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Everything posted by weyes

  1. didja know "i touch myself" by the divinyls is about masturbation? shock-city, yo.
  2. weyes


    i'm very out Th e r e
  3. there's no use crying over perceived future (or even imminent) danger; there's no telling what could happen to prevent it from coming to pass . tune in tomorrow.
  4. weyes

    Sunny leone

    i would've hated to have been you at the beginning of puberty !!!
  5. who would you list as the djs that spin the sexiest music?* *we all know that djs are some ugly-assed, pasty-faced muthafuckas, so i'm not talking about them being sexy, personally . seriously, i've been listening to deep dish again, and steve lawler comes to mind ... this shit blows my mind sometimes ... so? anyone have any djs to enter?
  6. weyes

    Perky tits

    36d; not at all as perky as when they were 34b . and i always have to wear a bra 'cause they pretty much hurt all the time - i even sleep with some supportive something-or-rather most nights.
  7. everyone learns something new every day . if you don't realize or even believe you do, it's time to heighten your awareness of what goes on in and around you . tune in tomorrow.
  8. chicago ? what was up with the d.c. post? well, with all the good fares i've been hearing about lately, you shouldn't have trouble finding one out here to l.a. . jetblue used to fly in to long beach (really close to l.a. - 1/2 hour or so) really cheap; you might wanna check that out.
  9. i never go down there. ask sassa, though; she lives in sd .
  10. i was sick for the whole month of january, so i relate . i also have only worn my winter coat once this season, and that was on january 1st . but my room gets no sun, and it gets quite chilly in here. seriously, though, i feel for y'all!
  11. i'm glad he's doing ok . are you saying that 10% of the population will experience an unexplainable seizure?
  12. hey, man, i do have really bad knees. i used to wear braces from my thighs to my ankles (forrest gump-styles, yo) and i was in physical therapy for a long-ass time. i don't care what y'all want me to do; if it hurts my knees, it's just too bad for you .
  13. i went out with friends to see scott bond, who kicked ass . the opening djs were frightful, but it gave us all time to hang out. afterwards, i drove my best friend (though i'm not his) home for our customary 2-person afterparty, and i ended up staying till 4:30 pm on monday. i had been worried that he had been avoiding me the whole week before and i didn't know why; i had been worrying sooo much. but when he said, "i'm so glad you're here" at some point in the club, i knew i had been freaking out over nothing and that everything was ok. i'm lucky to have the friends i do, especially my bestest , and i really have to stop worrying about losing them, thinking that it's all too good to be true. this valentine's was about celebrating the love i have for them, and trying to have more faith in it - not living in failed relationships and friendships from the past .
  14. of course not; here's the white house's actual site: http://www.whitehouse.gov/ (note that it ends in gov - not org.)
  15. weather like this? : http://www.weather.com/weather/print/90012 i'm sorry, you guys; i'm really not that mean. it's just that you're having such a bad winter, i can't resist.
  16. uh - that looks like jibberish to me; i'm assuming they're names of places near you. i did get a recommendation of a place, though, from a co-worker; it happened to be the same place that sears recommended, so i think that may be a good choice. it's a joint that only does engine work on japanese cars, and it seems to me that the more specialized a place is, the better it knows its specialty, no? p.s. apples, you did know i live in california, didn't you?
  17. weyes


    my last bf couldn't stand me being on top. issues .
  18. scaredgirl, he was kidding; that's why he used the winking and goofy emoticons. i don't think any of us wants to wear used sneakers . and thanks, everyone, for all of this; i find it really interesting .
  19. i make 'em up, klubveteran ; the only way to see 'em is by reading the l.a. board every day !
  20. i'm sorry for the lack of the column over the long weekend, you guys !!! once again, i went to my computerless friend's house and ended up staying the weekend. it's like a time warp, i swear; i just love staying there . the world seems to just pass us by and it's funfunfun !!! well, this wisdom's my omniscient friend's (same friend): it isn't wise to keep drinks on the floor [- unless you like spills]. tune in tomorrow.
  21. i had a great time on friday . it was a weird night, though. the opening djs sucked ass . my omniscient friend even said he would've wanted to arrive at 2 and pay the regular cover of $20 instead of $10, just to miss those guys. i have never heard breaks that sucked so hard, but besides that, they really didn't belong in front of a trance dj. seriously, i'm all for variety, and i like a lot of different kinds of music, but when i get in gear for something (i.e. scott bond), i'm generally ready to hear mainly that kinda stuff. my only issue with scott bond is that he's really high-energy and doesn't give one a chance to rest. my calves started hurting and that tore me off the dancefloor. i ended up dancing in my chair on the sidelines. but my peeps and i stayed till the very end, something to which my omniscient friend hasn't been up lately. i always like staying till the end ; i felt like me again. scott bond made up for the sucky opening djs; y'all shoulda been there .
  22. i saw a thread on the d.c. board stating that gmc was headed there . bad choice, weather-wise, my friend !!!
  23. where did you go, blue ?
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