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Everything posted by weyes

  1. an oldie but a goodie - they say one should pick one's battles in life. but it's not so that one can be victorious more often; it's so that one can learn to determine what is worth fighting for and what should be gracefully relinquished to others. tune in tomorrow.
  2. . check out the websites, if nothing else. they're kinda fun .
  3. i love the puppets, not the calls.
  4. you're too sweet !
  5. while gifts are not by any means the best way to express love, they're very rarely not accepted (hint, hint). tune in tomorrow.
  6. i'm not a fan of bbb either. what kind of work is that, blue?
  7. i hate when people say, "jokenfold." grow up, kids .
  8. always the romantic - that's our gabo .
  9. i missed the grammys; i was working till 10:30 last night . i'm going to see hernan catteneo @ avalon. can anyone tell me, specifically, what kind of sound he has?
  10. i'm going to avalon to see hernan cattaneo.
  11. have a great party, imad !!! check out cpla's guestlist for this party. make sure to click on "los angeles" . check out our other guestlists, too!
  12. straight from average joe 2 - when the function of a button is unknown, it is best to leave it unpressed. tune in tomorrow.
  13. red's back! yay ! is red back from now on, or is this just for this week, for now?
  14. let me know when you're going; i'll give you my "best of nyc" !
  15. weyes


    and what drug is this... ?
  16. just f.y.i. thanks, weyes owl and the sesame street crew
  17. what if it is all photoshop? how many of you know her, anyway?
  18. there are definitely people who don't get along; some people choose to argue, some don't.
  19. weyes

    butta face

    my last major work crush had the face and almost nothing else. i'm an arms/shoulders/chest girl, and he had sloping shoulders that i really find unattractive (shoulders are one of the first things i look at). he was also an uber-dork; he tucked his t-shirts into his jeans and wore lace-up leather shoes... but he had a smirk that just killed me and these wolf-like blue eyes (and i never notice eyes)... i still feel woozy thinking about him, and that was years ago. i overlooked a lot for that amazing face .
  20. bukkake is a sort of "cum mask," if you will ...
  21. sorry i was absent yesterday and late today, all; away from a comp all weekend! but here's the column. some single people - more often women than men, though - can turn valentine's day into a mope-fest, focusing on the fact that they don't have a romantic partner. if you have friends that fit this description, it's great to plan a fun night ahead in advance so that they can remember the other love that IS in their lives . tune in tomorrow.
  22. that's a no-no . only :heart:love:heart: thyself.
  23. just a couple of things, from an outsider's point of view, since i don't know most of you guys that well. fat, racist, and handicapped jokes are ALL ignorant and in terribly bad taste. but i am bowled over by how so many of you don't hesitate to make fun of a person's disability when you don't like the person herself. in fairness, she can't control being handicapped. hate her for her personality, if you must hate; that, she can control. but on a more basic note, housediva - while i think it's a good thing to stand up for yourself, i have never seen a thread with a post from you that didn't turn out nasty. why do you stick around this board when no one seems to like you? i'm not saying i don't like you, 'cause i don't know anything about you. but it seems that there's nothing to gain by arguing with everyone all the time. either adopt a more positive attitude, or go somewhere where you can get a fresh start (and use the new, fresh attitude when you get to that new board).
  24. i'm only asking here because this is the only place where i see threads that involve her. and i'm not trying to start a name-calling thread or get any nasty talk going, though that's probably what will happen. but i'd like to know what's wrong with her hand. can anyone explain?
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