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Everything posted by weyes

  1. :clap2: thanks so much, cody!!! a very detailed, factual, and emotional essay. nicely done! i feel like i know much more about him. i wonder why i assumed he was american... but, as i said, i've already bought my ticket; i'm just hoping i can get my closer friends to go (i only know one friend who is). thanks again !
  2. hey, cody, do you have odie as your avatar just 'cause he rhymes witcha, or did you like him before that/anyway?
  3. kevin spacey's fuuuuuuuyyynnnne* . * that's "fine," for the squares.
  4. maybe it's just that picture, but reece looks like a thin kirstie alley. but kournikova doesn't do much for me, either.
  5. the latter; i have yet to come from intercourse.
  6. that's a sucky sentiment ! i've had a number of guy friends with whom i've cuddled (and have slept, some of them) and never banged - although one of them i did want to - and it's wonderful. i very much need affection in my life, and i need to give it, too .
  7. weyes

    Eye Candy

    all i see are red xs .
  8. the failure rate of the pill is very low - the package insert on mine says it is .1%, when taken "perfectly." it does say, however, that with "typical use," the failure rate is 5%. that's still very low, but it's true that it's very easy to forget to take a pill on time or one miss a day, and both can really be detrimental to one's protection from pregnancy.
  9. that's something that i seriously don't understand, too; i'm glad you mentioned that.everybody on this board knows by now that i don't believe in pube-destruction, but i never really understood the "stripe" thing either, as long as the bikini line looks good. but here's something really relavent to that: every naked woman i've ever seen (all have been in porn, none firsthand) has much thicker pubic hair than i do, as in, can't see skin through it, even when it's trimmed down really close and the picture is taken really close up . i know i'm getting really personal about this, here , but am i the only person whose hair is so thinned-out that it can barely be seen from a distance of a few feet?
  10. one should be careful around the topic of religion. it is a very sensitive subject for almost everyone on some level or another (i.e. the differences between religions themselves, how religious a person is) and it's very easy for one to alienate or anger other people over a topic that this person associates with love. i wouldn't advocate avoiding a topic entirely, i'm just saying we should step lightly . tune in tomorrow.
  11. you can give lalate's website a try: www.lalate.com or alex at ucla's: http://alexatucla.tripod.com/welcome.html the graphic design's a little off-puttingly-poor, but, from what i understand, there are loads of guestlists going on here .
  12. rock on . raising awareness about the revamped RAVE act (no longer titled as such; what's it called, again?) is great, raising money is even better .
  13. weyes

    whose still up?

    you're an asshole . bye-bye.
  14. weyes

    whose still up?

    you don't know from psycho ...
  15. weyes

    whose still up?

    is being a hypocrite funny in your world?
  16. weyes

    whose still up?

    apples, make the sig short, please. seriously, the joke is over, you made your point. please make it a reasonable size again.
  17. weyes

    whose still up?

    i'm sorry; i didn't mean to sound mean or as though i were yelling at you . and "club god" is a title assigned by cp to people with a certain # of posts. cp doesn't check gender.
  18. weyes

    whose still up?

    for the last time, nympho69 is a girl!!!
  19. weyes

    whose still up?

    you don't take ambien, do you? my doc gave me that and i can't take it. it makes me hallucinate hardcore, and i've had 3 sleepwalking incidents, 1 complete with a journey that could be described as a "trip." :eek: scary shit - i don't know how it's legal.
  20. weyes

    whose still up?

    i'd sure like a steak right now ...
  21. weyes

    whose still up?

    my 4000th post !!! no, i'm a full-time insomniac, but the last 2 nights were particulary torturous. and i was too upset to take sleeping pills and wait. had to get over some bullshit in my life, ya know? crap like that. but why are you guys drinking coffee if you don't wanna stay up?
  22. weyes

    whose still up?

    couldn't sleep the past two nights. i slept in till 3 today. i'll probably be in for a long night tonight .
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