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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    a woman's mouth

    the high temp this past week in my zip code was 97 degrees (*weyes turns on fan*).
  2. one should keep a medicine cabinet well-stocked full of first aid and other essentials, including: * gauze * band-aids * alcohol * cotton * tweezers * thermometer * tape (for gauze) * hydrogen peroxide * antibiotic cream * tylenol (or other fever reducer) * aspirin (to take during a heart attack) add any others i've forgotten . tune in tomorrow.
  3. thanks, you two . the surgery itself was no problem . but all i can say right now is oooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! steak 6 hours later, blue??? i tried to eat pudding earlier today and it hurt so badly i actually started crying . the only other things i've had today have been chocolate milk, apple juice, and one of snapple's new meal replacement drinks (i'd never had one before; they're good). but swallowing hurts, too. i've been spitting out spit more than swallowing it. and the bleeding just stopped a couple of hours ago; the surgery ended at 10:30 a.m. or so and the bleeding was supposed to stop about an hour afterwards. here's a nice visual for y'all: i was napping and ended up drooling blood on my pillow. vicodin, schmicodin. that shit's not helping . i wish i had more chocolate milk. that was good.
  4. this year has been nothing short of dental hell for me. yes, for me: i brush twice a day and floss every night. who among you can say the same? life ain't fair... i've had at least 3 fillings - i lost count - a root canal, was told a few weeks ago that i need 3 crowns and 2 more fillings, and am having 4 wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. only one has really come in; a second is just breaking through and the other two are still below my gums. i'll be under iv sedation, but weyes is scared !!! the big, bad, surgeon people are gonna rip things outta my head ! then i hafta eat mushy things for a while. i already have been avoiding crunchy things because my gums have been hurting around the teeth that are coming in; now it's gonna be much worse. tonight i bought some pudding, ice cream, baby food, and jell-o. i already have some applesauce and oatmeal. not a very balanced diet, but i don't know what else to eat. maybe i'll go broke on jamba juice or drink a lot of slim-fast. but it's scary, you guys ; put in a good word for me with the dental gods, will you? i need all the help i can get. p.s. i hope i don't lose my wisdom with the teeth .
  5. as glow said, it's usually imposters. but sometimes people go over the line and disrespect other board members to the point where they no longer deserve to be a part of this community.i requested that someone be banned a while ago because he was spreading a virus. the guy didn't get banned, though, because he happened to be a friend of the admin. i thought that was pretty shitty, but that's just me... the virus didn't destroy anything permanently, just whatever one was working on at the time, and i was working on a few things; i lost it all. other people got hit by it too. i didn't think it was funny, and i still think that's enough of an offense and disregard for fellow board members to be deserving of being banned. p.s. where's the list?
  6. it is necessary to own a car. l.a. is really spread out, for one thing, so taking cabs would cost a fortune. traffic would also up the fares. and you need a car to get just about everywhere, so you'd need a couple of rides a day, if you planned to do that... maybe if you had your own chauffeur, things would work out ok, but that gets pricey, too ...
  7. don't be afraid to buy something 'cause you're afraid of what the cashier will think of your taste or needs. seriously - store employees really don't waste their time laughing at you because you like n*sync, eat nothing but froot loops & 40s, or have a yeast infection that just won't quit. tune in tomorrow.
  8. if it is affiliated, that's an understatement !!!
  9. 'cause i saw last night under 555-1212's name that he's banned and i wanna know if he is or if he gave himself that title. i don't remember how many posts he has, so i didn't check whether or not he can give himself whatever title he wants, though... still, though, i'd like to see the list again. d'you guys remember footographer ?
  10. alex, check out this thread - we discuss the meetup here:http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=188954
  11. life isn't about choice a v. choice b all of the time. there's no need for constant competition and often we can have both - or more than two - options !!! tune in tomorrow.
  12. i asked this once before a long time ago but i've forgotten the answer and it doesn't come up when i search for it. where can i find the list of banned cp members? thanks, i'mnotbanned
  13. i know someone who used to fool around with his male cousins, but they were fairly distant, and it was when everyone involved was very young. i think it's pretty creepy, but the way he describes it to me is that it was kinda like they were playing doctor and some continued to do it (meaning to continue a guy-on-guy sexual life) and some didn't - a curiosity type thing.
  14. well, i knew i would be late to the meetup because i had to work - though i thought i was gonna get out a little earlier than i did - but then i got lost, and it was all downhill from there ... seriously - santa monica blvd. turned into san vicente all of a sudden and then i was in a world of "what ??????". i looped back a bit, and when i got directions from someone, she directed me in a great big circle; i didn't realize that was what she had done till my clueless ass had done it. "where the fuck is la brea?????" i was thinking, as i drove and drove. "was this woman wrong about where la brea is?" then i noticed i was all the way in my old neighborhood (where i lived for 4 months) . as i always say, if there's a way to get lost, i will find it. by the time i got to kachina, all had finished eating and were ready to go home. i not only feel terrible about showing up so late because of everybody else, but, hey - i wanted to hang out and get to talk with all y'all, too !!! but i really can't feel worse about it than i do . but - (and i hope blue sees this thread) what's up with all you punks who didn't show??? parking was scarce around that place, but no one could've been later than i was, and the meetup was just anotherway83, bluecenterstar, and one of blue's non-cp friends. you guys owe us an explanation - harumph !!! we'll have to try this again soon, with a better location. it was kinda nuts over there; maybe someplace more laid-back? and i'll have to take a test-drive next time . sorrysorrysorry!!!
  15. telling people when they have something in their teeth is always better than letting them walk around with it stuck there; use some empathy to think about this one ! tune in tomorrow.
  16. she's gettin' hers, man; i bet she's laughin' at the two of you right now !
  17. some people who have absolutely nothing to do in their lives will occupy their time trying to irritate other people. there are two schools of thought on how one can react to these people's efforts: a) ignore them demonstrate annoyance so as to give these unfortunate souls a sense of purpose option a is not very labor-intensive and can become second nature after a while. however, one might say that option b is a noble thing to do . tune in tomorrow.
  18. i'm gonna bring my slr, big as it is. i really need to take more pictures. bring your digital if you want, though! which camera do you have? canon is my favorite brand, for digital and film cameras .
  19. i'll bring a camera !!! final roll call (let me know if i'm forgetting anyone): alex90028 anotherway83 bluecenterstar os9 tequiza (a little late) weyes (a little late)
  20. sigh... where is a camera when you need one ?
  21. when in a large store and having difficulty finding something, it's a good idea to ask at least 2 employees, as hardly anybody knows where anything is in a goddamned target . tune in tomorrow.
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