds to the soreness), so i wear a bra almost all the time, even when sleeping.
  15. i was just thinking about that today, and i don't think i could marry a republican, but i think that that's much more significant than having different religious beliefs in that one's political positions affect many aspects of life. different views on abortion rights, the death penalty, gun control, the environment, the war, gay rights, and more create great divides between people, and i think that people's positions on such serious issues as these have a big part in making a person who s/he is.
  16. a wristwatch can greatly affect your awareness of what time it is ( ), and has the power to help you be on time more often than when going watchless.* *that is, of course, only if you look at it from time to time and plan your actions accordingly . tune in tomorrow.
  17. did you get my e-mail (i sent it through clubplanet's "send this user an e-mail" button; who knows if that's still the correct e-mail)? i was asking if you have a list for spundae this weekend . what's the scoop ?
  18. welcome ! well, some of us know each other, but we still haven't had a proper meetup. we've just gotta get our act together and set one up. i think we're mostly from l.a.; sassa's from san diego, but you won't see that many of her posts 'cause she's traveling right now and hasn't been posting as much. i live downtown. what about you?
  19. i was reminded of this thread when i last saw dj irene a few weeks ago at red. she wrecked so badly that she let out a little yelp and picked the record up, switching it to the other turntable . i've never seen anything like it. but because it was so bad, and she acknowledged it, the crowd seemed to almost think it was cute. i think bluecenterstar was the only one who really was peeved .
  20. weyes


    why didn't you pm me, gmc ? you saw the wrong stuff; very misrepresentative of the real l.a. the "people always checking each other out" crap is the wrong side. i could've shown you the down-to-earth l.a. and the clubs that stay open till 4. and forget the walk-of-fame tourist trap stuff; hollywood's pretty seedy. there's a lot of l.a. that's just plain gorgeous and that most tourists never see. i hope you at least had a hamburger from in-n-out, animal style!!!
  21. i never said how old she is; i'd place her in her early-mid-30s.
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