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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    too much foreplay

    in general, those who view what comes before sex as just "what comes before sex" don't put as much effort into it, and it shows. perhaps your girlfriend senses that you are in a hurry and would rather that you pay attention to all of her and ALL of what the two of you can do (which should be something you'd want to explore ...), instead of just getting right to humping. o, and another note: lots of people - men and women - need a little time to "get in the mood..." maybe she'll get in a really nasty, dirty, amazing mood, if given the chance .
  2. one shouldn't allow heartbreak to render one heartless. tune in tomorrow.
  3. weyes

    Female Ejaculation

    thanks, dgtl, i appreciate that. for now, though, i'm just gonna be glad that i don't do it anymore; not being too embarassed or afraid to have sex has really been a gift, to me .
  4. while incredibly annoying , technical difficulties are not the worst thing in the world (sorry for no column yesterday ). tune in tomorrow.
  5. weyes

    Female Ejaculation

    actually, no. it never happened when i was with someone else - only when i was masturbating. no guy ever had the cause to tell me anything about it. but that's why i held back when i had sex; i didn't want it to happen. the first info i ever got on it (although i promptly tried to find out more) was from my gynecologist, who told me i was peeing when i came. that freaked me the fuck out. and there is very little out there on the subject to let me know what the hell was going on with my own body.but for your information, dgtl, the fact that i did that was not "who i was." it was just something i happened to do. and there is a big difference.
  6. honesty and openness are important qualities one should have, but one must also know when, where, and how to use them. tune in tomorrow.
  7. it's best to refill one's prescription before one runs out of medication completely. tune in tomorrow.
  8. i know this poll is seriously bizarre, but i really need some more answers, peeps ; it's practically a bet between my friend and me!!!
  9. weyes

    Female Ejaculation

    no, it doesn't. i used to 9 times out of 10, which made me hold back so i wouldn't come at all; it was really embarrassing . i'm lucky that i finally figured out how to NOT do it anymore.
  10. yep - that's what i thought. what a ridiculous notion; i don't think those exist .
  11. can anyone find vicman's thread about testing all pop-tart varieties? it was called "my new objective in life," but i can't seem to find it no matter what i search under .
  12. yeah, i'm wondering if i should give them a call, or if that's being too pushy... what does one do about this stuff when they said they'd "be calling back in the first week in march"?
  13. props to anotherway !!!
  14. ok, i realize that this is weird . but i was having a discussion with my best friend about this at 4 in the morning or something when we were both inebriated and he turned it into one of those "everybody does that but you" things. i started asking other people and i got a split right down the middle, gender-wise, with no exceptions. so i gotta know, and there's more accuracy in numbers, so i take this question to my beloved clubplanet peeps ! so, guys and gals, when you use toilet paper, do you fold it or crumple it?
  15. hey, you guys keep complaining that there aren't enough girls like this out there; where's the love ?
  16. just say, "no" to long hair.
  17. funkyfresh is kidding; bukkake is when a bunch of guys all come on a girl's face at once .
  18. ok - "dingleberries" must mean something other than what i thought they are. can someone please tell me what they are?
  19. i wanted her to eliminate him just 'cause of the accent throughout the run of the show, but during this last episode, i didn't even notice it, 'cause the guy is such a fucking prince. seriously - i honestly didn't hear it. that girl is such a frikkin' tool.
  20. one must experience pop-tarts when warm; straight outta the box just isn't the same . tune in tomorrow.
  21. i still haven't heard back from the peeps who interviewed me ... i have to get this job!!!!!!
  22. vote your heart, your conscience, your beliefs, your mind - but vote. tune in tomorrow.
  23. you've talked about it before ! o, gabo, what'll we do with you ?
  24. weyes

    Average joe 2

    i've watched the show ever since the 2nd or 3rd episode; it and the first average joe were the only reality shows i've ever watched. *just 2 quick notes - she was 27 or 28; not 22, and that airheaded blonde guy's name is gil. anycrap, she is a total asshole for not picking brian. she admitted that he was interesting, bright, funny, fun, and she always knew that he would respect her, no matter what. and you're right, fearlesss, he totally would've overlooked the fabio thing. the reason why gil couldn't was because he felt threatened by that, and that's pathetic. he was actually feeling as though maybe he wouldn't be able to compare to fabio. what a tool . but here's what really pissed me off: brian was in love with her, and she was the first love of his 31-year-old life. larissa knew this. this gil asshole is riding up in his limo saying, "i hope she picks me, um... that'd be nice," and shit like that. he really didn't care either way, except that he probably wanted to fuck the girl in the end. from my experience, attraction isn't always sparked right away, and, for me, at least, it's been the relationships in which it developed over time that were the best. when you find out that the 2 of you are good together as people, taking clothes off starts to sound appealing . she should've given brian a chance; that guy was a prince, and larissa lost on that show not on the beach, but on that red carpet.
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