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Everything posted by weyes

  1. respect your gynecologist; don't eat mexican before a visit . tune in tomorrow.
  2. weyes

    memeber me.

    sounds good . i remember a lot of people said they live in the oc; i'm moving there april 1st! what say we do something after that?
  3. pretty much anything involving my tits gets me going, but if a guy bites my lip, i am putty in his hands . going at it against a wall is always good, too ...
  4. don't know if someone posted this, but i got to this link from that "milkshake" link (i couldn't see the milkshake one, by the way. my comp wouldn't let me, for some reason...). http://www.flabber.nl/ click "extra pleasure" and watch the 30 second ad .
  5. weyes

    too much foreplay

    i've never come from penetration, so a lot of fingering is jest fine wit me . i agree with sugar; i don't know what this "too much foreplay" thing is. does not compute...
  6. weyes

    memeber me.

    we seriously need to plan a meetup up in here.
  7. spundae and red (the 2 i frequent on a regular basis) are open till 4, and avalon saturdays are generally open till 5 or so.
  8. never did that, and i've been there about 6 times! i can't wait till they re-open space mountain ...o, and they're re-opening thunder mountain railroad this month (i have a friend who works at disneyhoo who gives me the lowdown on all this jazz). it's been closed ever since that person died on it a few months back.
  9. unfortunately, those with the least to say usually talk the most . tune in tomorrow.
  10. just a note to those who try to make it otherwise .
  11. queenv got me thinking about this by mentioning that she just went to disneyland. i love the tiki room; that place makes me laugh uncontrollably. it was built in the 60s or so and hasn't been changed much since, so it's really ghetto compared to the other things in the park. if any of you haven't been there and are going to disneyland, make sure you hit that place up . what's everyone's favorite ride/place there?
  12. weyes

    Happy MONDAY!

    i loooooooooooooove disneyhoo !!! but you should never go on a weekend; that's just torture. especially when it's the first really warm weekend of the year. how did you win an annual pass? i'm seriously jealous ... it's a goal of mine to have my picture taken with all of the characters, or, at least, all of the cool ones. i've never seen mickey, though, 'cause his lame ass doesn't walk around the park. that pisses me off. why should we have to go to his house? we already made the trip to disneyland in the first place; i think he should meet us halfway. he's the only cool character who doesn't walk around; the only other ones who don't are the lame ones, like ariel and that chick from aladdin. did you get any good pics taken?
  13. i'm from nyc and i love the l.a. nightlife; i like it a lot more than the new york scene. people are SO much friendlier, and that makes all the difference. also, we've been getting a lot of good djs as of late. peeps i know in new york have been complaining about what's happened to the new york scene, and, if new yorkers'll admit that something about their city isn't the best in the world, ya know something's gotta be bad !!! but i never partied in boston, so i can't speak to that. i love spundae and recommend you go there, big time. it's my favorite club, anywhere, even though i haven't been there in a while. it's my contention that it's impossible to have a bad time there . www.spundae.com
  14. i wish i could help you on this; i still have yet to go to an amazing festival of international djs . i went to some kickass raves back in the day, though, so at least i can look back on those and be happy .
  15. share your creativity - writing, singing, anything - with your friends and family; it's another way of showing them you love them. tune in tomorrow.
  16. well, i'm moving to the city of orange (in orange county, of course) and will be living with my favorite of friends, who has a cell. since our computers will be hooked up to cable and he has a cell, getting a land line would be for my use only. since i've wanted to have a cell anyway, i figure i might as well finally get one (yes, i am officially the last person to get a cell phone!). does anyone have any recommendations as to what carrier i should or should not get? who gets good service in l.a., in orange county? what kinds of plans are the best? what brands of phone are good and bad? i know nothing about all this. help a sista out ! thanks, your friendly owl, moving to a new neighborhood !
  17. it would be impossible for me to give up everything i believed in and have everything i wanted.
  18. i dunno why you guys keep saying she was "blessed" with those boobs; she's been cursed. they're sagging already (just from being so damn huge and heavy), and i'm sure she has a helluva hard time finding clothes that fit. seriously, any girl that isn't fat and wears just a d will already have trouble, so a girl who's skinny and has mammoth tits will have an even harder time. i can't imagine where she could possibly shop. and, of course, her back will be wrecked fairly soon. as someone else said, she's gotta have surgery before she does some serious harm to herself! she does have a cute face, though; it's a shame.
  19. weyes

    ATTN: everyone

    wheeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. weyes

    serious curves

    i think she has a nice face. but what i think is disturbing is that her waist is so teeny. i think that's what's so off-putting and out of proportion.
  21. well, the poll supports my theory, but not by much (i have another theory - perhaps y'all are just trying to mess with my survey !). i know you all think this is a weird topic, but i think my findings have been ever weirder.you do help me, though, themrs; every single female i've asked crumples and every male folds. i even asked my brother, figuring that we might both do the same thing, seeing as our mom potty-trained us both, but he folds and i crumple. how will you and flip teach your young'uns ?
  22. lifestyles were given out in my college dorm for free and were notorious for breaking. peeps only used them when desperate and not really all that concerned, i guess .
  23. weyes


    forget about the person on the right; i don't know what to say about that... but about the guy on the left: i didn't know they came that small on adults !
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