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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    Monday Night

    thanks for the kind words . i don't know joseph's. can you tell me a bit about it?
  2. i'm chilly. i need to shower. it's time for bed. i have to put my laundry away. yawn...
  3. sigh... i should just go to bed.
  4. i had the soundtrack in my discman for a few months straight a few years back . really, really good.
  5. ...boys are actually getting hotter. it may be both. well, either way, all i can say is, it's about time !!!
  6. it's true; these are our generation's "anchor on the bicep," and it's been that way for a very long time.but ask those girls what tribe they're from and you'll get a very big look on their faces. shit, man, who's the one who started the rumor that these jagged swirls have actual significance to a real, ancient culture ?
  7. weyes

    Bouncin' tits

    i don't particularly enjoy looking at cocks, period .
  8. always keeping one's resume updated is a good idea; one can never tell when an opportunity will present itself . tune in tomorrow.
  9. (i know surreal was...) i have never seen spundae that packed, and i'm not exaggerating. i didn't bring a camera 'cause spundae now has a metal detector and they searched me and confiscated my camera for the first time last time i went (to arena, but it's the same management), but they didn't touch me this time, so i could've gotten one in . grrr... anyway, their new year's party wasn't even that full, and ferry was there then, too. i got to circus at about 10, and there were ridiculous lines already - plural and stationary . but ferry put on a great show . i was very pleased and impressed. i had brought my brother, who generally hates trance, house, and all things club, and he even said, "this dj's on fire!!!" big ups, all around. but i was very disappointed in that tom stephan character, especially as our own vicman hyped him up with so many animated smileys. i haven't heard such a boring set since dana farber's bat mitzvah back in 8th grade . any other reviews?
  10. drunk and disorderly or just drunk and not looking so hot? i'm not down with establishments letting you stay as long as you're buying, then kicking you out once they feel as though you won't be anymore.
  11. hey ! why didn't ya say so? i was there and coulda finally metcha!and to nyc2la, i absolutely love spundae . i haven't found any similarities to new york clubs there, though; people are extremely friendly, the vibe is unbelievably unpretentious and laid-back, and it's all about having fun. l.a.'s nightlife is great in its own ways; constantly comparing and contrasting it to new york's is just plain silly . as for venice, i lived there for a while; it was ok. it was nice to be by the beach, but i was in the 'hood-y part of venice, which wasn't so hot. so far i've lived in venice, mid-city, and downtown, and i like downtown the best. i'm really close to 3 freeways, and that's a big part of it. if you can be in a convenient part of town, that's what i'd recommend. and yes, sandiegino, spundae closes at 4 .
  12. no and no, but there's a lot of misinformation out there, and that's something of which i'm always looking to have less in my life (and i like to help out others, whenever i can) .
  13. weyes

    Bouncin' tits

    i always wondered what the deal with that is. why do guys get excited by seeing boobies bounce? aren't they more appealing (or just as) when still?
  14. once again i've been absent !!! i am so sorry to disappoint; i always feel terrible when i don't write the column. my roommate destroyed our dsl connection on saturday, and then i was at my computerless friend's house till today. i really had no idea how internet-dependent i've become till i was at my pc on sat., trying to get on cp to find an address and post, find phone numbers in my e-mail, and get directions from mapquest . so without further ado, here's today's column: it is better to deliver bad news than pleasant lies. tune in tomorrow (yes, tomorrow ).
  15. she really was somewhere? ah.
  16. do you mean that you made new, more impressive statistics, or that you destroyed vinyl ?
  17. don't turn around - uh-oh ! the mods are all in town - uh-oh !
  18. ooo - ya gotta work on that. it's essential in life to know how to entertain yourself. get a project, say, for instance, trying to make the "running man" look cool.
  19. good and important question! i've had 2 homecomings, in a way. i was born and raised in nyc, moved to l.a. for college for 4 years, moved back to nyc for 2 years, then moved back here to l.a. for 2 years now. when i first moved back to nyc, as you said, i didn't have much in common with the friends who were still there and the others had moved. i started going out dancing by myself after a while of not going 'cause i didn't have anyone with whom to go out, and i started running into the same people. and i did make a real friend at work - there's no rule that says you can't be friends and let loose with co-workers. sometimes it just takes time. but after my first clubplanet meetup, i made two good friends with whom i went out a lot (some of us here really do rock ). unfortunately, i moved just as i was getting close with them (really unfair - terrible timing. but i see them every time i come home to visit). at that first nyc meetup, i also met 2 guys from cali who were just visiting. when i moved back out to l.a., i gave them a call, and it turned out that they were going to a party to which i was going. we started going out a lot after that, and now we're friends . there are also people on the l.a. board i've met that are really cool, and i meet people when i'm out all the time. and there are a few friends from college i still see. it may sound cheesy, but there's a reason why we're all here, posting in the same place: we have a lot in common. sorry for such a long post; i hope you find it useful !
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