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Everything posted by weyes

  1. some people find the feeling of being right more important than actually being right. when things don't really matter all that much, letting these people wallow in their misinformation is giving them a gift . tune in tomorrow.
  2. check out the very informative sticky at the top of the page: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=136874 there's LOADS of helpful stuff in that thread .
  3. people obsess about hearing their boy/girlfriends or wives/husbands say "i love you," how often they do it, and who in the relationship says it first - whether first for the very first time or just first every time it's said. some feel that the frequency with which it's said is an indication of how intense or true the love is, whereas some people just "don't really say it." here's my thing, though. i don't have a romantic counterpart. but there are times when it'd be nice to hear some people in my family volunteer that they love me. what i'd really like the most, though, is to hear the friends that i love - which are very few - say it. i told a friend i loved him recently, but it was in regular conversation after something funny happened, and i think he thought i just meant it casually. i'm very particular with my words (as you on this board know ), though, and i don't throw "love" around. anyway, maybe he didn't get that i really meant it... it shouldn't matter all that much to me, 'cause whether he says that or not, our relationship is the same. some could say that words are just words, but these are just so reassuring and comforting; they let me know that everything is ok. but people generally don't talk about bonds of love between friends and family as though they're as important as love between romantic couples. why do you think this is?
  4. c'est impossible! they had them in other flavors when i was a kid, and i'm a wee bit older than you are. that could only be so if you went when you were young and i went when i was older. or maybe your friendly's was simply inferior .
  5. whaddya think, gang? can this forum go one frikkin' week without starting a thread about pubic hair ? countdown till someone starts one...10...9...8...7...6...
  6. my fam adheres very strictly to lists. we ditribute them at thanksgiving, and, as time goes by, let each other know when we're going to or have just gotten someone something off the list. it works really well. people get what they want, and the givers feel good about actually making the receivers happy . there's often some room for creativity within those lists (books about topic "x", for instance), so people get surprised, too.
  7. weyes


    the 18th-22nd will be my days to play ... we will figure it all out ...
  8. when i first came out to cali for college many years ago, people would ask things like, "aren't people rude in new york?" and "doesn't it smell bad?" and i used to respond that those were just myths. i said that, no, people really are pretty nice, and the city doesn't smell bad, except places where it should (alleys, etc.). then, when i came back to nyc on visits and when i moved back after graduating, i realized how rude new yorkers are and how smelly nyc is. i had just never known there was a difference.when i moved back to nyc after graduating, often, people would ask me where i'm from. "i'm from here," i'd say. "but you're smiling," they'd respond. "i would've guessed you're from ________," and fill in the blank. that, i thought, was one sign of many that i had to leave.
  9. well, the best i can dig up is that that night is supposed to be donald glaude, but also that that announcement was made 4 weeks ago and may very well be null and void. spundae and g r oove tickets don't have anything posted, so they're no help. sorry i can't give you anything solid !
  10. buying yourself things too close to the holidays makes you run the risk of receiving the same things as gifts. when that happens, it shows how much someone really knows you . tune in tomorrow.
  11. i had the last word for two days shy of two months . awwww yeeeaaah ... so where were you, magellan, with all this "now i'm back" talk?
  12. i'm with mala, but your mom's on point, too; neosporin does work wonders.
  13. hey, not my problem that you chose the strawberry fribbles !!!to those that don't know, they're the most rockin'-est milkshakes. your straw will stay completely vertical if you leave it there - they're that thick. they also come in chocolate and vanilla .
  14. i'm with mala on this, except that i don't wanna have kids .if i did, though, 4th grade would be about where i'd start. that's when my school started, and i think that was about right. i know a girl who got her period in the 5th grade, and it was important that she knew all about that before it happened.
  15. i was gonna say the same thing ! she should get bangs or let some hair fall in her face or something... she does have a rep for being really nice, though.
  16. i was responding to the condescending tone in the line, "Just turned 30 last month, hun..."
  17. so far i can't find out what's going on at spundae that night. i'll try to find out for ya.
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