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Everything posted by weyes

  1. were you at avalon on new year's?
  2. punctuality says more about a person than that s/he can keep good time... tune in tomorrow.
  3. i'd just say her taste buds are a little off !!!
  4. and, for your part, take responsibility for your actions. don't say we're "overanalyzing" when we're just holding you responsible for the things you do and say that hurt us.
  5. weyes

    i want sex now...

    nope . maybe you were just one of those faces i used to see around at parties and whatnot .
  6. djs do play longer sets regularly; i'd say we get a long set from someone at least once a month, when a really big name comes to town. digweed's almost 10-hour set on new year's was pretty bombass .
  7. weyes

    i want sex now...

    i figured it would be, but dunno why you look familiar. where'd you go to school?
  8. take your pompous ass with its shit-eating grin and eat some shit, you pompous asshole!
  9. weyes

    i want sex now...

    bbbooom, who is that in your avatar?
  10. you can check out spundae's messageboard, too, if you like. ok, i'll tell you all about the place. it's like nowhere else. the bouncer hugs everyone and gives big hellos on the way in. people are friendly and totally unpretentious. people dress how they want, which varies from sparkly to as casual as you get. there's chatting a-plenty on the enormous patio with tables, chairs, and free fruit, if you get there early enough. there are also hamburgers, quesadillas, and more for sale, if you get really hungry. the vibe is unmatched. there are smiles all around, no attitude. the music is always excellent. it is impossible to have a bad time at spundae - plain and simple . o, and it closes at 4.
  11. wisdom can be learned from even the most unwise of people. tune in tomorrow.
  12. i've got lots of work to do tomorrow, and it's my day off... what's that about? grrr...
  13. spundae is my favorite club anywhere, anytime, and i'm from nyc ! ask anyone here about my love for spundae; i'm tired of rambling about them all the time . but here's their website, for more info: www.spundae.com
  14. argh!!!!!! how many times do i have to say that this is just for reviews, people?!!!!!!!!!! NO PROMOTING here, please!!!
  15. i'm from nyc and much prefer it out here. i moved out here for good (and it most certainly is for good ) almost 3 years ago (having also spent 4 years here for college a couple of years before that) and i won't ever live anywhere else. the weather isn't just a plus; it affects your psyche. you really can't know what that truly means till you experience it - it's almost like you become sunshine yourself. but i think that, for me, it also feels that way because i felt so much like a part of the shadows, clouds, and cold that made up the city of new york. anyway, we'll be waiting for you! p.s. what school do you go to?
  16. yeah, but i was aiming and playing music and wanted to hear that.
  17. at the dirty dirty house club (@ the parlour club in los angeles, every thursday), admission is $3, or free if you come without underwear . i wonder if the bouncer checks the girls AND the boys ...
  18. my last ex was mostly silent. bothered me...
  19. writing things in word, then copying them and pasting them is a good idea, a lot of the time. the 'net will erase your work any time it feels like it ... tune in tomorrow.
  20. d'ya know when scott bond is comin' next? boy, wouldn't trancekyd be surprised if i found out before he did?!
  21. is it sexy smiley time?
  22. the first cut is the deepest when it comes to being lucky, he's cursed boooooooooooooo
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