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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i already posted this in another forum, and this doesn't apply much in the very-drama-free l.a. forum, but i figure i'll put up a reprint to any who've seen the threads to which i refer in this post .: seriously, people - i'm not trying to go all "i'm ok, you're ok" on everyone, but the "i don't give a shit about cp, i just go here to waste my time" line is just bravado peeps spout when they wanna look tough when arguing with others --- and it's really getting tired. i think it's perfectly fine to give a shit about this board. and, whether most of you want to admit it or not, you do give a shit. if you couldn't post ever again starting tomorrow, that would bother you. most of us have made friends through this board. some of us just like to have it as something to come home to or to save us from being bored senseless at work. but it matters. for it to matter to you when things are going well but then to say that it doesn't 'cause you think it makes you sound independent and cool when someone picks a fight with you (i.e. "this board obviously matters to you; i couldn't care less") is just stupid. anycrap, i wanna say that cp matters to me, and i don't lie about it. y'all can admit it matters to you, too; we won't look down on you for it in our true hearts of hearts . tune in tomorrow .
  2. weyes

    LA Fires

    i haven't seen or smelled any smoke, but just about everyone i know has. my roommate said our living room had gotten ashy and insisted we keep our windows closed all weekend, which made our place ridiculously hot . he really acted like he wanted the fire to affect us more than it did .
  3. weyes

    sex or music?

    i could realistically live without sex. i take care of myself jest fine . moose - were you saying that you'd give up sex or that you'd keep it?
  4. i used to only like short guys; it wasn't a conscious choice, it just always seemed to turn out that way. i just wasn't attracted to taller guys. i'm almost 5' 10" (i'm actually 5' 9 and 3/4") and the first real significant guy in my life was about 5' 6" or so. soooooooo cute ... shorter men do seem to have complexes, in my experience, so finding short guys wasn't (and still isn't) easy. i don't require that guys be short anymore, but i don't like them much taller than i am; i've said it before and i'll say it again: just my height is perfect .
  5. now, i have always loved trentbeefpile and i simply adore embodiedhate . those are two interesting cats. always something new to say, even if solely intended to piss people off. please note that i recognize that the aforementioned parties are not alike in post content; hate's posts are clever, witty, and thought out, and trent's are straight from the gut. but both posters are passionate. jony lacks passion, heart, and drive. finally, i have a question for him: are you from the department of redundancy department ?
  6. weyes

    who gets the wet spot?

    i am the wet spot .
  7. be considerate and try not to eat gas-producing foods around co-workers or other groups of people if you can't keep the farting confined to the bathroom . really. one thing that actually does help to make a difference : http://www.beano.net/ tune in tomorrow.
  8. urrr... please to explain "unzip"? me no understand. i know i have something called "winzip" but i have no idea what it does or how to use it. forecasted high tomorrow: 84 degrees f.
  9. what's the skinny on hamburger mary's down there? that place has been talked up a bit but i'm not quite sure what its deal is.
  10. weyes


    what's up with the llama?
  11. weyes


    i've never heard of "fagstag," ( ) but the word "hag" alone is exclusive to females, so it would only make sense that "faghag" be limited to females.
  12. thanks, dg; that's nice of you to say .was that sig question addressed to me? it's the only one i've ever had. "hotel california," you know.
  13. nope. part of what's so great about it is that it's so safe. he's gay, so that line will never get fuzzy or crossed. i've had too many male friendships that went wrong because someone eventually got feelings for the other, who didn't return the feelings. the friendships just went up in smoke - you know that story. we're just the pair you always see together at the club, each of us keeping the other from getting any play .
  14. dg, i meant when i'm old. my grandmother spent the last 5 years of her life all alone. my grandfather had died and she had alienated all her friends long before then. she was too proud and scared to try to meet new people, so she just sank into her own little alcoholic soap opera depression, a shut out shut-in.she couldn't handle solitude; she was a socialite back in the day and she loved being out and about and seen with my successful grandpa. she sort of lived her life as his wife, which isn't a good way to take care of oneself. i'm not saying i need another person to validate my existence, but i am admitting that i need someone else to make me want to exist. that's the way it's been for about five years. that's part of who i am. the person doesn't have to be a husband; as i said before, it's been, and still is, a friend. maybe my little sister will be enough someday. but vis a vis being alone, i do not want to live alone - not counting roommates, that is - my whole life. i want to live with someone with whom i am in love, and i find absolutely nothing wrong with that.
  15. you don't have to answer, and pardon me for asking, but why is that?
  16. nybeauty had better tell where she gets her smileys. i'm telling; you tell, too!www.bestsmileys.com
  17. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=190112 p.s. one thing that annoys me about him that no one has addressed is that the ignoramus can't even spell "johnny."
  18. don't let hard work go unnoticed. tune in tomorrow.
  19. i slept. awwww yeah . how did you guys use your time when the clocks went back?
  20. rrrrrrrrrrrrrreally? i haven't heard a thing. two years ago my friends and i opted not to go out to any of the pricey dj events 'cause they always turn out to be more trouble than they're worth and so high-pressure, and there was, of course, the added bonus of saving some moolah. that was the best new year's i can recall. i hope my friends can agree to that this year; last year we went out and it was a disaster. we almost couldn't go 'cause someone was passed out from the night before and no one knew where he was, but he had the tix. we did finally get there, but really late. by the end of the night, two people had cried, one person had been so drunk he got lost and none of us could find him for over an hour when we all wanted to leave. besides, my birthday is december 27th, and we should celebrate that in style .
  21. awwwwwwww yeah ; you know i rocked that . today i can chew more, so i graduated to cookies and cream !
  22. whoa, anotherway - i tried to look at your pictures and my computer went nuts and served me up some gibberish in a major way . i'm not good at downloading stuff anyway, but that was some other language ... could you give me a link to an album on shutterfly or something?
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