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Everything posted by weyes

  1. sean connery : come on, everybody! let's have some more pics! am i gonna be the only one posting?
  2. weyes

    They're getting hot

    dj got married, and bob saget and the rest were all there. all the cheap celeb mags took pics .
  3. i've always liked spinderella .
  4. so far, from what i've observed in my travels, it seems like it's a regional thing: east coast - ketchup midwest - mayo west coast - ranch weirdos - dressings and other whatnot what do you all put on your french fries ?
  5. well, they were a one-hit wonder, so i can't really think of a clue; i'll just tell you. animotion. but, next time, y'all won't get off so easy !
  6. exercising patience is a good way to curb violent urges.* *i didn't originally intend this to be thought of on a global scale, but it can also be interpreted that way. tune in tomorrow.
  7. this "good name" thread was inspired by mrjoebudious' post in the "bad dj name" thread. mrjoebudious likes dj smeejay . so, let's hear some more !
  8. ok, let's start a "best dj name thread" ! here it is: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=143140
  9. gallagher is dead, so he doesn't use anything, actually. but you said exactly what i said! you can't help me either, huh? can anyone tell me why this man has a career that involves addressing other people, when no one seems to like him? and consider this, too: this 1-800-call-att thing has actually brought his name back out, when we all thought it was good and buried. unfortunately, this constitutes a comeback of sorts . is this "getting popular on unpopularity"?!?!?!? name and face recognition is good, no matter if people like the person or not? ah, me ... what is the world coming to?
  10. you're my obsession, you're my obsession what do you want me to be to make you sleep with me? quick! who sang that? who wants to win - uh...umm... props from me ?
  11. when prince changed his name to that symbol and was asked how it should be said, he said it was the sound of a dying seagull. last year, i was in a drugstore parking lot and i was backing out of my parking space when i heard the loudest, most desperate squawk/screech i can remember. i looked in my rearview mirror, and there lay a seagull, lifeless, his seagull friend lightly pecking underneath him to see if he was all right. it was horrible; i cried . i killed something! but what were seagulls doing in a drugstore parking lot, miles from the ocean, anyway? well, i don't think prince ever heard the sound of a dying seagull, 'cause no one would want to hear that sound twice .
  12. now, promise you won't get caught up in the history/mist-ery of the place and get hitched !
  13. i wish i were sane . maybe it's a "grass is always greener" thing, but it just seems that life would be a lot easier.
  14. and, how could i have forgotten the ultimate sex kitten??? ann-margret : and harrison ford :
  15. gotcha, vic !!! actually, i wanna ask you how you make it. now there are all these pre-made ones, but i know there used to be a recipe for some kind of chex mix, back in the day. do you know it and use it, or do you just buy the newfangled bagged ones?
  16. i'm not with you on that one; war generally breeds destruction, poverty, bitterness, and the desire for revenge, among other things. i'd compare the world at war to street gangs ; it's a neverending payback, no one wins, and the territory - in pieces or the whole - just forever keeps changing hands.
  17. weyes' plan for world peace: empathy and mutual respect. two simple words, two important concepts that must be felt and used intensely at all times. too bad world peace seems like a total impossibility, realistically speaking . tune in tomorrow.
  18. dj scratch 'n' sniff (i don't know if that's the exact spelling) is also not so hot .
  19. here's what i don't get: i've never met anyone who likes carrot top, yet the moron has a career (kind of). how did that happen ?
  20. cp doesn't really let you do spaces and tabs . there used to be a lot of that in the eighties. remember ? cool shit!
  21. i yank 'em from other boards and whatnot, mostly . i've noticed recently that some peeps around here have been using some of naughtybooth's.
  22. love is first and foremost, but i can't believe no one said chocolate !!!
  23. hey, i'm all for masturbation, but not in public, and especially not on a school bus. that's just wrong .
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