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Everything posted by weyes

  1. well, you can't rightfully call it "wtc," as the world trade center is no more. ever since 9/11/01, it has been "ground zero" . i don't mean to be nitpicky, but the inner new yorker - meaning, asshole - comes out in me every once in a while . i'm going in december for x-mas and am not looking forward to it (some issues to deal with there...). have fun and give me some hope for a good time! i want details when you come back !
  2. even in winter, it's possible to get a sunburn. one should still protect oneself properly if planning to spend time in the sun . tune in tomorrow.
  3. how about some captions? i don't know who all of you are, especially the guys.
  4. what happened, xpyrate (if you wanna talk about it)?
  5. they made her waist look smaller on the cover shot, too (shopperoo). and the new boobs look terrible .
  6. wow - these results are all over the map . the votes as of right now say a lot of things.of the women whom have reached orgasm thanks to men , 45.45% are in my boat, meaning that they've only come from oral or fingering so far in their lives (who knows what the future holds ?). 18.18% can only come through use of the wang, and that's not much. but 36.36% can come from any of those three alone. i feel better knowing that i'm in the majority; that's a comforting feeling in a lot of areas in life . but it bums me out that 3 women who answered this survey have never had an orgasm . i may not be able to reach orgasm through regular ol' boinking, but i had my first orgasm when i was twelve and i have multiple orgasms frequently (too bad i'm much more talented at doing that than any guy has ever been ). i sincerely hope that you ladies are working on that and that that changes soon .
  7. thanksgiving eve is always a great night for parties, or, at least, it always was in new york. i've never gone out on a thanksgiving eve out here. does anyone know of anything good this year?
  8. i'm with you.i knew about oakie and howells (who now has a residency at avalon, so he'll be here even more than a lot, is how i'd phrase it, sandiegino !), but i only knew that 'cause my omniscient friend told me, and he only found out 'cause it was posted on g r oo ve tickets. giant didn't send that out in a mailer, or at least they didn't include that in the mailer they sent to me that told me how much of my money they want . giant also had said that it was a 2-day party for $60, and now they changed their tune; it's $60 for the first night. the fine print about the bonaventure also said the rooms were double occupancy, with only a few triple occupancy available. this makes me think that there'll be security-types checking everyone's every move through room keys or wristbands or such, to make sure that people aren't having room parties or any other such fun. and the fine print prohibiting any food or drink in the rooms is just straight-up ridiculous. they wouldn't be able to regulate that entirely, ok... but the spirit of that alone pisses me off. all of this just isn't worth the trouble, for me. i'd just like to be chilling at home with my friends. if only i could convince them to do the same .
  9. when driving, one should try not to hover in the blind spots of adjacent cars; other drivers may try to switch lanes abruptly without checking their mirrors and hit you. tune in tomorrow.
  10. the best haircut i ever had was also the most expensive and the only time i ever spent that much money on a haircut. it was a $100 haircut, and i had it done at vidal sassoon in new york. curly hair is very hard to cut, and i was hoping someone could fix what wrong had been done to my hair . i made the terrible mistake of going to the vidal sassoon ACADEMY once, thinking that those people'd be learning from the best. boy, did that girl have a LOT to learn . now a friend of a friend, who's an actual haircutter professionally, cuts my hair. she's great at cutting curly hair (really, it's very hard to do well, judging by all the times i've gotten shitty haircuts) and charges me $30 instead of $40 'cause i'm a friend of a friend. i tip her $10; it's the least i can do, since she cut down the price by $10.
  11. i saw an ad tonight on nbc for a reality show in which she has to farm or something like that... didn't really catch the details .
  12. i'm always talking about and 'cause wise isn't sold out here . the only things remotely similar to dipsy doodles out here are regular ol' fritos. man, i love me some dipsy doodles!!!!!! and cheez doodles are infintely better than cheetos. pleeeeeease. when i'm in nyc in december, i think i'm gonna mail myself a big box of doodles .
  13. it's not that simple for me, nb ; my dermatologist and i are working things out... there isn't a moisturizer in the world that doesn't make me break out ! o, vic - when will we ever cross paths ?
  14. better late than never, and "belated" is a fancy-schmancy word for it, if you're embarrassed and need to say something to make yourself feel better . tune in tomorrow.
  15. weyes

    he he he

    hehehe... you said, "muff"... hehehehe...
  16. two more: shadowchaser (one of the first 3 i met, forgot his screenname) unbound (clubkat reminded me of his sn !)
  17. now that misk is officially gone, i guess i can take away that 50% of my ignore list . question, though - why'd she swear off cp when so many of you seemed to like her so much?
  18. i just trimmed them and thought of you the whole time .JK!!!!!!!! when you meet me, you'll see that my sensitive skin would prohibit me from shaving entirely, even if i did want to go that route . echh - just thinking about that dry new york winter air is making my face pink and irritated already .
  19. that's my hunnybunny, petrol, on the far left !!! you guys must've been at the few meetups i attended before i left nyc; i just never met'cha. ya know how old cp friends can keep to themselves and not talk to anyone else sometimes. i'm gonna be in nyc in december; there'd better be a meetup anywhere between and including december 18th-22nd !!!p.s. have a lot of you changed screennames over time? lots of you people in these pics have, according to your info in the margins, been on cp for a lot less time than i have.
  20. weyes

    My new kitten!

    of course you know that you've now committed yourself to posting kitty pictures at least till he reaches adulthood . moremoremore!!! cp loves kittens !!!!!!!!
  21. so far, these results are crazy ! but i won't even talk about 'em yet 'cause only 13 peeps have answered. keep answerin', girls !
  22. hold up - it's was the girls' looks that was disturbing you people most ? did you guys even see the pic of the girl with the cane in her hoohoo ?
  23. all haircutters are to be tipped, even if the haircut is quick, considered easy, or if it's a men's cut. that's the way that industry works, people; don't be cheap ! tune in tomorrow.
  24. i'm gonna be in nyc around x-mas, and there had better be a meetup . i'm gonna post that info on the sex board, too!!!
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