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Everything posted by weyes

  1. love ya loads, phunk (why do you say, "phonk," anyway ?), but their mostly being the same would make one think that they'd have the same answer, n'est-ce pas? as for the "feckless...magazine junkie" part, i would say that'd point, once again, in the hairless direction. i was applauding the surprisingly wide range of answers in the poll.
  2. ok, cody, i want a full-on essay answering this. what makes danny howells someone we should know and to whom we should listen? where did he get his start, where did he start to really make it big, and what is big, to this man? and what, exactly, is it that he does, literally and figuratively? and, finally, what is his effect on you, codica3 . i was trying to decide whether or not to go to his 3/14 gig, and after hearing some of a live set i downloaded (on my headphones right now), i have chosen to go . i wanna know not only why this was the right decision, but why i will have the time of my life, from his most loyal worshipper .
  3. i can't remember when it was last $1.49...
  4. i like it better short. i got the 15th off from work .
  5. if one asks for advice, one should at least give it consideration, no matter how bizarre/impossible/incorrect it sounds. after all, this advisor had been chosen for a reason. tune in tomorrow.
  6. at the time of this post, the votes for each of the first four choices are about equal, and that makes me really happy, as this board is notorious for being hair-o-phobic . i think diversity and variety in as many areas of life as possible are what makes everything more interesting and fun . p.s. georgeacasta2: nice pic .
  7. last bump, people . the slippery factor has been a problem for me; i wanted some more input.
  8. i once had a roommate who needed furry guys, and then there are some men who shave themselves bare. what do you like, girls?
  9. it's scary and i'm broke. cheapest around me: $1.97
  10. he got a haircut, i see . he's gonna be here on march 14th. i will very most likely be in attendance .
  11. i was gonna discredit this, but sassa beat me to it. just remember that there are many, many differences between us all. hooray for individuality !!! p.s. pubes!!!
  12. i've got a question today, peoples, and, strangely enough, it's not related to yesterday's column - even though this one will sound as though it was spawned by the other. is there a difference between - what one thinks one sees and - what one thinks one thinks one sees? someone i know firmly believes there is a huge (and important, somehow ) difference between the two. thoughts, please ?
  13. i know!!! that's cray-see!!! i have a friend who got a jaywalking ticket, but he did it right in front of the west hollywood police station . he thinks it's so ridiculous that he refuses to pay it, and the penalty has now increased to over $500. ignoring this is not a smart move on my friend's part, i don't think. but i generally don't jaywalk, just for that reason. and i especially don't on that corner by circus/arena with traffic lights that don't make sense and make pedestrians wait, even when cars aren't moving; not only is it better safe than sorry all around, but there are always cops hanging out by those clubs.
  14. if whatever you think you think you see becomes a tootsie roll, seek the help of a mental health care professional . tune in tomorrow.
  15. this post wasn't up yet when i posted mine; i wasn't skimming over yours, pennywise.
  16. so much to which i wanna respond!!! this thread is embarrassing for twenty-somethings everywhere (if that's what you are). she was saying that, if it's all over her stomach, she's afraid some of it might drip inside her, or something like that . swallowing eliminates that risk . pulling out is so ineffective that it can't even be called a method of birth control. did anyone pay attention in health class/sex ed during junior high or high school? everyone had to pass that in my schools - i dunno about yours. or do you guys just not give a shit? i don't wanna even have to get into the "pre-cum" discussion again . and people who try to gauge their likelihood of getting pregnant by the calendar have to remember this stupid-ass joke: Q- what do you call people who use the "rhythm" method*? A- parents! *that's what it's called yeah, it's corny, but do you think all the kids in huge families were planned ? and, lastly, condoms, condoms, condoms!!!
  17. just trying to throw a little sympathy your way instead of doing one of my usual "it's gorgeous over here !" posts. and everything's relative; you guys'll be talking about how lovely the spring is while some losers out here'll be complaining that it's too hot, in april . but i was just trying to be nice . so much for that.
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