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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i dunno why a girl would do that. i either do it before or during - during the shower, 'cause i'm already wet and my legs and the razor rinse off easily (and i can keep conditioner in my hair while i do that, but that's just me), or beforehand, if i don't wanna waste all that water. i'd do it before the shower, 'cause i can rinse my legs off thoroughly and whatnot in the shower.why would anyone shave her legs after a shower, if she's just gonna get them messy with leftover cream and hairs ?
  2. i gotta say i agree with that; that shows that l.a. is a decent town full of respectful, no-bullshit people. in nyc, the waiting around, velvet-rope shit is pretty much standard and expected at a lot of the clubs.i have a friend who spent her formative club years in nyc, and thinks that l.a. is "spoiled" 'cause it doesn't stand for the ridiculously long lines and out-of-line preferential treatment that goes on there. but i've waited over 2 1/2 hours for at least 3 parties in new york, in the winter, when i had a presale ticket (otherwise, i would've left. the lineups and the $40 both meant a lot to me.). anyway, all this's to say that i'm with you, and very glad that someone who dedicates so much of his time to "the scene" thinks that the long lines and discrimination (for whatever reason: gender, a certain look , age) is just not right.
  3. don't let others' preconceived notions about you bother you. some people need to put other people down in order to feel good about themselves, and these people who'll make negative assumptions don't know you (or care to) very well anyway. you have nothing to prove . tune in tomorrow.
  4. weyes

    San Diego

    pvd will be at 4th & b in san diego on april 11th . here's the link to that: http://www.groovetickets.com/ordersystem/groove/eventviewqb.asp?AffilID=93&EventsID=4627&PGname=Pauli+Presents+%26+R%2DDub%2Ecom
  5. why ya gotsta hit that rabbit with a mallet ?
  6. what slang expression do you use for penis? i get 10 options; let me see if i can think of 9 (i always leave one for "other")...
  7. you've been to disneyhoo, haven't you, sassa?
  8. i really have very little protein in my diet. i don't cook, really, mostly eat soup and too many carbs. i can't find a way to eat protein quickly, easily, and in such a way that a single person can without having things spoil when i don't eat them right away.
  9. capricorn. as far as i've seen in all the previous threads, the only admitted one on cp.
  10. how about disneyland, glow? it's "the happiest place on earth," you know . it's great there, 'cause you can almost do everything you wanna in one day, and scrambling a bit to do it all is part of the fun. disneyworld is so stressful, 'cause you try to cram everything in, and ya just can't. and i love disneyland so much - there are only a few groups of people there: 1. teenage couples in love 2. teenagers on acid or smoking weed 3. orange county residents/disney freaks who walk around like they own the place and are pissed off at the visitors 4. a family or two here and there those belonging to group 3 will go on and on about insider stuff all day long (i.e. "did you know that the piano in the haunted mansion was used in the film "20,000 leagues under the sea?"). and i work a block from the beach, mssabina. i should go sit down for a while, but i never do. i just drive to work, usually late, get off at 9:30 pm, and drive home . and i wish i were with friends and not my roommate . why do they live so far away?
  11. i don't think either was a phenomenal entertainer, and both of their "talent"s were glorified after they died (dg, i think their work was also unjustifiably glorified - not just them.). if they were alive today, i think they wouldn't be getting much more attention than anyone else. maybe what's sad is potential they may have had, but everyone has potential. i agree with ghhhhhost on nelly & ja rule; nelly's monotone is impossible to listen to, and somebody has to get ja rule a throat lozenge . go ahead with the biggie/tupac argument if you want, people; it's ridiculous and i've heard it all before .
  12. o, and there's another category: i used to work with a girl who called herself a "raw-foodist." she wouldn't eat anything that had been cooked or processed. i asked her how she ate grains, and she said, defensively, "i can eat wheat sprouts!!!" i dunno where one can buy such things... i asked her about not being able to eat bread and she said she could eat bread as long as it wasn't cooked over 127 degrees (or some weird number like that). that seems like splitting hairs to me, and, once again, i don't know where one can find such stuff. but as soon as she started lecturing me about how eating yogurt (and other things) was evil for me, i decided i didn't need to hear anything further about this lifestyle .
  13. yes, i eat meat, but i'm an omnivore, not a carnivore, which means that i eat meat and other stuff (plants, bricks, other debris... you know what i mean :goofy: .). and i eat man-made things too (bread, cookies, jam), not just stuff we kill !
  14. yep, cody, that was passed when i lived back east . are you serious?
  15. the last time there was a "what's your sign?" poll, i was the only capricorn in over 40 votes. keep in mind, as well, that only 10 signs could fit in the options for the poll list. i was also the only sign with just one vote .
  16. everyone has his/her theories of what life is and means, and that influences his/her attitude towards it. if your reality is that life isn't so hot, than you might think that the happy people are in a delusional haze. if you think life is a fabulous journey, you may think that the depressed people are wasting their time and don't know what they're missing. an ex-therapist (she needed more help than i did/do) once told me that, i, as a depressed individual, "am wrong and they're [everyone else] right." to paraphrase the rest, she said that the world is happy and i'm not, so there's an easy observation: majority rules. that was after she called me "mentally defective" and "not a person." before i dumped her, i began wondering if the diploma on her wall were real ...
  17. weyes

    Ideal Height

    i'm 5' 9 3/4", but whenever i tell people that (mostly men, though), they say i'm taller. the deal with that is that men lie about their height the way women about their weight (men say they're taller than they are, women say they weigh less ). that's a generalization, of course, and therefore not true about everyone, but it's been my experience. a guy i work with who's at least 6 inches shorter than i am insists that he's 5' 9" and gets really angry if anyone tells him something different . i like guys my height or thereabouts - my height is ideal . but i'd rather they be shorter than too much taller.
  18. makeup is truly an art .
  19. weyes


    i hear you . and the guy in my life that i love on more levels i can understand is one to whom i'm not attracted. funny about that, though; i think he's gay, even though he claims to be straight. mutual friends of ours also think this. his last long-term relationship lasted 5 years, and it ended because the girl realized she's a lesbian . nevertheless, it's frustrating. he's just what i want in an eventual permanent mate, but there's no spark between us. i think i may (but i hope i won't) compare all my future boyfriends to him, and that's incredible competition .
  20. you know a girl who shaves her legs after she showers ? weyes confused...
  21. when trying to resolve conflicts, it is generally a good idea to calm down and think things through before speaking with the other person; anger can trigger harsh, unfeeling words - and sometimes words that one doesn't truly mean. tune in tomorrow.
  22. thanks so much for the updates, lalate !!! i really love 'em . i've heard that ivar's comeback is creating quite a stir, and, if i've heard something, that really is saying a lot <--- not exactly in the loop, a lot of the time.the scumfrog's gonna be there on april 10th, and i've gotta go!!! i'll probably be hitting that one solo, it being a thursday, but i think it'll be well-attended, generally speaking.
  23. new jersey's law was created because there were different rates for self-serve and full-serve, which was judged unfair to the handicapped. the state then made it law for there to be one rate, and that required full-serve. i dunno how the other states work, but i guess california (and oregon, i guess) doesn't care about the handicapped .and the cheapest gas near me is now a whopping: $2.07
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