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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i'm not gonna paste the picture another time, but i give mad ups to georgeacasta2 ! and what's up, everybody? am i doomed to be an old maid ? and don't try to pass me along to tastey next. get it through your heads; nobody wants him !
  2. well, i'm heading back to the hall of headaches known as the palace next week (to see danny howells and ashley casselle), and i plan to be prepared this time. i had to leave really early when i went there to see deep dish in january (missing some great music, i might add), after spending most of that time there with a pounding headache . warning to all who ever go to the palace: BRING EARPLUGS!!! that place is ridiculously, unnecessarily loud, and in every room of the joint. there's no escaping it. so, i need a recommendation of the best kind of earplugs, since all of the ones i've ever tried muffle sound pretty badly. does anyone have any that he/she likes that keep the sound pretty true to what it is, only quieter?
  3. don't be embarrassed if you're not one of those people who reads playboy just for the articles . tune in tomorrow.
  4. anything with the word, "burger" in it must have ketchup .no pickles ?
  5. weyes

    Hair on women

    thanks for all the answers, naughtybabe !but in your original post, you said you were "bald everywhere except your head," and i took that to mean arm hair was included, just as it was in the men's poll. did you and other people mis-vote?
  6. i did that till very recently. my dermatologist told me that that's really bad for one's skin . because it dries skin out so much, it can make one more susceptible to rashes and other irritation. and lotion does not make up for the moisture lost after 2 showers, she says.
  7. before saying, "yes" to a favor, make sure it really isn't gonna mess anything up for you. don't let your natural urge to be nice and helpful leave you in a bad spot (and then maybe in need of a favor yourself ). tune in tomorrow.
  8. hey ! do i get to finally meet you ?
  9. alex - i went back and posted your site on the first post in this thread, so it's now in the list of the first sites people will see .
  10. hey, alex, very long time no see ! so sorry about the design comment ; i thoroughly enjoy your newsletter and am glad to get it in my e-mailbox every week. guestlists help me go out more often, and the benefits in that are numerous . great work!
  11. are there suburban or rural legends ?
  12. weird - i don't think i've ever had one. they're so popular now, too. are they really any good?
  13. i know what you guys mean about the long ones. when they're long and i don't wanna read them, i just won't post. i figure i missed my window of posting when there was a reasonable amount of posts to read. thanks, you guys, for this one .
  14. weyes

    WHat about VIrgins

    i was gonna bring that up! that guy was sickening . linabina, even you must concede that most virgins aren't just "technical virgins" - meaning ones who'll do just about everything else, as long as they don't have penile-vaginal intercourse.i'm not passing judgment at all on this, but i don't understand why someone would do all kinds of making out type things (kissing, touching, etc.), oral, and anal sex, but would not have penile-vaginal sex, just to preserve his/her "virginity." that just seems like a technicality that really doesn't count, to me. webster's defines "virgin" as "an absolutely chaste young woman," and defines "chaste" as "innocent of unlawful sexual intercourse." "intercourse" is then defined as "physical sexual contact between individuals that involves the genitalia of at least one person." oral sex is still illegal in many states, technically devirginizing many people who've only had oral sex. i don't agree with that, but i don't get the "i'll do everything but that" idea. if the notion is that you're not to give your body to someone till marriage, the penis meeting the vagina is just one small part of the activity. if you give everything else but that to someone before marriage, i don't see how that's not giving almost all of your body away.
  15. about every week and a half .
  16. thanks for the further explanation .your last statement is supposed to be, "people say the west coast has some strange people," isn't it? damn, joeg, i'm not on your wavelength tonight . are you saying that you guys (east coasters) are being particularly strange, and i'm (out here in l.a.) not? or the reverse?... what do i know . well, i'm from manhattan, went to cali for college at age 17, moved back to nyc after graduation and stayed for 2 years; nyc and i were no longer a good fit, so i moved back to l.a., and here i am. when people ask me where i'm from, i can never give a short, one-city/region answer.
  17. weyes

    Hair on women

    people are still not answering me, here --- do you actually shave your arms???seriously? where do you draw the line, then? i mean, we women aren't hairy on our chests, but if you're going as far as to shave your arms, where do you stop? your shoulders? do you shave the bitty hairs on the back of your hands? if you have any hair on some of the first joints of your fingers, do you shave that, too? when you say, "all," do you really mean that? do you pluck out all your nose hair? are you one of those people who shaves off her eyebrows and draws them back on? all of these questions are serious; i'd really like answers, naughtybabe . and other people, throw some in as well .
  18. you mean stephen w. hawking?and does "aka" mean something other than "also known as"? (abortionator's comment doesn't make sense to me. is he just repeating nycplaya31's use of it? is that all?) and i don't understand "nice head, deeeek!" at all. that seems to be some serious code. it's ok, though, joeg; i'm not meant to understand this thread in the first place .
  19. when trapped in a lecture from one of these people: , sometimes the way to end that interaction the fastest is just to nod and be quiet. if there's no fight, these people will no longer stay to try to convert you to their ways of thinking; you've been agreeable, so they can just leave their literature (or what have you) and go on to the next victim .
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