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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    vigina carrots?

    girly - i'm not big on madonna, but that is one dope-ass sig !!!!!!!!!
  2. thanks, you two . it seems that you both are with me in that it just doesn't make sense that one could just drop a friend over a single incident; everything that's happened in the past also needs to be taken into account - maybe even "averaged", in a way. and i remember now that this friend i just now thought was avoiding me really let me down and hurt me once, but it was just once. it might've hurt more even because it was just once and i had come to expect only the best from him, but dropping him as a friend never crossed my mind at all. even that day that he hurt me i was thinking of what a great time we could've been having - the great time we pretty much always had had and still have. i think my only worry just now was that he wouldn't be the same way, but i think we are friends 'cause we have so much in common, and the way we feel about each other is part of that common ground . i just need to move past the friends i've lost in the past and live in my successful relationships in the present and future .
  3. it's supposed to rain till friday where i am . figures that my car would break down last night, of all times. i'll be waiting for the bus in the rain for a few days - long waits 'cause buses don't run often, and no shelters, 'cause it doesn't rain in california . o well, i just need a simple oil change, to get my brakes fixed, a new alternator/new battery, and either a cylinder rethreaded/new engine/not sure what's up with that. my car and i are joined together in holy "we're fucked"dom. anyone wanna donate to the "save weyes and her car" fund ?
  4. thanks, hedonictonic!!! wow - i went to the website, and there are sooo many recipes for so many things. they even have recipes in a "meal" category, and lots of stuff they consider "mexican" . did you know about "chex-mex" cuisine, vic ?
  5. check this link out: http://www.askmen.com/toys/top_10/msn_57b_top_10_list.html it lists three of our choices (ann-margret, rita hayworth, marilyn monroe) in its list of the top five hottest female sex symbols of all time . cp must be on its game (or at least in agreement with the press).
  6. "anomaly - calling your name" - taylor it was on the groove soundtrack [i haven't heard the full version, just the vocal samples on the soundtrack]. it gets me for a couple of reasons. partly because i interpret it as one of two things: either a) a woman is calling to someone who can't (and never will be able to) hear her; she'll be forever lost or she is only a voice in someone's head, forever haunting that person. either way, there's an eternal quality involved, to me, and both choices upset me. but i also listened to that soundtrack over and over in a difficult time of my life, and listening to that song in particular just brings me back there - walking through the city alone, snow blocking my view of a life i didn't want to live anyway.
  7. weyes

    hey roomie...

    actual count of roommates/housemates of all time: male: 7 female: 8 this doesn't include my brother or sister, but that would only add one to each total, anyway. i've had absolutely no problems at all, even when i shared a room with a couple in the dorm in college. meg, jeff, and i got along famously .
  8. or blonde v. brunette v. redhead .
  9. good to see you back, phonk !!! how am i still the only capricorn after 33 votes (the only sign with just one voting member) ? *he also misspelled "sagittarius"
  10. i bet there will probably be a whole bunch of romantics just like you there .
  11. it's good to get a head start on things whenever possible; one can never tell if something unforeseen will come up that could make one miss a deadline . tune in tomorrow.
  12. haven't had those in ages!
  13. where, and what do you do ? and i never got that dirty vegas review !!!
  14. what could a friend do that would make you never want to see him/her again ? i was watching alias tonight (don't know if there are any fans here), and seeing dixon tell sidney (jennifer garner) that he never wanted to see her again after they'd been partners for over 2 years almost made me cry. he felt she had betrayed his trust, and there was nothing she could do to regain that, or the lost time. and i was thinking about a friend who had been seemingly avoiding me, and how i had been afraid that i had done something to drive him away, although i didn't know what it was i had done. "we had history," i told myself. "how could he throw all of that away so easily - over something that he couldn't even talk to me about?" it turned out i was just freaking out over nothing. but all of this did raise the question in me: what could a good friend (in a friendship that's lasted a couple of years) do that would make me never want to see him/her again, and vice versa? that just seems so major. of course, alias is a tv show, but i've heard this happen to other people in real life. can anyone shed some light on this?
  15. imitation may be flattery, but one can still be annoyed as hell about it . tune in tomorrow .
  16. weyes


    tsk, tsk ... first of all, the lobster look really isn't in; i swear. but every sunburn you get in your life increases your chances of getting skin cancer. my ex-roommate's uncle had to have his driver's-side ear removed entirely 'cause the cancer was so bad. and yes, it was just from the driving every day; he didn't even court cancer by spending hours and hours on the beach (he lives in SoCal) or in tanning booths. tanning also ages a person tremendously. d'ya wanna look old before your time ? hey, maybe you're into that "baseball mitt" look, i dunno. but with all we now know about the dangers of the sun, it looks just as smart as it is to have a normal, healthy complexion .
  17. weyes


    dg - why are you so red ? i hope it's not a sunburn; don't make me give you the skin cancer lecture .
  18. your loss is sad, but irrelevant to this thread. comparing grief and trying to determine who has the right to be sadder than anyone/everyone else is immature and ugly. just leave it at that everyone has had losses in their lives.
  19. gabo, ya know i like ya lots, but are you the one who keeps starting this thread ? i've seen it at least 5 times, and you've been on this forum much longer than i have. i don't think the answers'll change that much from month to month .
  20. i started a thread about this exact topic a couple of months ago: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=134153&highlight=adjective and i always get "cute", too . that especially annoys me, 'cause i think that term should at least be reserved for smaller people. no offense, but i think that there should be a height limit for the word, "cute"; if i can rough you up for calling me that, then don't do it .
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