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Everything posted by weyes

  1. even if you think the answer to something is "no," it never hurts to ask. at worst, you're where you started, but at best, you've earned a "yes." tune in tomorrow.
  2. there's no excuse for him, and i'm just gonna stick with calling him puff daddy. i'm not gonna go jumping through hoops to keep up with whatever little publicity stunt of a name change he has this week .
  3. weyes


    that sucks . S.A.R.S.-related?
  4. i'm having trouble finding info on harpoons on the 'net, but i always thought harpoons were airborne. what i have found is that they're launched from ships or submarines, so i guess they go through the water if shot from the latter. but there are also boats called harpoons, so, being that ice is from miami, maybe he was referring to those. i dunno...
  5. i've found that spring fever manifests itself in two forms: loneliness and lust. and, up until recently, i thought people felt either one or the other. but it's not as though some lonely romantics don't want red hot lovin', too. so i'm curious as to which one dominates each of us. poll time. pick whichever of the choices above best fits your feelings these days (as i feel and see spring fever catching on, not just in me, but in the world around me). p.s. i do realize which forum i'm asking, but please think the question over for a minute !
  6. is this another case of spring fever? i seem to be making a lot of spring fever threads ...
  7. thanks, you guys; i think i will just ask him about it, in an offhand way. and i'll just mention that i was looking for an answer to a question - no big deal. not with you on this one, mm. i spent all last weekend at his house, and we had a grand old time . i wasn't planning to stay that long, either; it just seems to happen that way a lot. time runs away from us and he'll say, at some point, "when do you have to be at work tomorrow?" and it ends up being one more night there. his place is the perfect case-in-point for "time flies when you're having fun"; hours go by in what seem like minutes. and i get the best sleep ever when i'm there...but i digress. anyhoo, he still hasn't answered the question to which i need an answer, so he'll be hearing from me somehow; maybe i'll allude to it in an e-mail .
  8. name: weyes age: 25 location: los angeles, ca occupation: camera sales/photo lab tech one word to describe myself: insane
  9. it's true; we did it in at least half the time and didn't make a mess of the store. i had thought inventory would be really hard, judging by the number of mistakes they made during last quarter's; now i know that they're just ridiculously incompetent!!!
  10. have sex with someone with whom i'm in love .
  11. what, with all the countless things to do in this world , boredom is a choice. tune in tomorrow.
  12. i love that guy to pieces !!! he's the only one in that job, nationwide, who smiles like that - i swear!!! i should have asked his name by now; it's so wack to hug and kiss this wonderful guy every time i hit spundae and red and not know his name.
  13. disturbing one, ~surreal~ . rock on .
  14. weyes


    sebastianxy's also a big fan of deep. i'll get there someday; money is always a problem for weyes .
  15. there are people that don't like to talk on the phone, people who have a different schedule from me, and people who are legitimately busy. i'm not talking about them. but i have one friend who never calls me back or answers my calls, unless we're talking about going out the next night or the same night. *when i hang out with him, i can spend weekends with him, for 3 days at a time, even, so it's not as though i'm just a party friend. *we have had long phone conversations before; it's not as though we wouldn't have anything to talk about. that's especially true because i only see him once or twice a month (he lives kinda far away). *he's not interested in me romantically; he's gay. *he'll talk at length with other people; i've seen him. *he checks his caller id; i've seen him. so why is he ducking me? i even leave specific messages sometimes when i need some information (when is X dj coming to town) and i can't find it myself and he won't call. he doesn't have a computer, so i have to wait till he gets to work, and if i wanna talk to him or communicate at all on a friday, i can't get word back till monday night, etc. of course, you guys can't give me the specfics, but what can you gather, from what i've said?
  16. it was january of last year, but it still haunts me whenever i see a seagull. maybe it's why i suddenly developed such a love for birds, now that i think of it; somewhere in 2002 birds began to stop me in my tracks - i'd stare at them and marvel at how gracefully yet cavalierly they handle their ability to fly. i wonder if they'd trade it with us for our ability to run - those that can't, anyway. so many different birds, and i'm fascinated by them all. don't call pigeons "rats with wings," please; they're actually doves, and the only reason why they're dirty is 'cause they live in dirty cities. of them all, though, owls, are my favorites (of course ) . but back to the seagull. i killed a seagull last year in a sav-on parking lot . i was backing out of my parking space when i heard the most horrible squeak/cry. i looked in my rearview mirror, and there was a bent gull, with his gull friend - the friend gently pushing him with his beak to see if he was ok and finding him lifeless. i cried, i really did. but what could i have done? i didn't see the birds in my rearview mirror, and what were they doing at a mid-city sav-on in the first place? i had horrible luck all last year, and i wondered if it was payback for that. when prince first changed his name to that weird symbol, he said it should be pronounced as "the sound of a dying seagull." it's good that prince changed his name back, 'cause no one should have to hear that. has anyone else here ever run over anything?
  17. so, how was it? i hear tell that only one half of deep dish showed up . reviews, please!
  18. no, but it's not fair to say that an owner isn't trying to stop these acts, simply because they are going on.
  19. do you have any of his sets? i looked for stuff of his a while back on ss and only came up with a couple of remixes of stupid songs; i'm looking for a set or something. i missed him last time he was here and the time before my friend without a car made me leave too early in the middle of his set . i've been deprived...
  20. very nice!!! i'm quite partial to this one, as well:
  21. i wondered if it were adidas-related, what with your avatar, but i didn't know that adidas had its own store. where is it?
  22. i used to think it was "flow like a heartbeat"; i think that's much better.
  23. anyone who asks, "did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" or "are you in a bad mood?" simply because you disagree with him/her deserves a smack upside the head . tune in tomorrow.
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