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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i am stunned. my 33-year-old roommate did not know that our current president is the son of a former president. a 24-year-old co-worker of mine thought that the united states has a prime minister. really, i don't ask for much. i mean, come onnnnnnnnnnn ...
  2. you guys are too much !!!
  3. whining is generally a very effective method of achieving the opposite of the usually desired results. ask nicely, and the world will be more likely to give a fair listen. tune in tomorrow.
  4. thanks, tequiza .
  5. the only thing i guess is if you would say, "the other night i got :tank:ed ."whaddya think? maybe ?
  6. i like coffee but i never drink it when i'm out 'cause it sends me to the bathroom. it's funny it hits all you guys that way, 'cause i never understood how coffeehouses are so popular ("a hot chocolate for me, please...")and it's funny you mention cigarettes, too, lina! you're the only one i know who's ever said something about that! i smoke cloves occasionally, and they send me to the potty, too. i don't smoke them when i'm out. but people smoke packs of cigs a day; i don't get it . are cloves stronger in that regard, maybe? thoughts?
  7. there's a shitload of red tape (and you're not dealing with the brightest folks) when it comes to getting properly registered to vote, so get on it! the deadline for registering in order to vote in this primary is FEBRUARY 17th, but they say that, if you want to mail it in, you have to have your application postmarked 15 days ahead of that (which would've been the 2nd). so, kids, you have to go to your county's election official to drop off the stinkin' form in person, if you're not registered to vote in california. **NOTE: they say that you don't have to vote at "your" polling place, as long as you vote at one in the county in which you are registered. they will give you what is called a "provisional ballot" if you do this. word to the wise, folks: i did that twice, because they didn't have a record for me, even though i sent my form in on time, and i was then told a year later that the state had no record of me EVER voting. don't believe the "provisional ballot" hype ! vote in your proper polling place, yo!** MARCH 2nd is the california state primary, and there will be 4 state propositions on the ballot, along with the primaries for the presidential race. all props. are budget-related, with prop. 55 being about funding education. but this state election is all about the $$$. this primary, though, is extremely important, for all you democrats. cali has a huge number of delegates, and, for those who don't know what that means, well, let's just say that we're a state that makes a bigger difference than most . SO, VOTE!!! ok, here are the websites with all the info you need, including where to get and turn in your registration form (and, as i said, you have to walk it in to your local official, since time has run out), where to vote, what the props. are all about, what each candidate has to say for himself ( ), and more: bios of the democrats: http://easyvoter.org/california/nextelection/2004-primary/democratic.html quick guide to this election: www.easyvoter.org more in-depth site about this election: www.MyVoteCounts.org
  8. well, i was gonna post a simple yet important thread about registering to vote on time, including appropriate dates, phone numbers, etc., but it seems as though "the man" is making it as tough to register to vote as possible. there's just as much red tape as ever. so i'll make a link to a whole thread just about the election! tune in tomorrow.
  9. hello!!!!!!!!! i'm a girl!!!! sheesh! why don't people ever catch that? do i have to put a bow on my owl ?
  10. this one is me a lot of the time: the world is just so sketchy, ya know? this is the most important missing one (there are a few ones that i think we really need, but i paste this one in a lot: this one isn't right in the sense that i don't really get it: why a fridge? and i really can't choose a favorite, but i like these:
  11. yeah - well, it depends on what you mean by that. what can i do for you ?
  12. weyes

    The Best Figures

    i'm an all-american white girl (not european, but not black or latina either) and i got junk in the trunk. yesssssss, i do.
  13. looks to me like she's gettin' it up the ass.
  14. thanks, all, for your kind words . and we are getting better all the time .
  15. i really don't know; that's why i haven't answered. but alex90028 or lalate would have a better idea .
  16. i'm moving to the city of orange soon; we'll have to have an oc meetup, as well as the successful l.a. meetup we never had!
  17. we're only talking about cp smileys here, right?
  18. buying generics (food, drugs, beauty products) can be a great way to save money. read the ingredients; sometimes they're the exact same as those in the brand-name versions. tune in tomorrow.
  19. i frikkin' love cp. i like some of the other forums and all that jazz, but i have to say that i love the l.a. forum 'cause we've got no drama. we're one of the entirely drama-free (if there are any others...?) forums on cp. but, what i like even more, is that we're the drama-free los angeles messageboard . sure, we're smaller than some, but we've been growing recently, and our size doesn't have anything to do with the quality of people we are; we're just a good-hearted bunch. ok, i'm gushing... i just wanted to say that it's nice to be here, and not to have to read people bickering and complaining all the time. when i'm tired, bummed, or any of a number of other things, you guys make my days , and i wanna say, "thanks."
  20. some arguments simply aren't worth the fallout after the fight. tune in tomorrow.
  21. o, so that seems like the parents are claiming they didn't know he was dead, and the girl didn't tell them; everyone just ignored the stench. that's the way that article reads, to me. did the tv news make it seem different?
  22. sweet potatoes don't count 'cause they're not the same vegetable, but i'm surprised you like 'em more; i know so few people who like 'em at all. they're just seasonal, aren't they? is that why they're mostly served in the fall, or is that just tradition? i was gonna put "boiled" as a choice, but i wanted to put "other" as an option and figured boiled wouldn't be anyone's favorite [you can only put down 10 choices].
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