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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i think a "wait and see" approach is the best idea; don't force anything. but i think the main problem here is a lack of trust. i really can't say what he's thinking or doing, 'cause we have no idea what's going on in his head, for sure. but it seems to me like you have some idea of where a relationship should be after a certain amount of time, when, really, every relationship has its own timeline. and i would also point out that a month is really a very short period of time. first of all, you haven't known him that long, and, second, why hurry to define and/or label the relationship?
  2. ah, you flatter this old geezer .my birthday was ok, even though my dad forgot to call. this is the second birthday he's done that, and i got bent outta shape about that the first time, so i decided not to repeat that reaction . he didn't intentionally not call, after all. new year's is gonna be a double party for me; my friends and i are gonna celebrate it as my birthday, too, 'cause we didn't do anything last night. i'm feeling better than i did yesterday, and can't wait for diggers !!!
  3. melrose has some cool stores peppered amongst the cheesy. it's really the only area in l.a. i can think of where there are stores in a centralized location that aren't chain stores; everywhere else all you'll find are malls. melrose is hollywood, but where i'd recommend. i work in santa monica and don't really recommend anywhere there.
  4. two more house spots: wax, every other saturday at larchmont dirty dirty house club: http://www.larhythm.com/events/clubs/electronicdance/thursdays/dirtydirtyhouseclub.php
  5. i'm so glad someone else likes grease 2!!! you just can't beat michelle pfieffer singing, "i want a devil in skintight leather..."
  6. side or stomach. i can't fall asleep on my back.
  7. expecting everyone to remember your birthday is just setting yourself up for a big fall. people forgetting doesn't mean they don't love you, it just means they're not good with dates . tune in tomorrow.
  8. thanks, girl !!! i'm actually staying in tonight; i have a cold and don't feel so hot . there weren't any events tonight that really struck my fancy anyway; spundae didn't have a dj i wanted to see. i'll be at diggers on new year's - will you?
  9. weyes

    so how was the meetup?

    would've been nice if someone had come up with a better place early on, beforehand.
  10. weyes

    so how was the meetup?

    hmmm... yeah, heartland was a bad choice; it was totally packed. mala and i had decided to meet there an hour early and sat at a high table in the front of the restaurant after walking through the place to look for any other early people. i was facing the door, on the lookout, the whole time. i posted my pic in bump, but i forgot to post it here . i know what siceone and jon look like, though, and i didn't see either of you two. hrm. i did meet majinbuu and francismhwhite at arc later that night, though .
  11. ooo, elementx - just have to throw in my two cents on this one: my store has sold about 15 or so of those, and three have been returned, defective. that's a terrible percentage . the advent of the digital rebel was really exciting and the camera has been selling very well, but it seems to not be well-made. i do agree that digital slrs are the shit and i want one myself, but i strongly advise against the digital rebel. that said, i have never seen the digital rebel cost more than $999. anyplace selling it for more than that shouldn't be considered. ritz, wolf, inkley's, and kits camera all have it for that price (they are all encompassed by the co. for which i work; there's a wolf camera in nyc on b'way in the upper 80s), and so do all of our local competitors. since there are ritzes and wolfs in new york, the other stores ya got should have it for the same price, if they wanna compete. i reiterate, though, that i don't recommend it, and that there are a lot of other digital slrs out there now from which to choose.
  12. i dunno what happened, but i was there with mala and we had a grand ol' time : !!!
  13. o, tequiza, i'm so touched !!! wow - that'll take some serious thought; that's nothing to just throw out lightly. i'll get to work on it right away .
  14. all right, all; i'm back in town . no more absenteeism. it's a good idea to clean at least the bedroom (if not the whole house) before going on vacation; coming home to a mess is a downer after a long, tiring trip home. tune in tomorrow.
  15. hmmm... i was gonna say deep. arena has hip hop on fridays now, but i don't know what the lowdown on that is; from what i heard, it's nothing good. let me see if i can find out anything else for ya .
  16. i accept presents of all sorts, thanks , but how can one buy a girl a blowjob, exactly ?
  17. thanks, mala . i've been having internet issues, and now i'm having phone issues . and she's right, majinbuu. even without paul johnson, i'm going. i wasn't mad, wideskies ! that was my wary face!
  18. making a list of things to pack before a vacation is a good way to insure that more of the things you need'll actually wind up in your suitcase... tune in tomorrow.
  19. all right, peeps; since all of this change of venue talk came about so late in the game and nothing was decided instead, let's keep it at 9pm at heartland union square to avoid confusion and we can go somewhere else from there if we choose . i wanna meet you guys !!! so, since i don't know most of you, here's a pic so that you can find me (though i'll probably be talking to mala early on): can't wait to see you there!
  20. so, i'm in new york and soo stoked!!! do we need a repeat of the rsvp list?????? 9 pm, saturday, heartland brewery, union square.
  21. leaving packing to the last minute is NOT the best way to start a vacation . tune in tomorrow.
  22. all right, all, i'll be "home" for x-mas in nyc; i leave on wednesday. i'll be back on the 26th, the day before my birthday, 'cause you KNOW i would not celebrate my birthday in freezing, depressing new york!!! my posting will be a little erratic, but i will try my best to get the column up every day.
  23. if one insists on being preachy, one should also be sure to practice what one preaches. tune in tomorrow.
  24. 'k, so i knew he was in a wheelchair, and i just read that his right leg was amputated in october. but how did he get wheelchair-bound? i heard he was shot, but i'd like to know the circumstances. was he caught in crossfire, or did someone actually have issues with this great man??? and why do you guys have to hog him (i hear he mostly plays in chicago )? if mobility is a factor, i'll forgive him that. but his being a no-show 2 and a half years ago (the last chance i had to see him!) and now cancelling a week in advance are just not cool .
  25. xpyrate - i meant that i got two of the three things i was looking for for other people !!!
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