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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. lyin' piece a sack a shit slut trashcan scummest dirtbag bitch!!!
  2. i'm sooooooooo exhausted. i was falling asleep on the drive home, so i had to get off the freeway and buy a snack. the only thing that keeps me awake while driving is eating something. i'm looking forward to sleeping tonight, but i have work to do!!!
  3. opening things - from bottles to wrappers - with one's teeth is NOT wise ; they are more fragile than one might realize . tune in tomorrow.
  4. especially if you lick your fingers ! vic, that is the cutest cow in your sig!!!
  5. all right, cocksuckers, lick one and your mama's!!!!!!!!
  6. it depends if she pronounces it, "whore" or "'ho."
  7. in order to properly line up the order of one's errands, one ought to call every destination to find out its closing time. tune in tomorrow.
  8. keep 'em coming, y'all . no need to stop at one favorite!
  9. i know how that is. i need a new job in a serious way 'cause i gotsta get out of this apartment and away from my psycho roommate! i'm gonna live with my best friend in the oc, but i have to find a job down there, first. i am losing my patience with this situation... o, and a boyfriend sure would be nice...have fun, everyone! sounds like tonight is gonna be a grand ol' time!!!
  10. welcome back, mala!!! i hope you like florida, so far! all i gotsta say about the hand washing thang is that too many kids be sneezing everywhere, on everything. do parents even do anything anymore???
  11. hmmm. interesting story, but i'd be scared of a girl who could successfully "hide a beer" in her bra. those must be some funny-looking boobs ... anyway, i've always thought that gay guys making out is a lot hotter than straight girls making out with each other. it's not just 'cause i'm a girl, either; who wants to watch peeps make out that are totally faking it ?
  12. thanks, dave. once again, proving that cpla members have in abundance .
  13. you promise me... you promise me... you promise me... that song is so weird: the vocoder, the accordian, but i like it anyway. go fig!
  14. awww . i feel bad for the poor thing...
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