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Everything posted by weyes

  1. some locations may be really hard to find, but with persistence, maps, u-turns, logic, and sometimes use of more than one of one's five senses (not just vision), one can almost always find one's destination . tune in tomorrow.
  2. i PMed all the peeps i could think of that i thought may have missed this thread with an invitation. if i forgot anyone, it was not on purpose; i just want to reiterate that all are invited .
  3. come on, i wanna know all about his set and the volume level at the revamped palace (i know, avalon, avalon.). what was the crowd like (both in attitude and size)? is the parking still some ridiculous amount like $10/15? were there still too few bartenders? were said bartenders also too slow? enquiring minds wanna know!!!
  4. i did; i wonder why you can't! well, it's an invite to the meetup: i'll post it here: we finally set it all up; we're gonna have a meetup !!! just a casual get-together, but it's gonna be a big event, 'cause most of us haven't met ! come and have drinks (and maybe a nibble with which to wash that down ) at: kachina grill 8948 santa monica blvd (corner of santa monica & robertson) west hollywood, CA 90069-4902 on sunday, october 19th @ 6:30 pm here's the link to the thread with all the updated info. you can also RSVP there. hope to see you ! http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=185336&perpage=15&pagenumber=2 weyes
  5. i'm from nyc, but i was a raver back then. i went to raves held in some of those places, but those nights weren't representative of the clubs; they were one-night things. the raves in nyc were great . the rave scene out here gets a big thumbs-down from me, but i won't get into that, 'cause you seem to be a clubber. i did see danny tenaglia at sound factory for a thanksgiving eve once, and the vibe was really negative. too many people who were there spending too much time trying to be "better than" and too few nice people. i complimented a girl in the bathroom on her shirt and she just shot back the most evil look... out of the rest of those clubs i've only been to the roxy, and that place is just the nicest space. i've always thought it's so beautiful there. but i've only been there for one-night things, so i can't tell you what its equivalent is out here. sorry i can't be more helpful . i will say, however, that, on the whole, partiers (ravers, clubbers, everyone!!!) are just friendlier here, in my experience. it's easier to strike up conversations with strangers, and, at the few clubs i frequent, it's not about posing; it's about having a good time .
  6. hey, phattie, for really soft hands, put vaseline on 'em and sleep with white cotton gloves on. your hands will be ridiculously soft, and, if they were chapped, like mine were when i lived back east, they'll be healed. a lotion i like throughout the day is neutrogena's "norwegian formula hand cream." it comes in a 2 oz. tube sold in a box, so you'd think it's pricey, but it'll last you for a loooonnnngggg time. less than a pea-sized amount will be enough to moisturize your hands all day. as for a body lotion, i still haven't found one i like .
  7. i knew that wasn't what gabo meant, but i thought that was funny, too .nope, gabo & blueyesxxx, i really have no idea. i didn't even know that any clubs had bisexual nights .
  8. weyes

    Common Courtesy

    today my co-worker shared with me that she was itchy from having just given herself a trim downstairs. i told her i knew just what she was talking about, as i had just done the same myself ! i think there's just no winning with the body hair issue .
  9. don't forget to vote! make your voice heard on tuesday, october 7th!!! here is the board of elections' site: http://www.ss.ca.gov/elections/elections.htm on it you can find your closest polling place. the polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. allow time for lines, though. unfortunately, a lot of workers at the polling places aren't all that competent.
  10. my mom keeps eggs in her fridge for months, uses them, and says they're fine. i asked her about that upon seeing a container with a past-due expiration date on it, and she said, "eggs don't really expire for months."then again, my mom has also been quoted as saying, "just scrape the moldy part off!" when it comes to cheese ... seriously, her fridge is so sketchy that i won't let anyone dig into it without my inspection and approval. in general i'm a "help yourself to whatever is in the kitchen" kind of gal, but not in a kitchen where that may be hazardous to your health !!!
  11. ok - let's finalize these plans (since we all seem to be in agreement) : october 19th @ 6:30 p.m. @ kachina grill 8948 santa monica blvd west hollywood, CA 90069-4902 i'm stoked!!! let's get a rollcall going, here!!!
  12. learning not to take things personally is an excellent and life-improving skill; a lot of people are just equal-opportunity assholes . tune in tomorrow.
  13. i'll be at red on friday !!! i'll look forward to seeing you again! i'll take a li'l' mosey on up to the breaks room, and you'll probably be able to find me in the main room, too, if you look over the balcony - if i haven't found you.yep, it's my omniscient friend's birthday (i keep saying that), so it's party time !!! i won't be going out before then, though .
  14. if food smells - and especially if it tastes - iffy, get rid of it. there is no use in keeping it around, just in case you are wrong . special note: beware of dairy products ! tune in tomorrow.
  15. all right, lostin310; i'm waiting...
  16. anything is better than nyc's halloween parade .
  17. he's a skeksi - one of the bad guys from the dark crystal. didn't any of you guys see that movie?
  18. weyes

    i am....

    nope. i think i'm getting a cold.
  19. "would you be a love and please be quiet, babyhoneysweetiedarlingsugarsnookumsdear? thanks ."
  20. how long are we talking, here, anyway ? do you mean that she doesn't trim, at all? these threads are always a little unclear to me.
  21. weyes

    Common Courtesy

    whoa!!! is this clubplanet ??? why does everyone talk about how men's arms get prickly when they shave them? wouldn't it be ('cause i have no experience involving this topic) equivalent to women's legs in the sense that, if they shaved them as often, they wouldn't be problematic?
  22. if i'll have to work that sunday, i'll get off a little after 6 (usually about 6:10) and i work in santa monica. maybe i could squeak out a little early... but i would hate to be late ... how's 6:30 for everyone?
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