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Everything posted by weyes

  1. are you sure she was referring to buffalo wings and not buffalo burgers? they do make burgers out of ground buffalo meat at some (not many) places.
  2. it was well-edited and i thought it was engaging. made me glad i don't live in new york anymore !
  3. weyes

    as u can tell!!!!!

    flip, you could hardly call those photographs. those are beyond airbrushed and photoshopped; they're practically computer drawings based on - not even of - that woman. i wonder how much film was actually used in the process of those pics . the photo you guys took is more true to life.and to agree with everyone else, that boob job is absolutely terrible!!! themrs, it's not about the size (though it's a little strange for her gangly frame) - it's about that humongous gap inbetween them. i don't know if she could get cleavage, even with a push-up bra that would move 'em over to the side... she probably takes a lot of duct tape to her photo shoots!!! and yes, themrs, she can't hold a candela ( ) to you .
  4. weyes

    sex in the car

    i thought people stopped having sex in cars once they turned 17 .
  5. weyes


    actually, the first episode will be hosted by jack black and the musical guest will be john mayer (i've never heard of the latter). molly shannon is no longer in the cast. i hated her 'cause all of her characters were basically the same, but she had a lot of recurring characters, not just those two.i also disagree with a lot of your picks and pans of the comic world, dg; i find seinfeld to be one of the most annoying people in the world, let alone just comics. one night when i was at a comedy club he just dropped by to try out some new material and it was all about how famous he is and how he ran into someone who didn't recognize him. "what an idiot --- i mean, come on!!!" was the routine. no one laughed . when people get to that level of fame, they don't work as hard as they used to, and, to some extent, they almost don't need to anymore 'cause they've got it made. we in that little comedy club thought he was shitty, but that lame-ass act probably would've done well in mainstream america. and to say gilda radner wasn't good? that's just inconceivable to me .
  6. i'll hang out with you and gmc ; proms are wack .
  7. that's why i don't understand why people pluck them into bizarre shapes and/or till there are hardly any brows left at all .
  8. putting someone down for his/her taste in music has no merit, and only makes one [the former] look like a pompous snob . tune in tomorrow.
  9. if there weren't a $200 fine for eating on the bus, another good suggestion would be to eat as violently and ineffectively as cookie monster. that's a real attention-grabber .
  10. aww, that's sweet of you! people have fallen asleep on me in the subway in new york before, but no one ever got settled in that much... i hope he didn't drool on you !!!
  11. weyes


    i dunno what they're gonna do with this cast; so many of them are so new. the women in the cast are all solid: maya rudolph, rachel dratch, and amy poehler (tina fey doesn't really count) are really all terrific. but i think that losing chris kattan is really gonna hurt the show. as far as men are concerned, horatio sanz is excellent, i like jeff richards, and i like one guy whose name escapes me (the one who plays the falconer), but the rest don't do much for me. darrell hammond is necessary for impressions and chris parnell is necessary to be a straight man, but that's about it. jimmy fallon annoys me. it's really iffy. i hope everything turns out ok , 'cause i've loved this show ever since i was a little kid.
  12. i'm actually very impressed by the number of people in this thread who seem to have a bit of an understanding of mental illness. this board seems to be more educated than the general populace on this topic.
  13. i.e. any guy who is as freakish with his eyebrows as most women .* *note that i don't let those women off the hook, either. what's up with that ?
  14. ok, sounds good, but it's gotta be a sunday. the 5th's no good for me (and too soon to rally everyone, i think. the 12th might be too soon, too.), but how are the 19th 26th for people? once we few get decided on a date, i'll pm everyone who posts on this forum with some regularity to let 'em know .
  15. ugh. my car has been in the shop for the last few days, so i've had to get to and from work by bus. today my journey was 2 and a half hours long, door-to-door, and my drive is 25 minutes. but that's another story. yesterday there was a guy on the bus making pig-like snorting noises throughout the ride, practically breaking the sound barrier. he was making me ill after a while. he was so loud that it didn't matter where i was in the bus, it would still be equally disgusting . today my bus was stopped at a light and an old man looked like he was going to cross the street in front of us, but he kept taking one step forward, then one back, moving his arms like a runner in slow-motion, like a mime or a cartoon. when our light turned green, he was still doing it, and the bus driver had to honk a few times in order to get him to move. he then crossed the street in the direction in which we were traveling. when we got across the street, that crazy guy boarded the bus along with a bunch of people, including a teenage boy; both the teenager and the old man were yelling, "don't push me..." except that the kid was also defending a girl that the man was also pushing. but then the old man started cursing, telling the "motherfucker" [kid] he had to apologize, etc., getting all up in the kid's face, carrying on... and people in the bus started to yell, "siddown!!!" which made the old guy yell, "you fuckers can't fucking tell me what to fucking do!!!!!! fuck you!!!!!!" 20 mins. later another old guy got on the bus who started cursing at the driver for being a "fucker," etc., etc. on the way home tonight, two old guys were arguing at the top of their lungs: "i'm a happy man." "i'm happier than you are." "you're fucking miserable!" "i'm content!!!" "you're a miserable motherfucker, that's what you are!!! lordy, lordy, miss clawdy!!!" and after all of these bus rides, all i could think was, "i want my car back --- now ." p.s. since when do old people curse so much???
  16. attendants who won't let you do that are just assholes, plain and simple. come on, that's just a lack of decency.there was a club in new york that will remain nameless that everyone and his/her mother was gaga over but i thought pretty much sucked, except that it had a water fountain. it was hard to get to, but it was there, and i thought that was in the right spirit of things. i mean, really, the club is making plenty of money on other drinks .
  17. always be careful with other people's hearts - especially if you know they have feelings for you that you do not have for them in return. it can be near impossible to tell just how much of an impact you have on others. tune in tomorrow.
  18. what else can one do when one's car is in the shop ?
  19. shit! was this announced a long time ago and i just didn't know about it 'cause my friend wanted to see oakie and he had set our plans for that night already, or was this night just recently booked ?
  20. damn... there's so much to which i wanna respond that i'm sure i'll forget stuff... i'll try to touch on it all but i won't go back and quote people 'cause it takes too long. 1. a lot of girls really just aren't comfortable with it. it's not true that every girl likes it. i know a lot of girls who were brought up to believe that pussy is dirty, etc., and they just aren't comfortable getting eaten out. if they don't want to be, don't force them to. if they want to try it, they will, when they are ready. there's no use in forcing the issue. 2. sticking a finger or tongue in a girl's ass when that area hasn't been discussed can be perilous. that is an uncomfortable area for most people and one shouldn't just throw that in without warning. it could ruin a perfectly-good eating out session. 3. don't ignore the clit!!!!!!! jesus, guys, i thought everybody knew this by now !!! 4. make sure she knows you love what you're doing. someone said this above, and it's true. if she feels like you're just going through the motions or that you're only doing it to get something in return, it'll show, and she won't feel comfortable. 5. if you don't want to do it, or don't feel comfortable doing it yet, don't! it won't be enjoyable for either of you. the two of you can work something out. 6. as with everything in sex, communicate. 'nuff said .
  21. simple solution - move across the country .
  22. weyes

    The Thong Song...LOL

    i was really impressed, too. i wish they had animated the whole song (nevermind how much work that would've been)!!!
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