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Everything posted by weyes

  1. let's lose the waffle talk!!! i'm only going out to arc on the 20th; i won't be going out clubbing any other night. i won't be able to make a meetup at another club that night or at arc on another night. i just figured it's a good night for a meetup 'cause other people'll be going to arc, too. a dinner meetup sounds fab to me. how about if we go to some bar & grill type place?
  2. did you not see my post above ?
  3. working overtime and/or taking someone else's shift at work helps all involved; you can make your co-workers' lives easier and make some extra cash at the same time . tune in tomorrow.
  4. i'll be in nyc from dec. 17th to dec. 22 and would love to meet some more cpers !!! i plan on going to arc on saturday, the 20th (paul johnson, marco v, joshua ryan), and was hoping we could have a meetup before then someplace. any ideas ?
  5. i'll be in nyc from dec. 17th to dec. 22 and would love to meet some more cpers !!! i plan on going to arc on saturday, the 20th (paul johnson, marco v, joshua ryan), and was hoping we could have a meetup before then someplace. any ideas ?
  6. surely, gmc, you are not suggesting that people stop masturbating when they are dating someone ...
  7. i forgot to mention that it's $299 just about everywhere (check out ritzcamera.com).funkyfresh - i still haven't seen any stills or moving images from paris' tape, but someone just told me today that it was shot in night vision ! so, one of the parties didn't know s/he was being filmed?
  8. i was gonna say i thought it was a man, but i didn't want to risk it being someone in present company, so i kept quiet .
  9. twilo was extremely overrated; no frowning face required.
  10. one shouldn't expect to smell good after a day of sweating in polyester . tune in tomorrow.
  11. i'm so touched that you remember that !although canon is my favorite brand, i really don't like the elph series. people like them because they're small, but i think that's mostly all they've got going for them. i much prefer the a70, if you want a 3.2 megapixel. most of the functions on the sd100 are hidden within menus, whereas, on the a70, the most important features are on a dial on the top of the camera. this is not only more user-friendly, but faster, and gives one a better chance of actually getting the picture (the photographer will be taking the picture instead of still fiddling with buttons and menus). the screen on the a70 has a durable plastic coating over it, and i believe that the sd100 does not. i'll check on that tomorrow, though, to be sure, and'll edit this if that's not so. and, even though the a70's bigger, it's got a grip that i like. then there's the compact flash v. secure disk argument, and although that's not all that important... more and more cameras are using sd these days, and i'm not sure what that means. all of the other canons and nikons continue to use compact flash. i prefer compact flash 'cause it's more durable, harder to damage, and, because it was one of the very first media, it's used on a lot of old equipment (like print-from-card printers and whatnot), which can come in handy. i'm asking for a digital for christmas/my b'day (dec. 27th ), and i'm having trouble deciding between a few canons and the sony v-1, which can focus in total darkness and then take color pics w/ flash, and even take pics in total darkness, without flash (they're green though, like night vision would be). that'd be useful for me, since i'd mostly be using the cam to take pics in clubs. i was waiting for the slrs to get cheaper, but that's taking too long .
  12. weyes

    im in love

    she's more angular in that pic than she used to be. i liked her better before. she's still pretty, though.
  13. sharing your feelings with the people you love makes them feel more loved . tune in tomorrow.
  14. i'm serious, though. why? or is this some east coast thing?
  15. hey, magellan, why do you call everybody "ma" ?
  16. my best friend is a gay guy and the two of us go out as a pair a lot. we get told we look like a couple, though. each of us serves as the other's cockblock, i guess, but i don't know what we could really do about it.
  17. weyes

    Attn: Darlok

    very sweet offer, but no thanks .
  18. weyes

    Attn: Darlok

    this is me, kicking youarehot99 in his taint: or is this me, hitting him on his taint?: o, it's so confusing ...
  19. here's the info: http://giantclub.com/ i'm gonna see digweed's 12-hour set at avalon (in hollywood) instead .
  20. ah - i always forget about that, 'cause i don't drink. when red moved from arena to laec (it's moved again, now it's at park plaza), people complained that the drinks were barely alcoholic. and i don't remember where it was, but my friend and i were somewhere where his favorite drink (which is double vodka and red bull) was $16. that's just ridiculous .
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