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Everything posted by weyes

  1. and anyone should care about his opinions because...?
  2. weyes

    Dead Fuck

    i just put up new ones, xpyrate. those are probably the ones you see . i finally got them to work .
  3. weyes

    Dead Fuck

    can anyone see the pics i posted? i could see them last night, but now they're just red xs .
  4. if you have to cancel an appointment or date, it's only fair and right to re-schedule. tune in tomorrow.
  5. i wish there were a great data base of all saturday night live episodes ever that would sign some deal with a dvd company so that i could pick out all of my favorite skits and record them all in a set, together. i was actually talking about this just today. there are so many that i'd like to see again ...
  6. weyes

    Dead Fuck

    steve mcqueen's the only one who comes to mind at present. never liked a blonde before him ... meeeeeeeeoooowwww!
  7. you're right with me, as usual, phunk (why do you spell it with an "o" when you shorten it? get back to me on that ).he cheated on her, but she glosses over that and says, "it was my fault; i wasn't communicating very well." they've been going out for about 2 years, and he still refuses to introduce her to his parents, citing some excuse about how he thinks they won't approve of her 'cause she's filipina. and these are just 2 ways in which he's a piece of shit. o, and t0ny, he wasn't even having sex with her the past few months; there's no cockblocking going on here . and gee, why do you think he wouldn't be having sex with her? doesn't take a genius to figure that one out. good frikkin' riddance !!!
  8. will you not go to see a dj you'd otherwise see just 'cause s/he's at a venue you don't like (i'm not talking about management, just the place itself)?
  9. my brother's roommate once got so wasted off that stuff that he started talking some gibberish, insisting he was on fire, stripped naked, then got in the tub and made the roomies (who were male and female) pour cold water on him .
  10. when feeling down, it can help to rejoice in a friend's success or victory . tune in tomorrow.
  11. check out our stickies at the top of the page:http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=136874 the club review sticky is also very helpful . but spundae is a must-attend (and it closes at 4)!!!
  12. i wanna send out some love and congratulations to my good friend, who just broke up with her boyfriend of way too long, who brought her nothing but misery . the first discussion i ever had with her was on the phone, and it lasted for hours (she used to post on cp). but she spoke of the bf, asking what i thought of how he treated her. this was years ago, and he's treated her like crap as long as i've known her. whenever i've seen my friend, she's said, "i've gotta break up with him." but, by the end of the conversation, she's changed her story to, "maybe i'll give him some more time to change." she called me tonight, crying, just to return my phone call. she didn't really feel like talking; she just said that she and the bf broke up. i didn't get to tell her how proud i am . but it occurs to me that she may want to get back together with him solely out of loneliness. help me send out some karma, you guys, to keep my friend strong in her hour of need ! i'm so, so proud !!!!!!!
  13. say what? then you must not read many of my posts... sigh. and here i thought you knew me .
  14. extra warranties on electronics are often a good investment. things are made cheaply these days and are neither built to last nor to withstand almost-faultless handling. shell out the extra bit o' cash to save ya in the longrun. tune in tomorrow.
  15. uh... huhhuh huhhuh... you said, "seaman." huhhuh huhhuh... thanks so much for the list, alex. i won't be going, but i really appreciate your doing this .
  16. often, the best way to help someone who seems short-tempered is to leave him/her alone. tune in tomorrow.
  17. feeling a great burden today... can't seem to shake it.
  18. the z4 is an excellent camera . i wish i had friends like you .
  19. um... what are we talking about ?
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